Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567891011121314]
 CKDTree::_Alloc_base< _Val, std::allocator< _Node< _Val > > >
 CKDTree::_Alloc_base< Point3d, std::allocator< _Node< Point3d > > >
 CApp::ApplicationThe Application The root of the whole application
 CApp::Application::TransactionSignallerHelper class for App::Document to signal on close/abort transaction
 CApp::AtomicPropertyChangeInterface< P >A template class that is used to inhibit multiple nested calls to aboutToSetValue/hasSetValue for properties
 CApp::AtomicPropertyChangeInterface< P >::AtomicPropertyChange
 CApp::AutoTransactionHelper class to manager transaction (i.e. undo/redo)
 CApp::ColorColor class
 CApp::DocumentObjectExecReturnReturn object for feature execution
 CApp::DocumentObjectTHelper class to store the names of a document object and its document
 CApp::DocumentObjectWeakPtrTThe DocumentObjectWeakPtrT class
 CApp::DocumentObserverSimplfies the step to write classes that listen to what happens inside a document
 CApp::DocumentObserverPythonUsed to notify registered Python instances whenever something happens to a document, like creation, destruction, adding or removing objects or when property changes
 CApp::DocumentTHelper class to store the name of a document
 CApp::DocumentWeakPtrTThe DocumentWeakPtrT class
 CApp::DynamicPropertyThis class implements an interface to add properties at run-time to an object derived from PropertyContainer
 CApp::EnumerationA bidirectional string-integer mapping
 CApp::ExpressionParser::ExpressionImporterConvenient class to mark begin of importing
 CApp::ExpressionParser::semantic_typeEncapsulates the value in the parse tree during parsing
 CApp::ExtensionBase class for all extension that can be added to a DocumentObject
 CApp::MaterialMaterial class
 CApp::ObjectIdentifier::ComponentA component is a part of a Path object, and is used to either name a property or a field within a property
 CApp::PathBase class of all geometric document objects
 CApp::PropertyCleanerThe PropertyCleaner struct Make deleting dynamic property safer by postponing its destruction
 CApp::PropertyExpressionEngine::ExpressionInfoThe ExpressionInfo struct encapsulates an expression and a comment
 CApp::PropertyFloatConstraint::ConstraintsConstraint methods
 CApp::PropertyIntegerConstraint::ConstraintsConstraint methods
 CApp::PropertyListsBaseHelper class to construct list like properties
 CApp::PropertyQuantityConstraint::ConstraintsConstraint methods
 CApp::RangeSpreadsheet range iterator
 CApp::ScopedLinkEnables scope handling for links This class is a base for all link properties and enables them to handle scopes of the linked objects
 CApp::TransactionLockerHelper class to lock a transaction from being closed or aborted
 CApp::ValueFloatToRGBAbstract base class that calculates the matching RGB color to a given value
 CApp::WeakPtrT< T >The WeakPtrT class
 CArray2D< T >
 CArray2D< char >
 CArray2D< float >
 CApp::AtomicPropertyChangeInterface< PropertyExpressionEngine >
 CApp::AtomicPropertyChangeInterface< PropertyListsT< Base::Placement, std::vector< Base::Placement >, PropertyLists > >
 CApp::AtomicPropertyChangeInterface< PropertyListsT< Base::Vector3d, std::vector< Base::Vector3d >, PropertyLists > >
 CApp::AtomicPropertyChangeInterface< PropertyListsT< bool, boost::dynamic_bitset<>, PropertyLists > >
 CApp::AtomicPropertyChangeInterface< PropertyListsT< Color, std::vector< Color >, PropertyLists > >
 CApp::AtomicPropertyChangeInterface< PropertyListsT< DocumentObject *, std::vector< DocumentObject * >, PropertyLinkListBase > >
 CApp::AtomicPropertyChangeInterface< PropertyListsT< double, std::vector< double >, PropertyLists > >
 CApp::AtomicPropertyChangeInterface< PropertyListsT< long, std::vector< long >, PropertyLists > >
 CApp::AtomicPropertyChangeInterface< PropertyListsT< Material, std::vector< Material >, PropertyLists > >
