MED::TTWrapper< eVersion > Class Template Reference

#include <MED_TWrapper.hxx>

Public Member Functions

virtual PBallInfo CrBallInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const PBallInfo &theInfo)
 A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Balls representation. More...
virtual PBallInfo CrBallInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const TIntVector &theNodes, TFloatVector &theDiameters, const TIntVector &theFamilyNums=TIntVector(), const TIntVector &theElemNums=TIntVector())
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED Balls representation. More...
virtual PBallInfo CrBallInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, TInt theNbBalls, EBooleen theIsElemNum=eVRAI)
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED Balls representation. More...
virtual PCellInfo CrCellInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const PCellInfo &theInfo)
 A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Cells representation. More...
virtual PCellInfo CrCellInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, const TIntVector &theConnectivities, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD, const TIntVector &theFamilyNums=TIntVector(), const TIntVector &theElemNums=TIntVector(), const TStringVector &theElemNames=TStringVector(), EModeSwitch theMode=eFULL_INTERLACE)
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED Cells representation. More...
virtual PCellInfo CrCellInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, TInt theNbElem, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD, EBooleen theIsElemNum=eVRAI, EBooleen theIsElemNames=eVRAI, EModeSwitch theMode=eFULL_INTERLACE)
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED Cells representation. More...
virtual PElemInfo CrElemInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, TInt theNbElem, const TIntVector &theFamNum, const TIntVector &aElemNum, const TStringVector &aElemNames)
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation. More...
virtual PElemInfo CrElemInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, TInt theNbElem, EBooleen theIsElemNum=eVRAI, EBooleen theIsElemNames=eVRAI)
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation. More...
virtual PFamilyInfo CrFamilyInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const PFamilyInfo &theInfo)
 A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Family representation. More...
virtual PFamilyInfo CrFamilyInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const std::string &theValue, TInt theId, const MED::TStringSet &theGroupNames, const MED::TStringVector &theAttrDescs=MED::TStringVector(), const MED::TIntVector &theAttrIds=MED::TIntVector(), const MED::TIntVector &theAttrVals=MED::TIntVector())
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED Family representation. More...
virtual PFamilyInfo CrFamilyInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, TInt theNbGroup=0, TInt theNbAttr=0, TInt theId=0, const std::string &theValue="")
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED Family representation. More...
virtual PFieldInfo CrFieldInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const PFieldInfo &theInfo)
 A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED FIELD representation. More...
virtual PFieldInfo CrFieldInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, TInt theNbComp=0, ETypeChamp theType=eFLOAT64, const std::string &theValue="", EBooleen theIsLocal=eVRAI, TInt theNbRef=1)
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED FIELD representation. More...
virtual PGaussInfo CrGaussInfo (const TGaussInfo::TInfo &theInfo, EModeSwitch theMode=eFULL_INTERLACE)
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED GAUSS representation. More...
virtual PGrilleInfo CrGrilleInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const EGrilleType &type)
virtual PGrilleInfo CrGrilleInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const EGrilleType &type, const MED::TIntVector &nbNodeVec)
virtual PGrilleInfo CrGrilleInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const EGrilleType &type, const TInt &nbNodes)
virtual PGrilleInfo CrGrilleInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const PGrilleInfo &theInfo)
virtual PMeshInfo CrMeshInfo (const PMeshInfo &theInfo)
 A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Mesh representation. More...
virtual PMeshInfo CrMeshInfo (TInt theDim=0, TInt theSpaceDim=0, const std::string &theValue="", EMaillage theType=eNON_STRUCTURE, const std::string &theDesc="")
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED Mesh representation. More...
virtual PNodeInfo CrNodeInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const PNodeInfo &theInfo)
 A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation. More...
virtual PNodeInfo CrNodeInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const TFloatVector &theNodeCoords, EModeSwitch theMode=eFULL_INTERLACE, ERepere theSystem=eCART, const TStringVector &theCoordNames=TStringVector(), const TStringVector &theCoordUnits=TStringVector(), const TIntVector &theFamilyNums=TIntVector(), const TIntVector &theElemNums=TIntVector(), const TStringVector &theElemNames=TStringVector())
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation. More...
virtual PNodeInfo CrNodeInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, TInt theNbElem, EModeSwitch theMode=eFULL_INTERLACE, ERepere theSystem=eCART, EBooleen theIsElemNum=eVRAI, EBooleen theIsElemNames=eVRAI)
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation. More...
virtual PPolyedreInfo CrPolyedreInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const PPolyedreInfo &theInfo)
