Here are the packages with brief descriptions (if available):
[detail level 1234]
NAdaptivePath | |
NAddonManager | |
NAddonManager_macro | Unified handler for FreeCAD macros that can be obtained from different sources |
Naddonmanager_macro | |
NAddonManager_utilities | Utilities to work across different platforms, providers and python versions |
Naddonmanager_utilities | |
NAddonManager_workers | Multithread workers for the addon manager |
Naddonmanager_workers | |
Nannotation | This module provides the object code for Draft Annotation |
►NApp | The FreeCAD Application layer |
Narc_3points | Provides the object code for Draft Arc_3Points |
NArch | |
NArchAxis | Axis system for the Arch workbench |
NArchBuilding | Building object and tools |
NArchBuildingPart | The BuildingPart object and tools |
NArchCommands | Utility functions for theArch Workbench |
NArchComponent | The base class of all Arch objects |
NArchCurtainWall | The Curtain Wall object and tools |
NArchCutPlane | The Cut plane object and tools |
NArchEquipment | The Equipment object and tools |
NArchFence | |
NArchFloor | The Floor object and tools |
NArchFrame | The Frame object and tools |
NArchIFC | |
NArchIFCSchema | |
NArchIFCView | |
NArchMaterial | The Material object and tools |
NArchNesting | |
NArchPanel | The Panel object and tools |
NArchPipe | The Pipe object and tools |
NArchPrecast | Precast options for ArchStructure |
NArchProfile | Profile tools for ArchStructure |
NArchProject | The Project object and tools |
NArchRebar | The Rebar object and tools |
NArchReference | The Reference object and tools |
NArchRoof | The Roof object and tools |
NArchSchedule | The Schedule object and tools |
NArchSectionPlane | The Section plane object and tools |
NArchSite | The Site object and tools |
NArchSpace | The Space object and tools |
NArchStairs | The Stairs object and tools |
NArchStructure | The Structure object and tools |
NArchTruss | The Truss object and tools |
NArchVRM | The Arch Vector Rendering Module |
NArchWall | The Wall object and tools |
NArchWindow | The Window object and tools |
NArchWindowPresets | |
Narcs | Provides various functions for arc operations |
Narray | Provides the object code for Draft array |
NAttacher | Attacher.h, Attacher.cpp contain the functionality of deriving placement from a set of geometric subelements |
NAttacherGui | AttacherTexts.h, .cpp - files that contain user-friendly translatable names of attachment modes, as well as help texts, and the like |
►NAttachmentEditor | |
NAutomation | |
Nautomotive_design | |
Nbase | This module provides the object code for the basic Draft object |
NBase | Basic structures used by other FreeCAD components (C++ API) |
Nbase_fempythonobject | Base object for FEM Python Features |
►NBasicShapes | BasicShapes Package for Part workbench |
Nbezcurve | This module provides the object code for Draft BezCurve |
Nblock | This module provides the object code for Draft Block |
Nboost_intrusive_has_member_function_callable_with | |
►NBOPTools | |
Nbspline | This module provides the object code for Draft BSpline |
NBuildRegularGeoms | |
Ncircle | This module provides the object code for Draft Circle |
Ncircle_inversion | Provides various functions for inversive geometry operations |
Ncircles | Provides various functions for circle operations |
Ncircles_apollonius | Provides various functions for Appollonius and Soddy circles |
Ncircles_incomplete | Provides various incomplete functions for creating circles |
NClipperLib | |
Nclone | This module provides the object code for Draft Clone |
NCloud | |
NCloudGui | |
Ncolorcodeshapes | |
NCommands | |
Ncommands | FreeCAD FEM command definitions |
►NCompoundTools | CompoundTools Package for Part workbench |
Nconfig_control_design | |
Nconstraint_bodyheatsource | Constraint body heat source object |
Nconstraint_electrostaticpotential | Constraint electrostatic potential object |
Nconstraint_flowvelocity | Constraint flow velocity object |
Nconstraint_initialflowvelocity | Constraint initial flow velocity object |
Nconstraint_selfweight | Constraint self weight object |
Nconstraint_tie | Constraint tie object |
Ncuboids | Provides various functions for cubic shapes (parallelepipeds) |
Ncut | Provides provides the code for Draft cut function |
NData | |
►NDice3DS | |
Ndimension | This module provides the object code for Draft Dimension |
