The python export class for Sheet. More...

#include <SheetPy.h>

Public Types

typedef SheetPointerType
- Public Types inherited from App::DocumentObjectPy
typedef DocumentObjectPointerType
- Public Types inherited from App::ExtensionContainerPy
typedef ExtensionContainerPointerType
- Public Types inherited from App::PropertyContainerPy
typedef PropertyContainerPointerType
- Public Types inherited from Base::PersistencePy
typedef PersistencePointerType
- Public Types inherited from Base::BaseClassPy
typedef BaseClassPointerType
- Public Types inherited from Base::PyObjectBase
typedef void * PointerType
enum  Status { Valid = 0, Immutable = 1, Notify = 2, NoTrack = 3 }

Public Member Functions

virtual PyTypeObject * GetType (void)
virtual int PyInit (PyObject *args, PyObject *k)
 PyInit method Override this method to initialize a newly created instance of the class (Constructor) More...
std::string representation (void) const
 SheetPy (Sheet *pcObject, PyTypeObject *T=&Type)
callbacks and implementers for the python object attributes
PyObjectgetCustomAttributes (const char *attr) const
 getter method for special attributes (e.g. dynamic ones) More...
int setCustomAttributes (const char *attr, PyObject *obj)
 setter for special attributes (e.g. More...
SheetgetSheetPtr (void) const
 getter for the object handled by this class More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from App::DocumentObjectPy
 DocumentObjectPy (DocumentObject *pcObject, PyTypeObject *T=&Type)
std::string representation (void) const
PyObjectaddProperty (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the addProperty() method More...
PyObjectremoveProperty (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the removeProperty() method More...
PyObjectsupportedProperties (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the supportedProperties() method More...
PyObjecttouch (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the touch() method More...
PyObjectpurgeTouched (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the purgeTouched() method More...
PyObjectenforceRecompute (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the enforceRecompute() method More...
PyObjectsetExpression (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the setExpression() method More...
PyObjectrecompute (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the recompute() method More...
PyObjectgetParentGroup (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getParentGroup() method More...
PyObjectgetParentGeoFeatureGroup (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getParentGeoFeatureGroup() method More...
PyObjectgetPathsByOutList (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getPathsByOutList() method More...
Py::List getOutList (void) const
 getter for the OutList attribute More...
Py::List getOutListRecursive (void) const
 getter for the OutListRecursive attribute More...
Py::List getInList (void) const
 getter for the InList attribute More...
Py::List getInListRecursive (void) const
 getter for the InListRecursive attribute More...
Py::String getName (void) const
 getter for the Name attribute More...
Py::Object getDocument (void) const
 getter for the Document attribute More...
Py::List getState (void) const
 getter for the State attribute More...
Py::Object getViewObject (void) const
 getter for the ViewObject attribute More...
PyObjectgetCustomAttributes (const char *attr) const
 getter method for special attributes (e.g. dynamic ones) More...
int setCustomAttributes (const char *attr, PyObject *obj)
 setter for special attributes (e.g. More...
DocumentObjectgetDocumentObjectPtr (void) const
 getter for the object handled by this class More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from App::ExtensionContainerPy
 ExtensionContainerPy (ExtensionContainer *pcObject, PyTypeObject *T=&Type)
int finalization ()
int initialization ()
std::string representation (void) const
PyObjectgetCustomAttributes (const char *attr) const
 getter method for special attributes (e.g. dynamic ones) More...
int setCustomAttributes (const char *attr, PyObject *obj)
 setter for special attributes (e.g. More...
ExtensionContainergetExtensionContainerPtr (void) const