 A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Polyedres representation. More...
virtual PPolyedreInfo CrPolyedreInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, const TIntVector &theIndexes, const TIntVector &theFaces, const TIntVector &theConnectivities, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD, const TIntVector &theFamilyNums=TIntVector(), const TIntVector &theElemNums=TIntVector(), const TStringVector &theElemNames=TStringVector())
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED Polyedres representation. More...
virtual PPolyedreInfo CrPolyedreInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, TInt theNbElem, TInt theNbFaces, TInt theConnSize, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD, EBooleen theIsElemNum=eVRAI, EBooleen theIsElemNames=eVRAI)
virtual PPolygoneInfo CrPolygoneInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const PPolygoneInfo &theInfo)
 A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Polygones representation. More...
virtual PPolygoneInfo CrPolygoneInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, const TIntVector &theIndexes, const TIntVector &theConnectivities, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD, const TIntVector &theFamilyNums=TIntVector(), const TIntVector &theElemNums=TIntVector(), const TStringVector &theElemNames=TStringVector())
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED Polygones representation. More...
virtual PPolygoneInfo CrPolygoneInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, TInt theNbElem, TInt theConnSize, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD, EBooleen theIsElemNum=eVRAI, EBooleen theIsElemNames=eVRAI)
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED Polygones representation. More...
virtual PProfileInfo CrProfileInfo (const TProfileInfo::TInfo &theInfo, EModeProfil theMode=eCOMPACT)
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED PROFILE representation. More...
virtual PTimeStampInfo CrTimeStampInfo (const PFieldInfo &theFieldInfo, const PTimeStampInfo &theInfo)
 A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED TIMESTAMP representation. More...
virtual PTimeStampInfo CrTimeStampInfo (const PFieldInfo &theFieldInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, const TGeom2Size &theGeom2Size, const TGeom2NbGauss &theGeom2NbGauss=TGeom2NbGauss(), TInt theNumDt=0, TInt theNumOrd=0, TFloat theDt=0, const std::string &theUnitDt="", const TGeom2Gauss &theGeom2Gauss=TGeom2Gauss())
 Creates a MEDWrapper MED TIMESTAMP representation. More...
virtual PTimeStampValueBase CrTimeStampValue (const PTimeStampInfo &theTimeStampInfo, const PTimeStampValueBase &theInfo, ETypeChamp theTypeChamp)
 A copy-constructor for the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP representation. More...
virtual PTimeStampValueBase CrTimeStampValue (const PTimeStampInfo &theTimeStampInfo, ETypeChamp theTypeChamp, const TGeom2Profile &theGeom2Profile=TGeom2Profile(), EModeSwitch theMode=eFULL_INTERLACE)
 Creates the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP representation. More...
virtual EVersion GetVersion ()
 Gets version of the MED library used for the MED file. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MED::TWrapper
virtual PGrilleInfo CrGrilleInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo)
virtual PTimeStampVal CrTimeStampVal (const PTimeStampInfo &theTimeStampInfo, const PTimeStampVal &theInfo)
 A copy-constructor for the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP representation. More...
virtual PTimeStampVal CrTimeStampVal (const PTimeStampInfo &theTimeStampInfo, const TGeom2Profile &theGeom2Profile=TGeom2Profile(), EModeSwitch theMode=eFULL_INTERLACE)
 Creates the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP representation. More...
virtual PTimeStampValueBase CrTimeStampValue (const PTimeStampInfo &theTimeStampInfo, const PTimeStampValueBase &theInfo)
 A copy-constructor for the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP representation. More...
virtual PTimeStampValueBase CrTimeStampValue (const PTimeStampInfo &theTimeStampInfo, const TGeom2Profile &theGeom2Profile=TGeom2Profile(), EModeSwitch theMode=eFULL_INTERLACE)
 Creates the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP representation. More...
virtual void GetBallInfo (TBallInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read a MEDWrapped representation of MED_BALL from the MED file. More...
virtual void GetCellInfo (TCellInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read a MEDWrapper MED Cells representation from defined MED file. More...
virtual TEntityInfo GetEntityInfo (const TMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Get TEntityInfo which contains brief information about existing cells and their destribution among MED ENTITIES. More...
virtual void GetFamilies (TElemInfo &theInfo, TInt theNb, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read sequence MED Family indexes for any descendant of TElemInfo. More...
virtual void GetFamilyInfo (TInt theFamId, TFamilyInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read a MEDWrapper MED Family representation by its number. More...
virtual void GetFieldInfo (TInt theFieldId, TFieldInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read MEDWrapper MED FIELD representation by its order number. More...
virtual void GetGaussInfo (TInt theId, TGaussInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read a MEDWrapper MED GAUSS representation by its order number from defined MED file. More...
virtual TGaussInfo::TInfo GetGaussPreInfo (TInt theId, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read brief MED GAUSS information by its order number from defined MED Mesh. More...