 CApp::AtomicPropertyChangeInterface< PropertyListsT< std::string, std::vector< std::string >, PropertyLists > >
 CApp::AtomicPropertyChangeInterface< PropertyListsT< T, std::vector< T >, PropertyLists > >
 CApp::AtomicPropertyChangeInterface< PropertySheet >
 CApp::AtomicPropertyChangeInterface< PropertyXLinkSubList >
 CAttacher::SuggestResultThe SuggestResult struct is a container for output information of AttachEngine mode suggesting routine
 CBase::AbstractProducerAbstract base class of all producers
 CBase::AxisThe Axis class
 CBase::BaseClassBaseClass class and root of the type system
 CBase::BitsetLocker< T >
 CBase::BoundBox3< _Precision >The 3D bounding box class
 CBase::Builder3DA Builder class for 3D representations on App level On the application level nothing is known of the visual representation of data
 CBase::ClassTemplateA test class
 CBase::ConsoleSingletonThe console class This class manage all the stdio stuff
 CBase::CoordinateSystemDescribes a right-handed coordinate system in 3D space
 CBase::DualNumberDual Numbers aer 2-part numbers like complex numbers, but different algebra
 CBase::DualQuatDual quaternion, as a quaternion of dual number components
 CBase::FactoryBase class of all factories This class has the purpose to produce at runtime instances of classes not known at compile time
 CBase::FileInfoFile name unification This class handles everything related to file names the file names are internal generally UTF-8 encoded on all platforms
 CBase::FlagToggler< Flag >
 CBase::float_traits< numT >
 CBase::float_traits< double >
 CBase::float_traits< float >
 CBase::HandledHandled class Implementation of the reference counting pattern
 CBase::ILoggerThe Logger Interface This class describes an Interface for logging within FreeCAD
 CBase::InterpreterSingletonThe Interpreter class This class manage the python interpreter and hold a lot helper functions for handling python stuff
 CBase::InventorBuilderThis class does basically the same as Builder3D except that it writes the data directly into a given stream without buffering the output data in a string stream
 CBase::iotaGen< T >
 CBase::LogLevelLogLevel helper class
 CBase::manipulator< T >
 CBase::Matrix4DThe Matrix4D class
 CBase::ObjectStatusLocker< Status, Object >
 CBase::Observer< _MessageType >Observer class Implementation of the well known Observer Design Pattern
 CBase::PlacementThe Placement class
 CBase::PyGILStateLockerIf the application starts we release immediately the global interpreter lock (GIL) once the Python interpreter is initialized, i.e
 CBase::PyGILStateReleaseIf a thread holds the global interpreter lock (GIL) but runs a long operation in C where it doesn't need to hold the GIL it can release it temporarily
 CBase::PyHandle< HandledType >The PyHandler class This class is the base class of all FreeCAD classes which exports into the python space
 CBase::QuantityThe Quantity class
 CBase::Reference< T >Reference class Implementation of the reference counting pattern
 CBase::SequencerBaseThis class gives the user an indication of the progress of an operation and it is used to reassure him that the application is still running
 CBase::SequencerLauncherProvided for convenience
 CBase::Subject< _MessageType >Subject class Implementation of the well known Observer Design Pattern
 CBase::TimeInfoBaseClass class and root of the type system
 CBase::TypeType system class Many of the classes in the FreeCAD must have their type information registered before any instances are created (including, but not limited to: App::Feature, App::Property, Gui::ViewProvider )
 CBase::UnitThe Unit class
 CBase::UnitsApiThe UnitsApi
 CBase::UnitsSchemaThe UnitSchema class The subclasses of this class define the stuff for a certain units schema
 CBase::UuidCreates a Uuid
 CBase::vec_traits< vecT >
 CBase::vec_traits< App::Color >
 CBase::vec_traits< gp_Dir >