 getter for the object handled by this class More...
PyObjectaddExtension (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the addExtension() method More...
PyObjecthasExtension (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the hasExtension() method More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from App::PropertyContainerPy
 PropertyContainerPy (PropertyContainer *pcObject, PyTypeObject *T=&Type)
std::string representation (void) const
PyObjectgetPropertyByName (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getPropertyByName() method More...
PyObjectgetTypeOfProperty (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getTypeOfProperty() method More...
PyObjectgetTypeIdOfProperty (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getTypeIdOfProperty() method More...
PyObjectsetEditorMode (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the setEditorMode() method More...
PyObjectgetEditorMode (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getEditorMode() method More...
PyObjectgetGroupOfProperty (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getGroupOfProperty() method More...
PyObjectgetDocumentationOfProperty (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getDocumentationOfProperty() method More...
PyObjectdumpPropertyContent (PyObject *args, PyObject *kwd)
 implementer for the dumpPropertyContent() method More...
PyObjectrestorePropertyContent (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the restorePropertyContent() method More...
Py::List getPropertiesList (void) const
 getter for the PropertiesList attribute More...
PyObjectgetCustomAttributes (const char *attr) const
 getter method for special attributes (e.g. dynamic ones) More...
int setCustomAttributes (const char *attr, PyObject *obj)
 setter for special attributes (e.g. More...
PropertyContainergetPropertyContainerPtr (void) const
 getter for the object handled by this class More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Base::PersistencePy
 PersistencePy (Persistence *pcObject, PyTypeObject *T=&Type)
std::string representation (void) const
PyObjectdumpContent (PyObject *args, PyObject *kwd)
 implementer for the dumpContent() method More...
PyObjectrestoreContent (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the restoreContent() method More...
Py::String getContent (void) const
 getter for the Content attribute More...
Py::Int getMemSize (void) const
 getter for the MemSize attribute More...
PyObjectgetCustomAttributes (const char *attr) const
 getter method for special attributes (e.g. dynamic ones) More...
int setCustomAttributes (const char *attr, PyObject *obj)
 setter for special attributes (e.g. More...
PersistencegetPersistencePtr (void) const
 getter for the object handled by this class More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Base::BaseClassPy
 BaseClassPy (BaseClass *pcObject, PyTypeObject *T=&Type)
std::string representation (void) const
PyObjectisDerivedFrom (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the isDerivedFrom() method More...
PyObjectgetAllDerivedFrom (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getAllDerivedFrom() method More...
Py::String getTypeId (void) const
 getter for the TypeId attribute More...
Py::String getModule (void) const
 getter for the Module attribute More...
PyObjectgetCustomAttributes (const char *attr) const
 getter method for special attributes (e.g. dynamic ones) More...
int setCustomAttributes (const char *attr, PyObject *obj)
 setter for special attributes (e.g. More...
BaseClassgetBaseClassPtr (void) const
 getter for the object handled by this class More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Base::PyObjectBase
PyObjectBaseDecRef (void)
 decref method wrapper (see python extending manual)
PyObjectBaseIncRef (void)
 incref method wrapper (see python extending manual) More...
bool isConst ()
bool isNotTracking () const
bool isValid ()
 PyObjectBase (void *, PyTypeObject *T)
 Constructor Sets the Type of the object (for inheritance) and decrease the the reference count of the PyObject. More...
void setConst ()
void setInvalid ()
void setNotTracking (bool on=true)
void setShouldNotify (bool on)
bool shouldNotify () const
void startNotify ()