virtual void GetGrilleInfo (TGrilleInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read a MEDWrapper MED Grille representation from defined MED file. More...
virtual void GetGrilleType (const TMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EGrilleType &type, TErr *theErr=NULL)
virtual void GetMeshInfo (TInt theMeshId, TMeshInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read a MEDWrapper MED Mesh representation by its number. More...
virtual void GetNames (TElemInfo &theInfo, TInt theNb, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read sequence of names for any descendant of TElemInfo. More...
virtual TInt GetNbBalls (const TMeshInfo &theMeshInfo)
 Read number of balls in the Mesh. More...
virtual TInt GetNbCells (const TMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read number of cells for defined MED Mesh, ENTITY and geometrical type with define mode of connectivity. More...
virtual TInt GetNbComp (TInt theFieldId, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read number of components for the defined MED FIELD by its order number. More...
virtual TInt GetNbFamAttr (TInt theFamId, const TMeshInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read number of attributes for defined MED Family. More...
virtual TInt GetNbFamGroup (TInt theFamId, const TMeshInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read number of MED Groups where MED Family with the number belong to. More...
virtual TInt GetNbFamilies (const TMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read number of MED Family entities in the defined MED file. More...
virtual TInt GetNbFields (TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read number of MED FIELDS in defined MED Mesh. More...
virtual TInt GetNbGauss (TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read number of MED GAUSS in defined MED Mesh. More...
virtual TInt GetNbMeshes (TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read number of MED Mesh entities in the defined MED file. More...
virtual TInt GetNbNodes (const TMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, ETable theTable, TErr *theErr=NULL)
virtual TInt GetNbNodes (const TMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read number of nodes in defined MED Mesh. More...
virtual TInt GetNbPolyedres (const TMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read number of MED Polyedres in defined MED Mesh. More...
virtual TInt GetNbPolygones (const TMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read number of MED Polygones in defined MED Mesh. More...
virtual TInt GetNbProfiles (TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read number of MED PROFILES in defined MED Mesh. More...
virtual TInt GetNbTimeStamps (const TFieldInfo &theInfo, const TEntityInfo &theEntityInfo, EEntiteMaillage &theEntity, TGeom2Size &theGeom2Size, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read number of MED TIMESTAMPS in defined MED Mesh. More...
virtual void GetNodeInfo (TNodeInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation from defined MED file. More...
virtual void GetNumeration (TElemInfo &theInfo, TInt theNb, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read sequence of numerous for any descendant of TElemInfo. More...
virtual PBallInfo GetPBallInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo)
 Read a MEDWrapped MED Balls representation from defined MED file. More...
PCellInfo GetPCellInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read a MEDWrapper MED Cells representation from defined MED file. More...
PElemInfo GetPElemInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity=eNOEUD, EGeometrieElement theGeom=ePOINT1, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read a MEDWrapper MED Element representation from defined MED file. More...
PFamilyInfo GetPFamilyInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, TInt theId, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Write a MEDWrapper MED Family representation by its number. More...
PFieldInfo GetPFieldInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, TInt theId, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read a MEDWrapper MED FIELD representation from defined MED file. More...
PGrilleInfo GetPGrilleInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo)
 Read a MEDWrapper MED Grille representation from defined MED file. More...
PGrilleInfo GetPGrilleInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const PGrilleInfo &theInfo)
 Read a MEDWrapper MED Grille representation from defined MED file. More...
virtual PMeshInfo GetPMeshInfo (TInt theId, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read a MEDWrapper MED Mesh representation by its number. More...
PNodeInfo GetPNodeInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation from defined MED file. More...
virtual void GetPolyedreConnSize (const TMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, TInt &theNbFaces, TInt &theConnSize, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read connectivity infroamtion for the MED Polyedres in defined MED Mesh. More...
virtual void GetPolyedreInfo (TPolyedreInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read a MEDWrapper MED Polyedres representation from defined MED file. More...
virtual TInt GetPolygoneConnSize (const TMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read connectivity infroamtion for the MED Polygones in defined MED Mesh. More...
virtual void GetPolygoneInfo (TPolygoneInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read a MEDWrapper MED Polygones representation from defined MED file. More...