 CBase::vec_traits< gp_Pnt >
 CBase::vec_traits< gp_Vec >
 CBase::vec_traits< gp_XYZ >
 CBase::vec_traits< Rotation >
 CBase::vec_traits< SbColor >
 CBase::vec_traits< SbRotation >
 CBase::vec_traits< SbVec3d >
 CBase::vec_traits< SbVec3f >
 CBase::vec_traits< Vector3d >
 CBase::vec_traits< Vector3f >
 CBase::Vector2dThe vector class for 2D calculations
 CBase::Vector3< _Precision >The Vector Base class
 CBase::ViewProjMethodAbstract base class for all project methods
 CBase::WriterThis is an important helper class for the store and retrieval system of persistent objects in FreeCAD
 CBase::BoundBox3< double >
 CDrawing::ProjectionAlgosAlgo class for projecting shapes and creating SVG output of it
 CDriverGMF::MeshCloserAn object closing GMF mesh at destruction
 CEditDataData structure while editing the sketch
 CGCS::DeriVector2Class DeriVector2 holds a vector value and its derivative on the parameter that the derivatives are being calculated for now
 CGui::AbstractMouseSelectionThe mouse selection base class In derived classes you must implement the methods initialize() and terminate() For all drawing stuff you just have to reimplement the draw() method
 CGui::AbstractUiThe AbstractUi class Abstract base class the defines the class interface
 CGui::ActiveObjectListList of active or special objects This class holds a list of objects with a special name
 CGui::AlignmentGroupThe AlignemntGroup class is the base for fixed and movable groups
 CGui::ApplicationThe Application main class This is the central class of the GUI
 CGui::Command::LogDisablerHelper class to disable python console log
 CGui::CommandBaseThe CommandBase class This lightweight class is the base class of all commands in FreeCAD
 CGui::CommandManagerThe CommandManager class This class manage all available commands in FreeCAD
 CGui::ConsoleHistoryThis class implements the history for the Python console
 CGui::DAG::DigRoots< GraphIn >Get all the roots of the templated graph. Not used right now
 CGui::DAG::Edge_writer< GraphEW >
 CGui::DAG::EdgePropertyGraph edge information
 CGui::DAG::GraphLinkRecord::ByDObjectUsed as tags
 CGui::DAG::RakeLeaves< GraphIn >Get all the leaves of the templated graph. Not used right now
 CGui::DAG::Vertex_writer< GraphVW >
 CGui::DAG::VertexPropertyGraph vertex information
 CGui::DocumentObserverSimplifies the step to write classes that listen to what happens inside a document
 CGui::DocumentObserverPythonUsed to notify registered Python instances whenever something happens to a document, like creation, destruction, adding or removing viewproviders or when viewprovider property changes
 CGui::DocumentTHelper class to store the name of a document
 CGui::DocumentWeakPtrTThe DocumentWeakPtrT class
 CGui::InteractiveInterpreterThis class implements an interactive Python interpreter
 CGui::MenuManagerResponsible for the creation of menus and context menus and appending them to the main window
 CGui::MovableGroupModelKeeps an array of movable groups
 CGui::SelectionChangesTransport the changes of the Selection This class transports closer information what was changed in the selection
 CGui::SelectionFilterSelection filter definition This class builds up a type/count tree out of a string to test very fast a selection or object/subelement type against it
 CGui::SelectionGateSelectionGate The selection gate allows or disallows selection of certain types
 CGui::SelectionLogDisablerHelper class to disable logging selection action to MacroManager
 CGui::SelectionObserverSimplifies the step to write classes that listen to what happens to the selection
 CGui::SoFCDBThe FreeCAD database class to initialize all our own Inventor nodes
 CGui::TaskView::TaskContentFather class of all content in TaskView
 CGui::ToolBarManagerResponsible for the creation of toolbars and appending them to the main window