Static Public Member Functions

static PyObjectPyMake (struct _typeobject *, PyObject *, PyObject *)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from App::DocumentObjectPy
static PyObjectPyMake (struct _typeobject *, PyObject *, PyObject *)
static PyObjectstaticCallback_addProperty (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the addProperty() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_removeProperty (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the removeProperty() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_supportedProperties (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the supportedProperties() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_touch (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the touch() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_purgeTouched (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the purgeTouched() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_enforceRecompute (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the enforceRecompute() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_setExpression (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the setExpression() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_recompute (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the recompute() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getParentGroup (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getParentGroup() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getParentGeoFeatureGroup (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getParentGeoFeatureGroup() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getPathsByOutList (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getPathsByOutList() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getOutList (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the OutList attribute More...
static int staticCallback_setOutList (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the OutList attribute More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getOutListRecursive (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the OutListRecursive attribute More...
static int staticCallback_setOutListRecursive (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the OutListRecursive attribute More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getInList (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the InList attribute More...
static int staticCallback_setInList (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the InList attribute More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getInListRecursive (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the InListRecursive attribute More...
static int staticCallback_setInListRecursive (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the InListRecursive attribute More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getName (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the Name attribute More...
static int staticCallback_setName (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the Name attribute More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getDocument (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the Document attribute More...
static int staticCallback_setDocument (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the Document attribute More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getState (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the State attribute More...
static int staticCallback_setState (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the State attribute More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getViewObject (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the ViewObject attribute More...
static int staticCallback_setViewObject (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the ViewObject attribute More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from App::ExtensionContainerPy
static PyObjectPyMake (struct _typeobject *, PyObject *, PyObject *)
static PyObjectstaticCallback_addExtension (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the addExtension() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_hasExtension (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the hasExtension() method More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from App::PropertyContainerPy
static PyObjectPyMake (struct _typeobject *, PyObject *, PyObject *)
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getPropertyByName (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getPropertyByName() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getTypeOfProperty (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getTypeOfProperty() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getTypeIdOfProperty (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getTypeIdOfProperty() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_setEditorMode (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the setEditorMode() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getEditorMode (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getEditorMode() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getGroupOfProperty (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getGroupOfProperty() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getDocumentationOfProperty (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getDocumentationOfProperty() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_dumpPropertyContent (PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwd)
 callback for the dumpPropertyContent() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_restorePropertyContent (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the restorePropertyContent() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getPropertiesList (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the PropertiesList attribute More...
static int staticCallback_setPropertiesList (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the PropertiesList attribute More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Base::PersistencePy
static PyObjectPyMake (struct _typeobject *, PyObject *, PyObject *)
static PyObjectstaticCallback_dumpContent (PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwd)
 callback for the dumpContent() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_restoreContent (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the restoreContent() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getContent (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the Content attribute More...
static int staticCallback_setContent (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the Content attribute More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getMemSize (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the MemSize attribute More...
static int staticCallback_setMemSize (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the MemSize attribute More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Base::BaseClassPy
static PyObjectPyMake (struct _typeobject *, PyObject *, PyObject *)
static PyObjectstaticCallback_isDerivedFrom (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the isDerivedFrom() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getAllDerivedFrom (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getAllDerivedFrom() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getTypeId (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the TypeId attribute More...
static int staticCallback_setTypeId (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the TypeId attribute More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getModule (PyObject *self, void *closure)
 getter callback for the Module attribute More...
static int staticCallback_setModule (PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure)
 setter callback for the Module attribute More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Base::PyObjectBase
static void PyDestructor (PyObject *P)
 Wrapper for the Python destructor. More...

Static Public Attributes

static PyGetSetDef GetterSetter []
 Attribute structure of SheetPy. More...
static PyMethodDef Methods []
 Methods structure of SheetPy. More...
static PyTypeObject Type
 Type structure of SheetPy. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from App::DocumentObjectPy
static PyGetSetDef GetterSetter []
 Attribute structure of DocumentObjectPy. More...
static PyMethodDef Methods []
 Methods structure of DocumentObjectPy. More...
static PyTypeObject Type
 Type structure of DocumentObjectPy. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from App::ExtensionContainerPy
static PyGetSetDef GetterSetter []
 Attribute structure of ExtensionContainerPy. More...
static PyMethodDef Methods []
 Methods structure of ExtensionContainerPy. More...
static PyTypeObject Type
 Type structure of ExtensionContainerPy. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from App::PropertyContainerPy
static PyGetSetDef GetterSetter []
 Attribute structure of PropertyContainerPy. More...
static PyMethodDef Methods []
 Methods structure of PropertyContainerPy. More...
static PyTypeObject Type
 Type structure of PropertyContainerPy. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Base::PersistencePy
static PyGetSetDef GetterSetter []
 Attribute structure of PersistencePy. More...
static PyMethodDef Methods []
 Methods structure of PersistencePy. More...
static PyTypeObject Type
 Type structure of PersistencePy. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Base::BaseClassPy
static PyGetSetDef GetterSetter []
 Attribute structure of BaseClassPy. More...
static PyMethodDef Methods []
 Methods structure of BaseClassPy. More...
static PyTypeObject Type
 Type structure of BaseClassPy. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Base::PyObjectBase
static PyMethodDef Methods []
static PyTypeObject Type
 Py_Header struct from python.h. More...