PPolyedreInfo GetPPolyedreInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD)
 Read a MEDWrapper MED Polyedres representation from defined MED file. More...
PPolygoneInfo GetPPolygoneInfo (const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, EConnectivite theConnMode=eNOD)
 Read a MEDWrapper MED Polygones representation from defined MED file. More...
PProfileInfo GetPProfileInfo (TInt theId, EModeProfil theMode=eCOMPACT, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read a MEDWrapper MED PROFILE representation by its order number from defined MED file. More...
virtual void GetProfileInfo (TInt theId, TProfileInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read a MEDWrapper MED PROFILE representation by its order number from defined MED file. More...
virtual TProfileInfo::TInfo GetProfilePreInfo (TInt theId, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read brief MED PROFILE information by its order number from defined MED Mesh. More...
PTimeStampInfo GetPTimeStampInfo (const PFieldInfo &theFieldInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, const TGeom2Size &theGeom2Size, TInt theId, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read MEDWrapper MED TIMESTAMP representation by its order number. More...
PTimeStampVal GetPTimeStampVal (const PTimeStampInfo &theTimeStampInfo, const TMKey2Profile &theMKey2Profile, const TKey2Gauss &theKey2Gauss, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP from defined MED file. More...
PTimeStampValueBase GetPTimeStampValue (const PTimeStampInfo &theTimeStampInfo, const TMKey2Profile &theMKey2Profile, const TKey2Gauss &theKey2Gauss, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP from defined MED file. More...
virtual void GetTimeStampInfo (TInt theTimeStampId, TTimeStampInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read MEDWrapper MED TIMESTAMP representation by its order number. More...
virtual void GetTimeStampVal (const PTimeStampVal &theVal, const TMKey2Profile &theMKey2Profile, const TKey2Gauss &theKey2Gauss, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Read the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP from defined MED file. More...
virtual void GetTimeStampValue (const PTimeStampValueBase &theTimeStampValue, const TMKey2Profile &theMKey2Profile, const TKey2Gauss &theKey2Gauss, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Read the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP from defined MED file. More...
virtual void SetBallInfo (const TBallInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Write a MEDWrapped representation of MED_BALL to the MED file. More...
virtual void SetCellInfo (const TCellInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Write the MEDWrapper MED Cells representation into defined MED file. More...
virtual void SetFamilies (const TElemInfo &theInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Write sequence MED Family indexes for any descendant of TElemInfo. More...
virtual void SetFamilyInfo (const TFamilyInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Write a MEDWrapper MED Family representation by its number. More...
virtual void SetFieldInfo (const TFieldInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Write MEDWrapper MED FIELD representation into defined MED file. More...
virtual void SetGrilleInfo (const TGrilleInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Write the MEDWrapper MED Grille representation into defined MED file. More...
virtual void SetMeshInfo (const TMeshInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Write the MEDWrapper MED Mesh representation in the defined MED file. More...
virtual void SetNames (const TElemInfo &theInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Write sequence of names for any descendant of TElemInfo. More...
virtual void SetNodeInfo (const TNodeInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Write the MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation into defined MED file. More...
virtual void SetNumeration (const TElemInfo &theInfo, EEntiteMaillage theEntity, EGeometrieElement theGeom, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Write sequence of numerous for any descendant of TElemInfo. More...
virtual void SetPolyedreInfo (const TPolyedreInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Write a MEDWrapper MED Polyedres representation from defined MED file. More...
virtual void SetPolygoneInfo (const TPolygoneInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Write a MEDWrapper MED Polygones representation from defined MED file. More...
virtual void SetProfileInfo (const TProfileInfo &theInfo, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Write a MEDWrapper MED PROFILE representation. More...
virtual void SetTimeStamp (const PTimeStampVal &theVal, TErr *theErr=NULL)
 Write the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP to defined MED file. More...
virtual void SetTimeStampValue (const PTimeStampValueBase &theTimeStampValue, TErr *theErr=NULL)=0
 Write the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP to defined MED file. More...
virtual ~TWrapper ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from MED::TWrapper
typedef boost::mutex TMutex
- Public Attributes inherited from MED::TWrapper
TMutex myMutex
 This is a syncronization primitive which allow to support thread safety for the MED access. More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ CrBallInfo() [1/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PBallInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrBallInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
const PBallInfo theInfo 