 CGui::ToolBoxManagerResponsible for the creation of command bars and appending them to the toolbox window
 CGui::ViewProviderTHelper class to store the names of a view provider and its document
 CGui::ViewProviderWeakPtrTThe ViewProviderWeakPtrT class
 CGui::WaitCursorThis class sets a waitcursor automatically while a slow operation is running
 CGui::WidgetFactorySupplierThe widget factory supplier class registers all kinds of preference pages and widgets
 CGui::WorkbenchManagerManages all workbench objects
 CImport::StepShapeThe StepShape helper class The MeshFacet class provides an interface for the MeshFacetPy class for convenient access to the Mesh data structure
 CInspection::InspectActualGeometryDelivers the number of points to be checked and returns the appropriate point to an index
 CInspection::InspectNominalGeometryCalculates the shortest distance of the underlying geometry to a given point
 CKDTree::always_true< _Tp >
 CKDTree::squared_difference< _Tp, _Dist >
 CKDTree::squared_difference_counted< _Tp, _Dist >
 CMED::TBaseDefine a parent class for all MEDWrapper classes
 CMED::TCSlice< TValueType >This class intends to provide an uniform way to handle multy-dimention data (const version)
 CMED::TGaussDefDescription of family of integration points
 CMED::TLockProxyThis class provide thread-safety for MEDWrapper interaction
 CMED::TShapeFunShape function definitions
 CMED::TValueHolder< TValue, TRepresentation >To provide a common way to handle values of MEDWrapper types as native MED types
 CMED::TValueHolder< TVector< TVal >, TRepresentation >To customize TValueHolder common template definition for TVector
 CMED::TWrapperDefine a base class that wraps the MED API
 CMemoryReserveAllocate some memory at construction and release it at destruction. Is used to be able to continue working after mesh generation breaks due to lack of memory
 CMesh::CurvatureInfoCurvature information
 CMesh::ExporterVirtual base class for exporting meshes
 CMesh::GTSAlgosThe mesh algorithms container class
 CMeshCore::AbstractSmoothingBase class for smoothing algorithms
 CMeshCore::ApproximationAbstract base class for approximation of a geometry to a given set of points
 CMeshCore::CurvatureInfoCurvature information
 CMeshCore::FunctionContainerHelper class for the quadric fit
 CMeshCore::Math< Prec >
 CMeshCore::MeshAlgorithmAlgorithms base on meshes
 CMeshCore::MeshBuilderClass for creating the mesh structure by adding facets
 CMeshCore::MeshComponentsSearches for topologic independent segments of the given mesh structure
 CMeshCore::MeshDefinitionsGlobal defined tolerances used to compare points for equality
 CMeshCore::MeshEvaluationChecks the mesh kernel for correctness with respect to a certain criterion, such as manifoldness, self-intersections, etc
 CMeshCore::MeshFacetRepresent a triangle facet in the mesh data.structure
 CMeshCore::MeshFacetIteratorThe MeshFacetIterator allows to iterate over the facets that hold the topology of the mesh and provides access to their geometric information
 CMeshCore::MeshFacetModifierMeshFacetModifier is a helper class that allows to modify the facet array of a mesh kernel but with limited access
 CMeshCore::MeshFacetVisitorAbstract base class for facet visitors
 CMeshCore::MeshFastBuilderClass for creating the mesh structure by adding facets
 CMeshCore::MeshGeomEdgeGeometric counterpart to MeshEdge that holds the geometric data points of an edge
 CMeshCore::MeshGeomFacetGeometric counterpart to MeshFacet that holds the geometric data points of a triangle
 CMeshCore::MeshGridThe MeshGrid allows to divide a global mesh object into smaller regions of elements (e.g
 CMeshCore::MeshGridIteratorInterface to walk through all grid elements of a mesh grid
 CMeshCore::MeshGridIterator::GridElementChecks if a grid position is already visited by NextOnRay()
 CMeshCore::MeshHelpBuilderEdgeHelper class for edges