NDocumentObject | |
Ndowngrade | Provides the code for Draft downgrade function |
NDraft | |
Ndraft_test_objects | Run this file to create a standard test document for Draft objects |
NDraftFillet | Provides Fillet class for objects created with a prototype version |
►Ndraftfunctions | |
NDraftGeomUtils | |
►Ndraftgeoutils | |
NDraftGui | GUI elements and utilities of the Draft workbench |
►Ndraftguitools | |
Ndraftify | This module provides the code for Draft draftify function |
NDraftLayer | |
Ndraftlink | Provides the object code for the Draft Link object |
►Ndraftmake | |
►Ndraftobjects | |
►Ndrafttaskpanels | |
►Ndrafttests | |
NDraftTools | Provide GUI commands of the Draft workbench |
NDraftTrackers | Provide Coin based objects used for previews in the Draft Workbench |
►Ndraftutils | |
NDraftUtils | |
NDraftVecUtils | |
►Ndraftviewproviders | |
NDrawing | |
NDrawingExample | |
NDrawingGui | |
NDrawingPatterns | |
NDrawingTests | |
Ndrawingview | This module provides the object code for the Draft DrawingView object |
NDriverGMF | |
NDriverMED | |
Nedges | Provides various functions for using edges |
NEigen | |
Nelement_fluid1D | Element fluid 1D object |
Nelement_geometry1D | Element geometry 1D object |
Nelement_geometry2D | Element geometry 2D object |
Nelement_rotation1D | Element rotation 1D object |
Nellipse | This module provides the object code for Draft Ellipse |
Nexpandplacements | |
NexportCSG | |
NexportDRAWEXE | |
NexportFenicsXDMF | FreeCAD Fenics Mesh XDMF writer for FEM workbench |
NexportFenicsXML | FreeCAD Fenics Mesh XML writer for FEM workbench |
NexportIFC | IFC file format exporter |
NexportIFCHelper | |
NexportIFCStructuralTools | |
Nextrude | This module provides the code for Draft extrude function |
Nfacebinder | This module provides the object code for Draft Facebinder |
Nfaces | Provides various functions for working with faces |
NFeaturePython | |
NFem | |
►Nfemcommands | |
►Nfemexamples | |
NFemGui | |
Nfemguiobjects | |
►Nfemguiutils | |
►Nfeminout | |
►Nfemmesh | |
►Nfemobjects | |
►Nfemresult | |
NFemSelectWidget | FreeCAD FEM FemSelectWidget |
►Nfemsolver | |
►Nfemtaskpanels | |
►Nfemtest | |
►Nfemtools | |
►Nfemviewprovider | |
NFenics | |
Nfillet | Provides the object code for the Fillet object |
Nfillets | Provides various functions for working with fillets |
NFreeCADGuiInit | |
NFreeCADInit | |
NFreeCADTest | |
Nfuse | This module provides the code for Draft fuse function |
NFwmMesh2Mesh | |
NGCS | |
Ngen-swig-hpp | |
Ngeneral | Provides basic functions for shape operations |
Ngeoff_geometry | |
Ngeometry | Provides various functions for working with geometry |
NGEOMUtils | |
NgetSVG | |
►NGui | The FreeCAD Graphical interface layer |
Ngui_arcs | Provides tools for creating circular arcs with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_array_simple | Provides simple tools for creating arrays with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_arrays | Provide the Draft ArrayTools command to group the other array tools |
Ngui_base | This module provides the Base object for all Draft Gui commands |
Ngui_base_original | Provides the Base object for most old Draft Gui Commands |
Ngui_beziers | Provides tools for creating Bezier curves with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_circles | Provides tools for creating circlres with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_circulararray | This module provides the Draft CircularArray tool |
Ngui_clone | Provides tools for creating clones of objects |
Ngui_dimension_ops | Provides tools to modify Draft dimensions |
Ngui_downgrade | Provides tools for downgrading objects with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_draft2sketch | Provides tools for converting Draft objects to Sketches and back |
Ngui_drawing | Provides tools for sending projections to a Drawing Workbench page |
Ngui_edit | Provide the Draft_Edit command used by the Draft workbench |
Ngui_edit_arch_objects | Provide the support functions to Draft_Edit for Arch objects |
Ngui_edit_draft_objects | Provide the support functions to Draft_Edit for Draft objects |
Ngui_edit_part_objects | Provide the support functions to Draft_Edit for Part objects |
Ngui_ellipses | Provides tools for creating ellipses with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_facebinders | Provides tools for creating facebinders with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_fillet | Provides tools for creating fillets between two lines |