A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Balls representation.

Reimplemented from MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrBallInfo() [2/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PBallInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrBallInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
const TIntVector theNodes,
TFloatVector theDiameters,
const TIntVector theFamilyNums = TIntVector(),
const TIntVector theElemNums = TIntVector() 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED Balls representation.

Reimplemented from MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrBallInfo() [3/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PBallInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrBallInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
TInt  theNbBalls,
EBooleen  theIsElemNum = eVRAI 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED Balls representation.

Reimplemented from MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrCellInfo() [1/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PCellInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrCellInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
const PCellInfo theInfo 

A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Cells representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrCellInfo() [2/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PCellInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrCellInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
EEntiteMaillage  theEntity,
EGeometrieElement  theGeom,
const TIntVector theConnectivities,
EConnectivite  theConnMode = eNOD,
const TIntVector theFamilyNums = TIntVector(),
const TIntVector theElemNums = TIntVector(),
const TStringVector theElemNames = TStringVector(),
EModeSwitch  theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED Cells representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrCellInfo() [3/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PCellInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrCellInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
EEntiteMaillage  theEntity,
EGeometrieElement  theGeom,
TInt  theNbElem,
EConnectivite  theConnMode = eNOD,
EBooleen  theIsElemNum = eVRAI,
EBooleen  theIsElemNames = eVRAI,
EModeSwitch  theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED Cells representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrElemInfo() [1/2]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PElemInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrElemInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
TInt  theNbElem,
const TIntVector theFamNum,
const TIntVector aElemNum,
const TStringVector aElemNames 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation.

Reimplemented from MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrElemInfo() [2/2]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PElemInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrElemInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
TInt  theNbElem,
EBooleen  theIsElemNum = eVRAI,
EBooleen  theIsElemNames = eVRAI 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation.

Reimplemented from MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrFamilyInfo() [1/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PFamilyInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrFamilyInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
const PFamilyInfo theInfo 

A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Family representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrFamilyInfo() [2/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PFamilyInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrFamilyInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
const std::string &  theValue,
TInt  theId,
const MED::TStringSet theGroupNames,
const MED::TStringVector theAttrDescs = MED::TStringVector(),
const MED::TIntVector theAttrIds = MED::TIntVector(),
const MED::TIntVector theAttrVals = MED::TIntVector() 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED Family representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrFamilyInfo() [3/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PFamilyInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrFamilyInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
TInt  theNbGroup = 0,
TInt  theNbAttr = 0,
TInt  theId = 0,
const std::string &  theValue = "" 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED Family representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrFieldInfo() [1/2]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PFieldInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrFieldInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
const PFieldInfo theInfo 

A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED FIELD representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrFieldInfo() [2/2]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PFieldInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrFieldInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
TInt  theNbComp = 0,
ETypeChamp  theType = eFLOAT64,
const std::string &  theValue = "",
EBooleen  theIsLocal = eVRAI,
TInt  theNbRef = 1 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED FIELD representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrGaussInfo()

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PGaussInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrGaussInfo ( const TGaussInfo::TInfo theInfo,
EModeSwitch  theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED GAUSS representation.