 CMeshCore::MeshHelpEdgeHelper class providing an operator for comparison of two edges
 CMeshCore::MeshHelpPointHelper class for points
 CMeshCore::MeshIndexEdgeStructure that holds the facet index with the two corner point indices of the facet's orientation this edge is attached to
 CMeshCore::MeshInfoDetermines information about the mesh data structure
 CMeshCore::MeshInputAble to read a mesh object from an input stream in various formats
 CMeshCore::MeshIsFlag< TCLASS >Binary function to query the flags for use with generic STL functions
 CMeshCore::MeshIsNotFlag< TCLASS >Binary function to query the flags for use with generic STL functions
 CMeshCore::MeshKernelBasic class that holds the data points, the edges and the facets describing a mesh object
 CMeshCore::MeshNearestIndexToPlane< T >
 CMeshCore::MeshOutputAble to write a mesh object to an output stream on various formats
 CMeshCore::MeshPointIteratorThe MeshPointIterator allows to iterate over the vertices of the mesh and provides access to their geometric information
 CMeshCore::MeshPointModifierMeshPointModifier is a helper class that allows to modify the point array of a mesh kernel but with limited access
 CMeshCore::MeshPointVisitorAbstract base class for point visitors
 CMeshCore::MeshRefEdgeToFacetsThe MeshRefEdgeToFacets builds up a structure to have access to all facets of an edge
 CMeshCore::MeshRefFacetToFacetsThe MeshRefFacetToFacets builds up a structure to have access to all facets sharing at least one same point
 CMeshCore::MeshRefNormalToPointsThe MeshRefNormalToPoints builds up a structure to have access to the normal of a vertex
 CMeshCore::MeshRefPointToFacetsThe MeshRefPointToFacets builds up a structure to have access to all facets indexing a point
 CMeshCore::MeshRefPointToPointsThe MeshRefPointToPoints builds up a structure to have access to all neighbour points
of a point
 CMeshCore::MeshResetFlag< TCLASS >Binary function to reset the flags for use with generic STL functions
 CMeshCore::MeshSearchNeighboursMethods to get all points in the neighbourhood of a given facet
 CMeshCore::MeshSetFlag< TCLASS >Binary function to set the flags for use with generic STL functions
 CMeshCore::MeshTopoAlgorithmSeveral algorithms to manipulate a mesh
 CMeshCore::MeshTrimByPlaneTrim the the facets in 3D with a plane
 CMeshCore::MeshTrimmingChecks the facets in 2D and then trim them in 3D
 CMeshCore::MeshValidationTries to make a mesh kernel valid with respect to a certain criterion, such as manifoldness, self-intersections, etc
 CMeshCore::SetOperationsThe MeshAlgorithm class provides algorithms base on meshes
 CMeshPart::CurveProjectorThe father of all projection algorithms
 CMeshPart::CurveProjector::TopoDSLess< T >
 CMeshPart::MeshAlgosThe mesh algorithms container class
 CMeshPart::MeshProjectionProjects a shape onto a mesh
 CMeshPart::MeshProjection::SplitEdgeHelper class
 CMod.Test.unittestgui.BaseGUITestRunnerGUI framework classes
 CNETGENPlugin_InternalsContainer of info needed to solve problems with internal shapes
 CNETGENPlugin_MesherThis class calls the NETGEN mesher of OCC geometry
 CNETGENPlugin_NetgenLibWrapperIt correctly initializes netgen library at constructor and correctly finishes using netgen library at destructor
 CNETGENPlugin_ngMeshInfoStruct storing nb of entities in netgen mesh
 CObjectPool< X >
 CObjectPool< SMDS_BallElement >
 CObjectPool< SMDS_MeshNode >
 CObjectPool< SMDS_VtkEdge >
 CObjectPool< SMDS_VtkFace >
 CObjectPool< SMDS_VtkVolume >
 CBase::Observer< const char * >
 CBase::Observer< int >
 CParameterSerializerThe parameter serializer class This is a helper class to serialize a parameter XML document
 CPart::cutFacesFind all faces cut by a line through the centre of gravity of a given face Useful for the "up to face" options to pocket or pad
 CPart::Extrusion::ExtrusionParametersThe ExtrusionParameters struct is supposed to be filled with final extrusion parameters, after resolving links, applying mode logic, reversing, etc., and be passed to extrudeShape