Protected Member Functions

 ~SheetPy ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from App::DocumentObjectPy
 ~DocumentObjectPy ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from App::ExtensionContainerPy
 ~ExtensionContainerPy ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from App::PropertyContainerPy
 ~PropertyContainerPy ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Base::PersistencePy
 ~PersistencePy ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Base::BaseClassPy
 ~BaseClassPy ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Base::PyObjectBase
virtual ~PyObjectBase ()
 destructor More...

callbacks and implementers for the python object methods

PyObjectset (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the set() method More...
PyObjectget (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the get() method More...
PyObjectgetContents (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getContents() method More...
PyObjectclear (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the clear() method More...
PyObjectclearAll (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the clearAll() method More...
PyObjectimportFile (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the importFile() method More...
PyObjectexportFile (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the exportFile() method More...
PyObjectmergeCells (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the mergeCells() method More...
PyObjectsplitCell (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the splitCell() method More...
PyObjectinsertColumns (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the insertColumns() method More...
PyObjectremoveColumns (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the removeColumns() method More...
PyObjectinsertRows (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the insertRows() method More...
PyObjectremoveRows (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the removeRows() method More...
PyObjectsetAlignment (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the setAlignment() method More...
PyObjectgetAlignment (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getAlignment() method More...
PyObjectsetStyle (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the setStyle() method More...
PyObjectgetStyle (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getStyle() method More...
PyObjectsetDisplayUnit (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the setDisplayUnit() method More...
PyObjectsetAlias (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the setAlias() method More...
PyObjectgetAlias (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getAlias() method More...
PyObjectgetCellFromAlias (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getCellFromAlias() method More...
PyObjectgetDisplayUnit (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getDisplayUnit() method More...
PyObjectsetForeground (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the setForeground() method More...
PyObjectgetForeground (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getForeground() method More...
PyObjectsetBackground (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the setBackground() method More...
PyObjectgetBackground (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getBackground() method More...
PyObjectsetColumnWidth (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the setColumnWidth() method More...
PyObjectgetColumnWidth (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getColumnWidth() method More...
PyObjectsetRowHeight (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the setRowHeight() method More...
PyObjectgetRowHeight (PyObject *args)
 implementer for the getRowHeight() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_set (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the set() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_get (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the get() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getContents (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getContents() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_clear (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the clear() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_clearAll (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the clearAll() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_importFile (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the importFile() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_exportFile (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the exportFile() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_mergeCells (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the mergeCells() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_splitCell (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the splitCell() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_insertColumns (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the insertColumns() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_removeColumns (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the removeColumns() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_insertRows (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the insertRows() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_removeRows (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the removeRows() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_setAlignment (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the setAlignment() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getAlignment (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getAlignment() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_setStyle (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the setStyle() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getStyle (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getStyle() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_setDisplayUnit (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the setDisplayUnit() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_setAlias (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the setAlias() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getAlias (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getAlias() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getCellFromAlias (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getCellFromAlias() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getDisplayUnit (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getDisplayUnit() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_setForeground (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the setForeground() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getForeground (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getForeground() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_setBackground (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the setBackground() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getBackground (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getBackground() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_setColumnWidth (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the setColumnWidth() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getColumnWidth (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getColumnWidth() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_setRowHeight (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the setRowHeight() method More...
static PyObjectstaticCallback_getRowHeight (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 callback for the getRowHeight() method More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from Base::PyObjectBase
std::bitset< 32 > StatusBits

Detailed Description

The python export class for Sheet.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ PointerType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~SheetPy()

SheetPy::~SheetPy ( )

◆ SheetPy()

SheetPy::SheetPy ( Sheet pcObject,
PyTypeObject *  T = &Type 

Member Function Documentation

◆ clear()

PyObject * SheetPy::clear ( PyObject args)

implementer for the clear() method

References App::Range::next().

