Here are the packages with brief descriptions (if available):
[detail level 1234]
 NAddonManager_macroUnified handler for FreeCAD macros that can be obtained from different sources
 NAddonManager_utilitiesUtilities to work across different platforms, providers and python versions
 NAddonManager_workersMultithread workers for the addon manager
 NannotationThis module provides the object code for Draft Annotation
 NAppThe FreeCAD Application layer
 Narc_3pointsProvides the object code for Draft Arc_3Points
 NArchAxisAxis system for the Arch workbench
 NArchBuildingBuilding object and tools
 NArchBuildingPartThe BuildingPart object and tools
 NArchCommandsUtility functions for theArch Workbench
 NArchComponentThe base class of all Arch objects
 NArchCurtainWallThe Curtain Wall object and tools
 NArchCutPlaneThe Cut plane object and tools
 NArchEquipmentThe Equipment object and tools
 NArchFloorThe Floor object and tools
 NArchFrameThe Frame object and tools
 NArchMaterialThe Material object and tools
 NArchPanelThe Panel object and tools
 NArchPipeThe Pipe object and tools
 NArchPrecastPrecast options for ArchStructure
 NArchProfileProfile tools for ArchStructure
 NArchProjectThe Project object and tools
 NArchRebarThe Rebar object and tools
 NArchReferenceThe Reference object and tools
 NArchRoofThe Roof object and tools
 NArchScheduleThe Schedule object and tools
 NArchSectionPlaneThe Section plane object and tools
 NArchSiteThe Site object and tools
 NArchSpaceThe Space object and tools
 NArchStairsThe Stairs object and tools
 NArchStructureThe Structure object and tools
 NArchTrussThe Truss object and tools
 NArchVRMThe Arch Vector Rendering Module
 NArchWallThe Wall object and tools
 NArchWindowThe Window object and tools
 NarcsProvides various functions for arc operations
 NarrayProvides the object code for Draft array
 NAttacherAttacher.h, Attacher.cpp contain the functionality of deriving placement from a set of geometric subelements
 NAttacherGuiAttacherTexts.h, .cpp - files that contain user-friendly translatable names of attachment modes, as well as help texts, and the like
 NbaseThis module provides the object code for the basic Draft object
 NBaseBasic structures used by other FreeCAD components (C++ API)
 Nbase_fempythonobjectBase object for FEM Python Features
 NBasicShapesBasicShapes Package for Part workbench
 NbezcurveThis module provides the object code for Draft BezCurve
 NblockThis module provides the object code for Draft Block
 NbsplineThis module provides the object code for Draft BSpline
 NcircleThis module provides the object code for Draft Circle
 Ncircle_inversionProvides various functions for inversive geometry operations
 NcirclesProvides various functions for circle operations
 Ncircles_apolloniusProvides various functions for Appollonius and Soddy circles
 Ncircles_incompleteProvides various incomplete functions for creating circles
 NcloneThis module provides the object code for Draft Clone
 NcommandsFreeCAD FEM command definitions
 NCompoundToolsCompoundTools Package for Part workbench
 Nconstraint_bodyheatsourceConstraint body heat source object
 Nconstraint_electrostaticpotentialConstraint electrostatic potential object
 Nconstraint_flowvelocityConstraint flow velocity object
 Nconstraint_initialflowvelocityConstraint initial flow velocity object
 Nconstraint_selfweightConstraint self weight object
 Nconstraint_tieConstraint tie object
 NcuboidsProvides various functions for cubic shapes (parallelepipeds)
 NcutProvides provides the code for Draft cut function
 NdimensionThis module provides the object code for Draft Dimension
 NdowngradeProvides the code for Draft downgrade function
 Ndraft_test_objectsRun this file to create a standard test document for Draft objects
 NDraftFilletProvides Fillet class for objects created with a prototype version
 NDraftGuiGUI elements and utilities of the Draft workbench
 NdraftifyThis module provides the code for Draft draftify function
 NdraftlinkProvides the object code for the Draft Link object
 NDraftToolsProvide GUI commands of the Draft workbench
 NDraftTrackersProvide Coin based objects used for previews in the Draft Workbench
 NdrawingviewThis module provides the object code for the Draft DrawingView object
 NedgesProvides various functions for using edges
 Nelement_fluid1DElement fluid 1D object
 Nelement_geometry1DElement geometry 1D object
 Nelement_geometry2DElement geometry 2D object
 Nelement_rotation1DElement rotation 1D object
 NellipseThis module provides the object code for Draft Ellipse
 NexportFenicsXDMFFreeCAD Fenics Mesh XDMF writer for FEM workbench
 NexportFenicsXMLFreeCAD Fenics Mesh XML writer for FEM workbench
 NexportIFCIFC file format exporter
 NextrudeThis module provides the code for Draft extrude function
 NfacebinderThis module provides the object code for Draft Facebinder
 NfacesProvides various functions for working with faces
 NFemSelectWidgetFreeCAD FEM FemSelectWidget
 NfilletProvides the object code for the Fillet object
 NfilletsProvides various functions for working with fillets
 NfuseThis module provides the code for Draft fuse function
 NgeneralProvides basic functions for shape operations