 CPart::FaceMakerBullseye::FaceDrillerSimilar to BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace, except that it is tolerant to wire orientation (wires are oriented as needed automatically)
 CPart::FaceMakerCheese::Wire_CompareFor sorting wires by bounding box diagonal length
 CPart::FilletElementA property class to store hash codes and two radii for the fillet algorithm
 CPartDesignGui::ComboLinksHelper class that binds to a combo box and provides an interface to add links, retrieve links and select items by link value
 CPartDesignGui::WorkflowManagerThis class controls the workflow of each file
 CPartGui::VectorAdapterConvert to vector
 CPath::CAreaConfigLibarea configurator
 CPath::CAreaParamsStore libarea algorithm configuration
 CPath::PathSegmentVisitorPathSegmentVisitor is the companion class to PathSegmentWalker
 CPath::PathSegmentWalkerPathSegmentWalker processes a path a splits all movement commands into straight segments and calls the appropriate member of the provided PathSegmentVisitor
 CPoints::CurvatureInfoCurvature information
 CPoints::PointsAlgosThe Points algorithms container class
 CPoints::PointsGridThe PointsGrid allows to divide a global point cloud into smaller regions of elements depending on the resolution of the grid
 CPoints::PointsGridIteratorInterface to walk through all grid elements of a point grid
 CPoints::PointsGridIterator::GridElementChecks if a grid position is already visited by NextOnRay()
 CPrism_3D::TNodeStructure containing node relative data
 CPyType_ObjectUnion to convert from PyTypeObject to PyObject pointer
 CQMap< Key, T >
 CQMap< int, QMap< int, QWidget * > >
 CQMap< QString, QColor >
 CQMap< QString, QPointer< Gui::UrlHandler > >
 CQMap< std::string, const char ** >
 CQMap< std::string, QPixmap >
 CQSint::ActionPanelSchemeClass representing color scheme for ActionPanel and ActionGroup
 Cqtunittest.BaseGUITestRunnerGUI framework classes The classes BaseGUITestRunner, GUITestResult and RollbackImporter are taken from the PyUnit framework written by Steve Purcell
 Crandom_access_iterator_parentconst Object
 CRaytracing::CamDefHelper class to store a complete camera position
 CBase::Reference< Mesh::MeshObject >
 CBase::Reference< ParameterGrp >
 CRobot::AxisDefinitionDefinition of the Axis properties
 CRobot::RobotAlgosAlgo class for projecting shapes and creating SVG output of it
 CRobot::SimulationAlgo class for projecting shapes and creating SVG output of it
 CSIM::Coin3D::Quarter::InputDeviceBase class for devices such as the Keyboard and Mouse. It can be subclassed to support other devices
 CSimpleMeshFacetSimple facet structure
 CSketcher::Sketch::ConstrDefContainer element to store and work with the constraints of this sketch
 CSketcher::Sketch::GeoDefContainer element to store and work with the geometric elements of this sketch
 CSketcherGui::DrawSketchHandlerHandler to create new sketch geometry This class has to be reimplemented to create geometry in the sketcher while its in editing
 CSketcherGui::ViewProviderSketch::constrIconQueueItemInternal type used for drawing constraint icons
 CSMDS::NonNullFilter< VALUE >
 CSMDS::PassAllValueFilter< VALUE >Filters of value pointed by iterator
 CSMDS::SimpleAccessor< VALUE, VALUE_SET_ITERATOR >Accessors to value pointed by iterator
 CSMDS_Iterator< VALUE >Abstract class for iterators
 CSMDS_Iterator< ELEM >
 CSMDS_Iterator< M::key_type >
 CSMDS_Iterator< M::mapped_type >
 CSMDS_Iterator< SUBMESH * >
 CSMDS_MeshElement::FilterFilters of elements, to be used with SMDS_SetIterator
 CSMDS_VolumeTool::SaveFacetSaver/restorer of a SMDS_VolumeTool::myCurFace
 CSMESH::Controls::TMeshModifTracerClass used to detect mesh modification: IsMeshModified() returns true if a mesh has changed since last calling IsMeshModified()