Ngui_grid | Provide the Draft_ToggleGrid command to show the Draft grid |
Ngui_groups | Provides tools to do various operations with groups |
Ngui_health | Provides the Draft_Heal command to heal older Draft files |
Ngui_join | Provides tools for joining lines with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_labels | Provides tools for creating labels with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_line_add_delete | Provides certain add and remove line operations |
Ngui_lineops | Provides certain line operations in the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_lines | Provides tools for creating straight lines with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_lineslope | Provides tools to change the slope of a line over the working plane |
Ngui_mirror | Provides tools for creating mirrored objects with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_move | Provides tools for moving objects in the 3D space |
Ngui_offset | Provides tools for offsetting objects with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_orthoarray | Provides the Draft OrthoArray GuiCommand |
Ngui_patharray | Provides tools for creating path arrays with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_planeproxy | This module provides the Draft WorkingPlaneProxy tool |
Ngui_pointarray | Provides tools for creating point arrays with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_points | Provides tools for creating simple points with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_polararray | This module provides the Draft PolarArray tool |
Ngui_polygons | Provides tools for creating regular polygons with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_rectangles | Provides tools for creating rectangles with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_rotate | Provides tools for rotating objects in the 3D space |
Ngui_scale | Provides tools for scaling objects with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_selectplane | This module provides the Draft SelectPlane tool |
Ngui_shape2dview | Provides tools for projecting objects into a 2D plane |
Ngui_shapestrings | Provides tools for creating text shapes with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_snapper | Snapper class to control snapping in the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_snaps | Provide the Draft_Snap commands used by the snapping mechanism in Draft |
Ngui_splines | Provides tools for creating B-Splines with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_split | Provides tools for splitting lines with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_stretch | Provides tools for stretching objects with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_styles | Provides tools for applying styles to objects in the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_subelements | Provides tools for highlighting subelements in the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_texts | Provides tools for creating dimensions with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_togglemodes | Provides certain mode operations of the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_tool_utils | Provides the utility functions for Draft Gui Commands |
Ngui_trimex | Provides tools for trimming and extending lines |
Ngui_upgrade | Provides tools for upgrading objects with the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_utils | This module provides GUI utility functions for the Draft Workbench |
Ngui_wire2spline | Provides tools for converting polylines to B-splines |
Ngzip_utf8 | |
Nheal | This module provides the code for Draft heal function |
NIdf | |
Nifc2x3 | |
Nifc4 | |
NImage | |
NImageGui | |
NImageTools | ImageTools Package for Image workbench |
NImport | |
Nimport3DS | 3DS file format importer |
NimportAirfoilDAT | Airfoil (.dat) file importer |
NimportCcxDatResults | FreeCAD Calculix DAT reader for FEM workbench |
NimportCcxFrdResults | FreeCAD Calculix FRD Reader for FEM workbench |
NimportCSG | |
NimportDAE | DAE (Collada) file format importer and exporter |
NimportDWG | DWG file importer & exporter |
NimportDXF | DXF file importer & exporter |
NimportFCMat | |