 NgeometryProvides various functions for working with geometry
 NGuiThe FreeCAD Graphical interface layer
 Ngui_arcsProvides tools for creating circular arcs with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_array_simpleProvides simple tools for creating arrays with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_arraysProvide the Draft ArrayTools command to group the other array tools
 Ngui_baseThis module provides the Base object for all Draft Gui commands
 Ngui_base_originalProvides the Base object for most old Draft Gui Commands
 Ngui_beziersProvides tools for creating Bezier curves with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_circlesProvides tools for creating circlres with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_circulararrayThis module provides the Draft CircularArray tool
 Ngui_cloneProvides tools for creating clones of objects
 Ngui_dimension_opsProvides tools to modify Draft dimensions
 Ngui_downgradeProvides tools for downgrading objects with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_draft2sketchProvides tools for converting Draft objects to Sketches and back
 Ngui_drawingProvides tools for sending projections to a Drawing Workbench page
 Ngui_editProvide the Draft_Edit command used by the Draft workbench
 Ngui_edit_arch_objectsProvide the support functions to Draft_Edit for Arch objects
 Ngui_edit_draft_objectsProvide the support functions to Draft_Edit for Draft objects
 Ngui_edit_part_objectsProvide the support functions to Draft_Edit for Part objects
 Ngui_ellipsesProvides tools for creating ellipses with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_facebindersProvides tools for creating facebinders with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_filletProvides tools for creating fillets between two lines
 Ngui_gridProvide the Draft_ToggleGrid command to show the Draft grid
 Ngui_groupsProvides tools to do various operations with groups
 Ngui_healthProvides the Draft_Heal command to heal older Draft files
 Ngui_joinProvides tools for joining lines with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_labelsProvides tools for creating labels with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_line_add_deleteProvides certain add and remove line operations
 Ngui_lineopsProvides certain line operations in the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_linesProvides tools for creating straight lines with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_lineslopeProvides tools to change the slope of a line over the working plane
 Ngui_mirrorProvides tools for creating mirrored objects with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_moveProvides tools for moving objects in the 3D space
 Ngui_offsetProvides tools for offsetting objects with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_orthoarrayProvides the Draft OrthoArray GuiCommand
 Ngui_patharrayProvides tools for creating path arrays with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_planeproxyThis module provides the Draft WorkingPlaneProxy tool
 Ngui_pointarrayProvides tools for creating point arrays with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_pointsProvides tools for creating simple points with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_polararrayThis module provides the Draft PolarArray tool
 Ngui_polygonsProvides tools for creating regular polygons with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_rectanglesProvides tools for creating rectangles with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_rotateProvides tools for rotating objects in the 3D space
 Ngui_scaleProvides tools for scaling objects with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_selectplaneThis module provides the Draft SelectPlane tool
 Ngui_shape2dviewProvides tools for projecting objects into a 2D plane
 Ngui_shapestringsProvides tools for creating text shapes with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_snapperSnapper class to control snapping in the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_snapsProvide the Draft_Snap commands used by the snapping mechanism in Draft
 Ngui_splinesProvides tools for creating B-Splines with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_splitProvides tools for splitting lines with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_stretchProvides tools for stretching objects with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_stylesProvides tools for applying styles to objects in the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_subelementsProvides tools for highlighting subelements in the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_textsProvides tools for creating dimensions with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_togglemodesProvides certain mode operations of the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_tool_utilsProvides the utility functions for Draft Gui Commands
 Ngui_trimexProvides tools for trimming and extending lines
 Ngui_upgradeProvides tools for upgrading objects with the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_utilsThis module provides GUI utility functions for the Draft Workbench