 CSMESH_Algo::FeaturesStructure describing algorithm features
 CSMESH_ComputeErrorContains an algorithm and description of an occured error
 CSMESH_ElementSearcherSearcher for elements
 CSMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::TFaceLink< link and faces sharing it (used in findOuterBoundary())
 CSMESH_ElementSearcherImpl::TInters< data of intersection of the line and the mesh face (used in GetPointState())
 CSMESH_FileHigh level util for effective file reading and other file operations
 CSMESH_MAT2d::BndPointsData of a discretized EDGE allowing to get a point on MA by a parameter on EDGE
 CSMESH_MAT2d::BoundaryFace boundary is discretized so that each its segment to correspond to an edge of MA
 CSMESH_MAT2d::BoundaryPointPoint on FACE boundary
 CSMESH_MAT2d::BranchBranch is a set of MA edges enclosed between branch points and/or MA ends. It's main feature is to return two BoundaryPoint's per a point on it. Points on a Branch are defined by [0,1] parameter
 CSMESH_MAT2d::BranchEndEnd point of MA Branch
 CSMESH_MAT2d::BranchPointPoint on MA Branch
 CSMESH_MAT2d::MedialAxisMedial axis (MA) is defined as the loci of centres of locally maximal balls inside 2D representation of a face. This class implements a piecewise approximation of MA
 CSMESH_MeshEditorEditor of a mesh
 CSMESH_MeshEditor::ElemFeatures< Features of element to create
 CSMESH_MesherHelperIt helps meshers to add elements and provides other utilities
 CSMESH_NodeSearcherSearcher for the node closest to a point
 CSMESH_ProxyMeshContainer of xD mesh elements substituting other ones in the input mesh of an (x+1)D algorithm
 CSMESH_subMeshEventListenerA base for objects reacting on submesh events
 CSMESH_subMeshEventListenerDataData specific for EventListener and to be stored in a submesh
 CSMESH_TLinkA sorted pair of nodes
 CSMESH_Tree< BND_BOX, NB_CHILDREN >Base class for 2D and 3D trees
 CSMESH_Tree< Bnd_B2d, 4 >
 CSMESH_Tree< Bnd_B3d, 8 >
 CSMESHDS_TSubMeshHolder< SUBMESH >A binder of a sub-mesh to its ID which can be negative. Provides fast access to a sub-mesh by its ID
 CSMESHDS_TSubMeshHolder< const SMESHDS_SubMesh >
 CSMESHDS_TSubMeshHolder< SMESH_subMesh >
 CSMESHUtils::ArrayDeleter< TOBJ >Auto pointer to array
 CSMESHUtils::Deleter< TOBJ >Auto pointer
 Cstd::basic_string< Char >STL class
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::hash< App::ObjectIdentifier >
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 Cstd::map< K, T >STL class
 Cstd::queue< T >STL class
 Cstd::set< K >STL class
 Cstd::unordered_map< K, T >STL class
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 Cstd_pair_to_tuple< T1, T2 >
 CStdMeshers_FaceSideRepresents a side of a quasi quadrilateral face. It can be composed of several edges. Gives access to geometry and 1D mesh of a side
 CStdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::TrsfFinder2DFinds transformation beween two sets of 2D points using a least square approximation
 CStdMeshers_ProjectionUtils::TrsfFinder3DFinds transformation beween two sets of 3D points using a least square approximation
 CStdMeshers_ShapeShapeBiDirectionMapStruct used instead of a sole TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape to avoid problems with bidirectional bindings
 CStdMeshers_SweeperTool building internal nodes in a prism
 CBase::Subject< const char * >
 CBase::Subject< const SelectionChanges & >
 CBase::Subject< int >
 CTechDraw::DrawDimHelperAdditional functions for working with Dimensions
 CTechDraw::DrawUtilConvenient utility functions for TechDraw Module
 CTechDraw::FaceSimple Collection of geometric features based on BaseGeom inherited classes in order
 CTechDraw::GeometryUtilsEncapsulates some useful static methods
 CTechDraw::GeometryUtils::ReturnTypeUsed by nextGeom()
 CTechDraw::LineSetLineSet is all the generated edges for 1 PATLineSpec for 1 Face