NimportFenicsMesh | FreeCAD Fenics Mesh reader and writer for FEM workbench |
NimportFenicsXDMF | FreeCAD Fenics Mesh XDMF reader for FEM workbench |
NimportFenicsXML | FreeCAD Fenics Mesh XML reader for FEM workbench |
NimportGBXML | GBXML file format exporter |
NImportGui | |
NimportIFC | IFC file format importer |
NimportIFCHelper | |
NimportIFClegacy | |
NimportInpMesh | FreeCAD INP file reader for FEM workbench |
NimportJSON | |
NimportOBJ | OBJ file format exporter |
NimportOCA | OCA (Open CAD Format) file importer & exporter |
NimportPyMesh | FreeCAD Python Mesh reader and writer for FEM workbench |
NimportSH3D | SH3D (SweetHome3D) file format importer |
NimportSHP | |
NimportSVG | SVG file importer and exporter |
NimportToolsFem | FreeCAD FEM import tools |
NimportVTKResults | FreeCAD Result import and export VTK file library |
NimportWebGL | WebGL file format exporter |
NimportXLSX | |
NimportYAMLJSONMesh | FreeCAD YAML and JSON Mesh reader and writer for FEM workbench |
NimportZ88Mesh | FreeCAD Z88 Mesh reader and writer for FEM workbench |
NimportZ88O2Results | FreeCAD Z88 Disp Reader for FEM workbench |
NInit | |
Ninit_draft_statusbar | This module provides the code for the Draft Statusbar |
Ninit_tools | This module provides lists of commands for the Draft Workbench |
NInitGui | |
NInspection | |
NInspectionGui | |
NInstance | |
Nintersections | Provides basic functions for calculating intersections of shapes |
Njoin | This module provides the code for Draft join functions |
NJoinFeatures | |
NKDTree | |
NKernel_Utils | |
NKukaExporter | |
Nlabel | This module provides the object code for Draft Label |
►Nlazy_loader | |
Nlinear_algebra | Provides various functions for linear algebraic operations |
Nlscmrelax | |
Nmake | This module provides the code for Draft make_circle |
Nmake_array | This module provides the code for Draft make_array function |
Nmake_bezcurve | This module provides the code for Draft make_bezcurve function |
Nmake_block | This module provides the code for Draft make_block function |
Nmake_bspline | This module provides the code for Draft make_bspline function |
Nmake_circulararray | Provides functions for creating circular arrays in a plane |
Nmake_clone | This module provides the code for Draft make_clone function |
Nmake_copy | This module provides the code for Draft make_copy function |
Nmake_drawingview | This module provides the code for Draft make_drawing_view function |
Nmake_ellipse | This module provides the code for Draft make_ellipse function |
Nmake_facebinder | This module provides the code for Draft make_facebinder function |
Nmake_fillet | Provides the code to create Fillet objects |
Nmake_line | This module provides the code for Draft make_line function |
Nmake_orthoarray | Provides functions for creating orthogonal arrays in 2D and 3D |
Nmake_patharray | Provides functions for creating path arrays |
Nmake_point | This module provides the code for Draft make_point function |
Nmake_pointarray | This module provides the code for Draft make_point_array function |
Nmake_polararray | Provides functions for creating polar arrays in a plane |
Nmake_rectangle | This module provides the code for Draft make_rectangle function |
Nmake_shape2dview | This module provides the code for Draft make_shape2dview function |
Nmake_shapestring | This module provides the code for Draft make_shapestring function |
Nmake_sketch | This module provides the code for Draft make_sketch function |
Nmake_text | Provides the make function to create Draft Text objects |
Nmake_wire | This module provides the code for Draft make_wire function |
Nmake_wpproxy | This module provides the code for Draft makeworkingplane_proxy function |
NMakeBottle | |
Nmanager | FreeCAD FEM command base class |
NMaterial | |
Nmaterial_common | Material common object |
Nmaterial_mechanicalnonlinear | Nonlinear mechanical material object |
Nmaterial_reinforced | Reinforced object |
NMaterialEditor | |
►Nmaterialtools | |
NMeasure | |
►NMED | |
NMengerSponge | |
NMesh | The namespace of the Mesh Application layer library |
NMesh2Shape | |
Nmesh_boundarylayer | Mesh boundary layer object |
Nmesh_gmsh | Mesh gmsh object |
Nmesh_group | Mesh group object |
Nmesh_region | Mesh region object |
Nmesh_result | Mesh result object |
►NMeshCore | The namespace of the Mesh Core library |
NMeshCoreFit | |
NMeshFlatteningCommand | |