 Ngui_wire2splineProvides tools for converting polylines to B-splines
 NhealThis module provides the code for Draft heal function
 NImageToolsImageTools Package for Image workbench
 Nimport3DS3DS file format importer
 NimportAirfoilDATAirfoil (.dat) file importer
 NimportCcxDatResultsFreeCAD Calculix DAT reader for FEM workbench
 NimportCcxFrdResultsFreeCAD Calculix FRD Reader for FEM workbench
 NimportDAEDAE (Collada) file format importer and exporter
 NimportDWGDWG file importer & exporter
 NimportDXFDXF file importer & exporter
 NimportFenicsMeshFreeCAD Fenics Mesh reader and writer for FEM workbench
 NimportFenicsXDMFFreeCAD Fenics Mesh XDMF reader for FEM workbench
 NimportFenicsXMLFreeCAD Fenics Mesh XML reader for FEM workbench
 NimportGBXMLGBXML file format exporter
 NimportIFCIFC file format importer
 NimportInpMeshFreeCAD INP file reader for FEM workbench
 NimportOBJOBJ file format exporter
 NimportOCAOCA (Open CAD Format) file importer & exporter
 NimportPyMeshFreeCAD Python Mesh reader and writer for FEM workbench
 NimportSH3DSH3D (SweetHome3D) file format importer
 NimportSVGSVG file importer and exporter
 NimportToolsFemFreeCAD FEM import tools
 NimportVTKResultsFreeCAD Result import and export VTK file library
 NimportWebGLWebGL file format exporter
 NimportYAMLJSONMeshFreeCAD YAML and JSON Mesh reader and writer for FEM workbench
 NimportZ88MeshFreeCAD Z88 Mesh reader and writer for FEM workbench
 NimportZ88O2ResultsFreeCAD Z88 Disp Reader for FEM workbench
 Ninit_draft_statusbarThis module provides the code for the Draft Statusbar
 Ninit_toolsThis module provides lists of commands for the Draft Workbench
 NintersectionsProvides basic functions for calculating intersections of shapes
 NjoinThis module provides the code for Draft join functions
 NlabelThis module provides the object code for Draft Label
 Nlinear_algebraProvides various functions for linear algebraic operations
 NmakeThis module provides the code for Draft make_circle
 Nmake_arrayThis module provides the code for Draft make_array function
 Nmake_bezcurveThis module provides the code for Draft make_bezcurve function
 Nmake_blockThis module provides the code for Draft make_block function
 Nmake_bsplineThis module provides the code for Draft make_bspline function
 Nmake_circulararrayProvides functions for creating circular arrays in a plane
 Nmake_cloneThis module provides the code for Draft make_clone function
 Nmake_copyThis module provides the code for Draft make_copy function
 Nmake_drawingviewThis module provides the code for Draft make_drawing_view function
 Nmake_ellipseThis module provides the code for Draft make_ellipse function
 Nmake_facebinderThis module provides the code for Draft make_facebinder function
 Nmake_filletProvides the code to create Fillet objects
 Nmake_lineThis module provides the code for Draft make_line function
 Nmake_orthoarrayProvides functions for creating orthogonal arrays in 2D and 3D
 Nmake_patharrayProvides functions for creating path arrays
 Nmake_pointThis module provides the code for Draft make_point function
 Nmake_pointarrayThis module provides the code for Draft make_point_array function
 Nmake_polararrayProvides functions for creating polar arrays in a plane
 Nmake_rectangleThis module provides the code for Draft make_rectangle function
 Nmake_shape2dviewThis module provides the code for Draft make_shape2dview function
 Nmake_shapestringThis module provides the code for Draft make_shapestring function
 Nmake_sketchThis module provides the code for Draft make_sketch function
 Nmake_textProvides the make function to create Draft Text objects
 Nmake_wireThis module provides the code for Draft make_wire function
 Nmake_wpproxyThis module provides the code for Draft makeworkingplane_proxy function
 NmanagerFreeCAD FEM command base class
 Nmaterial_commonMaterial common object
 Nmaterial_mechanicalnonlinearNonlinear mechanical material object
 Nmaterial_reinforcedReinforced object
 NMeshThe namespace of the Mesh Application layer library
 Nmesh_boundarylayerMesh boundary layer object
 Nmesh_gmshMesh gmsh object
 Nmesh_groupMesh group object
 Nmesh_regionMesh region object
 Nmesh_resultMesh result object
 NMeshCoreThe namespace of the Mesh Core library
 NMeshGuiThe namespace of the Mesh Graphical interface layer library
 NmessagesProvide message utility functions for the Draft Workbench
 NmirrorProvides the code for the mirror operation
 NmoveThis module provides the code for Draft move function
 NoffsetThis module provides the code for Draft offset function
 NoffsetsProvides various functions for offset operations
 NPartAttachExtensionh, .cpp contain a extension class to derive other features from, to make them attachable
 Npart_test_objectsRun this file to create a standard test document for Part objects
 NPartDesignBase class of all additive features in PartDesign
 NpatharrayProvides the object code for the Draft PathArray object
 NpointThis module provides the object code for Draft Point
 NpointarrayProvides the object code for the Draft PointArray object
 NpolygonThis module provides the object code for Draft Polygon
 NrectangleThis module provides the object code for Draft Rectangle