 CTechDraw::PATLineSpecPATLineSpec is the result of parsing a singleline from PAT file into accessible parameters
 CTechDraw::WireSimple Collection of geometric features based on BaseGeom inherited classes in order
 CTechDrawGui::DrawGuiUtilConvenient utility functions for TechDraw Gui Module
 CTechDrawGui::Grabber3dUtility functions for obtaining 3d window image
 CTechDrawGui::RezFunctions to handle mm resolution conversion
 CTIDTypeCompareComparator of elements by ID for usage in std containers
 CTraits< T >Traits are traits classes to determine the type of a derivative of another type
 CTraits< double >
 CTraits< float >
 CTSizeCmp< T >
 CuvPtStructData of a node generated on FACE boundary
 CBase::Vector3< double >
 CBase::Vector3< float >
 Cstd::vector< _Tp, std::allocator< _Tp > >
 CVISCOUS_2D::_LayerEdgeEdge normal to FACE boundary, connecting a point on EDGE (_uvOut) and a point of a layer internal boundary (_uvIn)
 CVISCOUS_2D::_PolyLinePoly line composed of _Segment's of one EDGE. It's used to detect intersection of inflated layers by intersecting _Segment's in 2D
 CVISCOUS_2D::_SegmentSegment connecting inner ends of two _LayerEdge's
 CVISCOUS_2D::_SegmentIntersectionIntersector of _Segment's
 CVISCOUS_2D::_ViscousBuilder2DBuilder of viscous layers
 CVISCOUS_3D::_CentralCurveOnEdgeContainer of centers of curvature at nodes on an EDGE bounding _ConvexFace
 CVISCOUS_3D::_ConvexFaceConvex FACE whose radius of curvature is less than the thickness of layers. It is used to detect distortion of prisms based on a convex FACE and to update normals to enable further increasing the thickness
 CVISCOUS_3D::_EdgesOnShape_LayerEdge's on a shape and other shape data
 CVISCOUS_3D::_LayerEdgeEdge normal to surface, connecting a node on solid surface (_nodes[0]) and a node of the most internal layer (_nodes.back())
 CVISCOUS_3D::_NodeCoordHelperRetriever of node coordinates either directly or from a surface by node UV
 CVISCOUS_3D::_Shrinker1DShrinker of nodes on the EDGE
 CVISCOUS_3D::_SimplexSimplex (triangle or tetrahedron) based on 1 (tria) or 2 (tet) nodes of _LayerEdge and 2 nodes of the mesh surface beening smoothed. The class is used to check validity of face or volumes around a smoothed node; it stores only 2 nodes as the other nodes are stored by _LayerEdge
 CVISCOUS_3D::_SmoothNodeData of node on a shrinked FACE
 CVISCOUS_3D::_SolidDataData of a SOLID
 CVISCOUS_3D::_ViscousBuilderBuilder of viscous layers
 CVISCOUS_3D::AverageHypLayers parameters got by averaging several hypotheses
 Czipios::DataDescriptorA struct containing fields for the entries in a zip file data descriptor, that trails the compressed data in files that were created by streaming, ie where the zip compressor cannot seek back to the local header and store the data
 Czipios::EndOfCentralDirectoryThe end of the Central directory structure
 Czipios::FileEntryA FileEntry represents an entry in a FileCollection
 Czipios::FileEntry::MatchFileNameFunction object to be used with the STL find_if algorithm to find a FileEntry in a container, which name (as obtained with FileEntry::getFileName()) is identical to the name specified in the MatchName constructor
 Czipios::FileEntry::MatchNameFunction object to be used with the STL find_if algorithm to find a FileEntry in a container, which name (as obtained with FileEntry::getName()) is identical to the name specified in the MatchName constructor
 Czipios::FilePathFilePath represents a path to a file or directory name
 Czipios::ReferenceCount< Type >ReferenceCount is useful to ensure proper handling of the reference count for (objects of) classes handled through a SimpleSmartPointer
 Czipios::SimpleSmartPointer< Type >SimpleSmartPointer is a simple reference counting smart pointer template
 Czipios::VirtualSeekerVirtualSeeker is a simple class that keeps track of a set of specified 'virtual' file endings that mark a subset of a real file
 Cunsigned char