NMeshGui | The namespace of the Mesh Graphical interface layer library |
NMeshPart | |
NMeshPartGui | |
NMeshTestsApp | |
Nmessages | Provide message utility functions for the Draft Workbench |
Nmirror | Provides the code for the mirror operation |
►NMod | |
NModelRefine | |
Nmove | This module provides the code for Draft move function |
NmoveViews | |
NMovieTool | |
NNavigationIndicatorGui | |
Nnetgen | |
Nnglib | |
Nnurbs | |
NObjectsFem | |
NOfflineRenderingUtils | |
Noffset | This module provides the code for Draft offset function |
Noffsets | Provides various functions for offset operations |
NOpenSCAD2Dgeom | |
NOpenSCADCommands | |
NOpenSCADFeatures | |
NOpenSCADUtils | |
NPart | AttachExtensionh, .cpp contain a extension class to derive other features from, to make them attachable |
Npart_test_objects | Run this file to create a standard test document for Part objects |
NPartDesign | Base class of all additive features in PartDesign |
NPartDesignGui | |
►NPartGui | |
►Nparttests | |
NPath | |
Npatharray | Provides the object code for the Draft PathArray object |
NPathCommands | |
NPathGui | |
►NPathScripts | |
NPathSimulator | |
►NPathTests | |
Npcl | |
NPersistentToolbars | |
NPersistentToolbarsGui | |
NPlmXmlParser | |
NPlot | |
►NplotAxes | |
NPlotGui | |
►NplotLabels | |
►NplotPositions | |
►NplotSave | |
►NplotSeries | |
►NplotUtils | |
Npoint | This module provides the object code for Draft Point |
Npointarray | Provides the object code for the Draft PointArray object |
NPoints | |
NPointsGui | |
Npolygon | This module provides the object code for Draft Polygon |
NPrism_3D | |
►NProfileLib | |
NProfiles | |
Nprototype | |
Npy-kdtree_test | |
NPythonQt | |
NQSint | |
Nqtunittest | |
NQuantityParser | |
NRaytracing | |
NRaytracingExample | |
NRaytracingGui | |
Nrectangle | This module provides the object code for Draft Rectangle |
NReen | |
NReenGui | |
NRemoteDebugger | |
Nreplaceobj | |
Nresult_mechanical | Mechanical result object |
NReverseEngineeringGui | |
NRobot | |
NRobotExample | |
NRobotExampleTrajectoryOutOfShapes | |
NRobotGui | |
Nrotate | This module provides the code for Draft rotate function |
NSandbox | |
NSandboxGui | |
Nscale | This module provides the code for Draft scale function |
►NSCL | |
NSelectionParser | |
Nshape2dview | This module provides the object code for Draft Shape2dView |
Nshapestring | This module provides the object code for Draft Shapestring |
NShip | |
►NshipAreasCurve | |
►NshipCapacityCurve | |
►NshipCreateLoadCondition | |
►NshipCreateShip | |
►NshipCreateTank | |
►NshipCreateWeight | |
NShipGui | |
►NshipGZ | |
►NshipHydrostatics | |
►NshipLoadExample | |
►NshipOutlineDraw | |
►NshipUtils | |
NSketcher | |
NSketcherExample | |
NSketcherGui | |
NSMESH_MeshAlgos | |
NSMESHUtils | |
Nsolver_ccxtools | Solver calculix ccx tools object |
NSolverCalculix | |
NSolverZ88 | |
Nsort_edges | Provides various functions for sorting edges |
NSpaceball | |
NSplineSurface | |
Nsplit | This module provides the code for Draft split functions |
NSpreadsheet | |
NSpreadsheet_legacy | |
NSpreadsheetGui | |
NStart | |
NStartGui | |
►NStartPage | |
NStdMeshers | |
NStdMeshers_ProjectionUtils | Methods common to Projection algorithms |
NstepZ | |
NSurface | |
NSurfaceGui | |
NSwig_1_3_25 | |
NSwig_1_3_33 | |
NSwig_1_3_36 | |
NSwig_1_3_38 | |
NSwig_1_3_40 | |
NSwig_python | |
NTankInstance | |
Ntask_circulararray | This module provides the task panel code for the CircularArray tool |
Ntask_constraint_electrostaticpotential | Task panel for constraint electrostatic potential object |
Ntask_constraint_flowvelocity | Task panel for constraint flow velocity object |
Ntask_constraint_initialflowvelocity | Task panel for constraint initial flow velocity object |
Ntask_constraint_tie | Task panel for constraint tie object |
Ntask_element_fluid1D | Task panel for element fluid 1D object |
Ntask_element_geometry1D | Task panel for element geometry 1D object |
Ntask_element_geometry2D | Task panel for element geometry 2D object |
Ntask_element_rotation1D | Task panel for element rotation 1D object |
Ntask_material_common | FreeCAD FEM _ViewProviderFemMaterial |
Ntask_material_reinforced | Task panel for reinforced material object |
Ntask_mesh_boundarylayer | Task panel for mesh boundary object |
Ntask_mesh_gmsh | Task panel for mesh gmsh object |
Ntask_mesh_group | Task panel for mesh group object |