 Nresult_mechanicalMechanical result object
 NrotateThis module provides the code for Draft rotate function
 NscaleThis module provides the code for Draft scale function
 Nshape2dviewThis module provides the object code for Draft Shape2dView
 NshapestringThis module provides the object code for Draft Shapestring
 Nsolver_ccxtoolsSolver calculix ccx tools object
 Nsort_edgesProvides various functions for sorting edges
 NsplitThis module provides the code for Draft split functions
 NStdMeshers_ProjectionUtilsMethods common to Projection algorithms
 Ntask_circulararrayThis module provides the task panel code for the CircularArray tool
 Ntask_constraint_electrostaticpotentialTask panel for constraint electrostatic potential object
 Ntask_constraint_flowvelocityTask panel for constraint flow velocity object
 Ntask_constraint_initialflowvelocityTask panel for constraint initial flow velocity object
 Ntask_constraint_tieTask panel for constraint tie object
 Ntask_element_fluid1DTask panel for element fluid 1D object
 Ntask_element_geometry1DTask panel for element geometry 1D object
 Ntask_element_geometry2DTask panel for element geometry 2D object
 Ntask_element_rotation1DTask panel for element rotation 1D object
 Ntask_material_commonFreeCAD FEM _ViewProviderFemMaterial
 Ntask_material_reinforcedTask panel for reinforced material object
 Ntask_mesh_boundarylayerTask panel for mesh boundary object
 Ntask_mesh_gmshTask panel for mesh gmsh object
 Ntask_mesh_groupTask panel for mesh group object
 Ntask_mesh_regionTask panel for mesh region object
 Ntask_orthoarrayProvide the task panel for the Draft OrthoArray tool
 Ntask_polararrayThis module provides the task panel code for the PolarArray tool
 Ntask_scaleProvide the task panel for the Draft Scale tool
 Ntask_selectplaneThis module provides the task panel code for the SelectPlane tool
 Ntask_shapestringProvide the task panel for the Draft ShapeString tool
 Ntask_solver_ccxtoolsTask panel for solver ccx tools object
 NTechDrawHatchLine - Classes related to processing PAT files
 NtextProvide the object code for Draft Text objects
 NtodoThis module provides the ToDo class for the Draft Workbench
 NtranslateProvide translate functions for the Draft Workbench
 NutilsThis module provides utility functions for the Draft Workbench
 Nview_arrayProvides the view provider code for the Draft Array objects
 Nview_baseThis module provides the view provider code for the base Draft object
 Nview_base_femconstraintView provider for Python base constraint object
 Nview_base_femobjectView provider as base for all FEM objects
 Nview_bezierProvides the view provider code for Bezier curve objects
 Nview_bsplineProvides the view provider code for BSpline objects
 Nview_circulararrayProvides the view provider code for the circular array object
 Nview_cloneThis module provides the view provider code for the Draft Clone object
 Nview_constraint_bodyheatsourceView provider for the constraint body heat source object
 Nview_constraint_electrostaticpotentialView provider for constraint electrostatic potential object
 Nview_constraint_flowvelocityView provider for constraint flow velocity object
 Nview_constraint_initialflowvelocityView provider for constraint initial flow velocity object
 Nview_constraint_selfweightView provider for constraint self weight object
 Nview_constraint_tieView provider for constraint tie object
 Nview_draftlinkThis module provides the view provider code for the Draft Link object
 Nview_element_fluid1DView provider for element fluid 1D object
 Nview_element_geometry1DView provider for element geometry 1D object
 Nview_element_geometry2DView provider for element geometry 2D object
 Nview_element_rotation1DView provider for element rotation 1D object
 Nview_facebinderThis module provides the view provider code for Draft Facebinder
 Nview_filletProvides the view provider code for Fillet objects
 Nview_material_commonFreeCAD FEM _ViewProviderFemMaterial
 Nview_material_mechanicalnonlinearView provider for material mechanical nonlinear object
 Nview_material_reinforcedView provider for reinforced material object
 Nview_mesh_boundarylayerView provider for mesh boundary object
 Nview_mesh_gmshView provider for mesh gmsh object
 Nview_mesh_groupView provider for mesh group object
 Nview_mesh_regionView provider for mesh region object
 Nview_mesh_resultView provider for mesh result object
 Nview_orthoarrayProvides the view provider code for the ortho array object
 Nview_pointThis module provides the view provider code for Draft Point
 Nview_polararrayProvides the view provider code for the polar array object
 Nview_rectangleThis module provides the view provider code for the Draft Rectangle object
 Nview_result_mechanicalTask panel for mechanical ResultObjectPython
 Nview_solver_ccxtoolsView provider for solver ccx tools object
 Nview_wpproxyThis module provides the view provider code for Draft WorkingPlaneProxy
 NwireThis module provides the object code for Draft Wire
 NwiresProvides various functions for working with wires
 NWorkingPlaneThis module handles the Working Plane and grid of the Draft module
 NwpproxyThis module provides the object code for Draft WorkingPlaneProxy