Referenced by staticCallback_clear().

◆ clearAll()

PyObject * SheetPy::clearAll ( PyObject args)

implementer for the clearAll() method

Referenced by staticCallback_clearAll().

◆ exportFile()

PyObject * SheetPy::exportFile ( PyObject args)

implementer for the exportFile() method

Referenced by staticCallback_exportFile().

◆ get()

PyObject * SheetPy::get ( PyObject args)

implementer for the get() method

References Base::BaseClass::getPyObject().

Referenced by staticCallback_get().

◆ getAlias()

PyObject * SheetPy::getAlias ( PyObject args)

implementer for the getAlias() method

References Spreadsheet::Cell::getAlias().

Referenced by staticCallback_getAlias().

◆ getAlignment()

◆ getBackground()

PyObject * SheetPy::getBackground ( PyObject args)

◆ getCellFromAlias()

PyObject * SheetPy::getCellFromAlias ( PyObject args)

implementer for the getCellFromAlias() method

Referenced by staticCallback_getCellFromAlias().

◆ getColumnWidth()

PyObject * SheetPy::getColumnWidth ( PyObject args)

implementer for the getColumnWidth() method

Referenced by staticCallback_getColumnWidth().

◆ getContents()

PyObject * SheetPy::getContents ( PyObject args)

◆ getCustomAttributes()

PyObject * SheetPy::getCustomAttributes ( const char *  attr) const

getter method for special attributes (e.g. dynamic ones)

References Base::BaseClass::getPyObject().

◆ getDisplayUnit()

PyObject * SheetPy::getDisplayUnit ( PyObject args)

◆ getForeground()

PyObject * SheetPy::getForeground ( PyObject args)

◆ getRowHeight()

PyObject * SheetPy::getRowHeight ( PyObject args)

implementer for the getRowHeight() method

Referenced by staticCallback_getRowHeight().

◆ getSheetPtr()

Sheet * SheetPy::getSheetPtr ( void  ) const

getter for the object handled by this class

◆ getStyle()

PyObject * SheetPy::getStyle ( PyObject args)

implementer for the getStyle() method

References Spreadsheet::Cell::getStyle(), and App::stringToAddress().

Referenced by staticCallback_getStyle().

◆ GetType()

virtual PyTypeObject* Spreadsheet::SheetPy::GetType ( void  )

Reimplemented from App::DocumentObjectPy.

◆ importFile()

PyObject * SheetPy::importFile ( PyObject args)

implementer for the importFile() method

Referenced by staticCallback_importFile().

◆ insertColumns()

PyObject * SheetPy::insertColumns ( PyObject args)

implementer for the insertColumns() method

References App::decodeColumn().

Referenced by staticCallback_insertColumns().

◆ insertRows()

PyObject * SheetPy::insertRows ( PyObject args)

implementer for the insertRows() method

References App::decodeRow().

Referenced by staticCallback_insertRows().

◆ mergeCells()

PyObject * SheetPy::mergeCells ( PyObject args)

implementer for the mergeCells() method

Referenced by staticCallback_mergeCells().

◆ PyInit()

int SheetPy::PyInit ( PyObject ,

PyInit method Override this method to initialize a newly created instance of the class (Constructor)

Reimplemented from App::DocumentObjectPy.