Ntask_mesh_region | Task panel for mesh region object |
Ntask_orthoarray | Provide the task panel for the Draft OrthoArray tool |
Ntask_polararray | This module provides the task panel code for the PolarArray tool |
Ntask_scale | Provide the task panel for the Draft Scale tool |
Ntask_selectplane | This module provides the task panel code for the SelectPlane tool |
Ntask_shapestring | Provide the task panel for the Draft ShapeString tool |
Ntask_solver_ccxtools | Task panel for solver ccx tools object |
NTaskPanel | |
►NTDTest | |
NTechDraw | HatchLine - Classes related to processing PAT files |
NTechDrawGui | |
Ntest | |
NTestArch | |
NTestDraft | |
NTestDraftGui | |
NTestFemApp | |
NTestFemGui | |
NTestGui | |
NTestPartApp | |
NTestPartGui | |
NTestPathApp | |
NTests | |
NTestSketcherApp | |
NTestSketcherGui | |
NTestSpreadsheet | |
NTestTechDrawApp | |
NTestWebGui | |
Ntext | Provide the object code for Draft Text objects |
NTexture | |
Ntodo | This module provides the ToDo class for the Draft Workbench |
Ntokrules | |
Ntranslate | Provide translate functions for the Draft Workbench |
NUi | |
NUNV | |
NUNV164 | |
NUNV2411 | |
NUNV2412 | |
NUNV2417 | |
NUNV2420 | |
Nutils | This module provides utility functions for the Draft Workbench |
Nview_array | Provides the view provider code for the Draft Array objects |
Nview_base | This module provides the view provider code for the base Draft object |
Nview_base_femconstraint | View provider for Python base constraint object |
Nview_base_femobject | View provider as base for all FEM objects |
Nview_bezier | Provides the view provider code for Bezier curve objects |
Nview_bspline | Provides the view provider code for BSpline objects |
Nview_circulararray | Provides the view provider code for the circular array object |
Nview_clone | This module provides the view provider code for the Draft Clone object |
Nview_constraint_bodyheatsource | View provider for the constraint body heat source object |
Nview_constraint_electrostaticpotential | View provider for constraint electrostatic potential object |
Nview_constraint_flowvelocity | View provider for constraint flow velocity object |
Nview_constraint_initialflowvelocity | View provider for constraint initial flow velocity object |
Nview_constraint_selfweight | View provider for constraint self weight object |
Nview_constraint_tie | View provider for constraint tie object |
Nview_draftlink | This module provides the view provider code for the Draft Link object |
Nview_element_fluid1D | View provider for element fluid 1D object |
Nview_element_geometry1D | View provider for element geometry 1D object |
Nview_element_geometry2D | View provider for element geometry 2D object |
Nview_element_rotation1D | View provider for element rotation 1D object |
Nview_facebinder | This module provides the view provider code for Draft Facebinder |
Nview_fillet | Provides the view provider code for Fillet objects |
Nview_material_common | FreeCAD FEM _ViewProviderFemMaterial |
Nview_material_mechanicalnonlinear | View provider for material mechanical nonlinear object |
Nview_material_reinforced | View provider for reinforced material object |
Nview_mesh_boundarylayer | View provider for mesh boundary object |
Nview_mesh_gmsh | View provider for mesh gmsh object |
Nview_mesh_group | View provider for mesh group object |
Nview_mesh_region | View provider for mesh region object |
Nview_mesh_result | View provider for mesh result object |
Nview_orthoarray | Provides the view provider code for the ortho array object |
Nview_point | This module provides the view provider code for Draft Point |
Nview_polararray | Provides the view provider code for the polar array object |
Nview_rectangle | This module provides the view provider code for the Draft Rectangle object |
Nview_result_mechanical | Task panel for mechanical ResultObjectPython |
Nview_solver_ccxtools | View provider for solver ccx tools object |
Nview_wpproxy | This module provides the view provider code for Draft WorkingPlaneProxy |
NWeb | |
NWebGui | |
NWeightInstance | |
Nwire | This module provides the object code for Draft Wire |
Nwires | Provides various functions for working with wires |
NWorkingPlane | This module handles the Working Plane and grid of the Draft module |
Nwpproxy | This module provides the object code for Draft WorkingPlaneProxy |
Nzipios | |