◆ PyMake()

PyObject * SheetPy::PyMake ( struct _typeobject *  ,
PyObject ,

◆ removeColumns()

PyObject * SheetPy::removeColumns ( PyObject args)

implementer for the removeColumns() method

References App::decodeColumn().

Referenced by staticCallback_removeColumns().

◆ removeRows()

PyObject * SheetPy::removeRows ( PyObject args)

implementer for the removeRows() method

References App::decodeRow().

Referenced by staticCallback_removeRows().

◆ representation()

◆ set()

◆ setAlias()

PyObject * SheetPy::setAlias ( PyObject args)

implementer for the setAlias() method

References App::stringToAddress().

Referenced by staticCallback_setAlias().

◆ setAlignment()

◆ setBackground()

PyObject * SheetPy::setBackground ( PyObject args)

implementer for the setBackground() method

References App::Range::next().

Referenced by staticCallback_setBackground().

◆ setColumnWidth()

PyObject * SheetPy::setColumnWidth ( PyObject args)

implementer for the setColumnWidth() method

References App::stringToAddress().

Referenced by staticCallback_setColumnWidth().

◆ setCustomAttributes()

int SheetPy::setCustomAttributes ( const char *  attr,
PyObject obj 

setter for special attributes (e.g.

dynamic ones) Output: Success=1, Failure=-1, Ignore=0

◆ setDisplayUnit()

PyObject * SheetPy::setDisplayUnit ( PyObject args)

implementer for the setDisplayUnit() method

References App::Range::next().

Referenced by staticCallback_setDisplayUnit().

◆ setForeground()

PyObject * SheetPy::setForeground ( PyObject args)

implementer for the setForeground() method

References App::Range::next().

Referenced by staticCallback_setForeground().

◆ setRowHeight()

PyObject * SheetPy::setRowHeight ( PyObject args)

implementer for the setRowHeight() method

Referenced by staticCallback_setRowHeight().

◆ setStyle()

PyObject * SheetPy::setStyle ( PyObject args)

implementer for the setStyle() method

References Spreadsheet::Cell::getStyle(), and App::Range::next().

Referenced by staticCallback_setStyle().

◆ splitCell()

PyObject * SheetPy::splitCell ( PyObject args)

implementer for the splitCell() method

References App::stringToAddress().

Referenced by staticCallback_splitCell().

◆ staticCallback_clear()

◆ staticCallback_clearAll()

◆ staticCallback_exportFile()

◆ staticCallback_get()

◆ staticCallback_getAlias()

◆ staticCallback_getAlignment()

◆ staticCallback_getBackground()

◆ staticCallback_getCellFromAlias()

◆ staticCallback_getColumnWidth()

◆ staticCallback_getContents()

◆ staticCallback_getDisplayUnit()

◆ staticCallback_getForeground()

◆ staticCallback_getRowHeight()

◆ staticCallback_getStyle()

◆ staticCallback_importFile()

◆ staticCallback_insertColumns()

◆ staticCallback_insertRows()

◆ staticCallback_mergeCells()

◆ staticCallback_removeColumns()

◆ staticCallback_removeRows()

◆ staticCallback_set()

◆ staticCallback_setAlias()

◆ staticCallback_setAlignment()

◆ staticCallback_setBackground()

◆ staticCallback_setColumnWidth()

◆ staticCallback_setDisplayUnit()

◆ staticCallback_setForeground()

◆ staticCallback_setRowHeight()

◆ staticCallback_setStyle()

◆ staticCallback_splitCell()

Member Data Documentation

◆ GetterSetter

PyGetSetDef SheetPy::GetterSetter
Initial value:
= {

Attribute structure of SheetPy.

◆ Methods

PyMethodDef SheetPy::Methods

Methods structure of SheetPy.

◆ Type

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • build/webdoc/src/Mod/Spreadsheet/App/SheetPy.h
  • src/Mod/Spreadsheet/App/SheetPyImp.cpp
  • build/webdoc/src/Mod/Spreadsheet/App/SheetPy.cpp