This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrGrilleInfo() [1/4]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PGrilleInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrGrilleInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
const EGrilleType type 

This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher

Reimplemented from MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrGrilleInfo() [2/4]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PGrilleInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrGrilleInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
const EGrilleType type,
const MED::TIntVector nbNodeVec 

This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher

Reimplemented from MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrGrilleInfo() [3/4]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PGrilleInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrGrilleInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
const EGrilleType type,
const TInt nbNodes 

This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher

Reimplemented from MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrGrilleInfo() [4/4]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PGrilleInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrGrilleInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
const PGrilleInfo theGrilleInfo 

This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher

Reimplemented from MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrMeshInfo() [1/2]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PMeshInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrMeshInfo ( const PMeshInfo theInfo)

A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Mesh representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrMeshInfo() [2/2]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PMeshInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrMeshInfo ( TInt  theDim = 0,
TInt  theSpaceDim = 0,
const std::string &  theValue = "",
EMaillage  theType = eNON_STRUCTURE,
const std::string &  theDesc = "" 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED Mesh representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrNodeInfo() [1/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PNodeInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrNodeInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
const PNodeInfo theInfo 

A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrNodeInfo() [2/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PNodeInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrNodeInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
const TFloatVector theNodeCoords,
EModeSwitch  theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE,
ERepere  theSystem = eCART,
const TStringVector theCoordNames = TStringVector(),
const TStringVector theCoordUnits = TStringVector(),
const TIntVector theFamilyNums = TIntVector(),
const TIntVector theElemNums = TIntVector(),
const TStringVector theElemNames = TStringVector() 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrNodeInfo() [3/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PNodeInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrNodeInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
TInt  theNbElem,
EModeSwitch  theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE,
ERepere  theSystem = eCART,
EBooleen  theIsElemNum = eVRAI,
EBooleen  theIsElemNames = eVRAI 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED Nodes representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrPolyedreInfo() [1/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PPolyedreInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrPolyedreInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
const PPolyedreInfo theInfo 

A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Polyedres representation.

Reimplemented from MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrPolyedreInfo() [2/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PPolyedreInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrPolyedreInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
EEntiteMaillage  theEntity,
EGeometrieElement  theGeom,
const TIntVector theIndexes,
const TIntVector theFaces,
const TIntVector theConnectivities,
EConnectivite  theConnMode = eNOD,
const TIntVector theFamilyNums = TIntVector(),
const TIntVector theElemNums = TIntVector(),
const TStringVector theElemNames = TStringVector() 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED Polyedres representation.

This feature is support only for version of 2.2 and higher

Reimplemented from MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrPolyedreInfo() [3/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PPolyedreInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrPolyedreInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
EEntiteMaillage  theEntity,
EGeometrieElement  theGeom,
TInt  theNbElem,
TInt  theNbFaces,
TInt  theConnSize,
EConnectivite  theConnMode = eNOD,
EBooleen  theIsElemNum = eVRAI,
EBooleen  theIsElemNames = eVRAI 

Reimplemented from MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrPolygoneInfo() [1/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PPolygoneInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrPolygoneInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
const PPolygoneInfo theInfo 

A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED Polygones representation.

Reimplemented from MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrPolygoneInfo() [2/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PPolygoneInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrPolygoneInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
EEntiteMaillage  theEntity,
EGeometrieElement  theGeom,
const TIntVector theIndexes,
const TIntVector theConnectivities,
EConnectivite  theConnMode = eNOD,
const TIntVector theFamilyNums = TIntVector(),
const TIntVector theElemNums = TIntVector(),
const TStringVector theElemNames = TStringVector() 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED Polygones representation.

This feature is supported only for version of 2.2 and higher

Reimplemented from MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrPolygoneInfo() [3/3]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PPolygoneInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrPolygoneInfo ( const PMeshInfo theMeshInfo,
EEntiteMaillage  theEntity,
EGeometrieElement  theGeom,
TInt  theNbElem,
TInt  theConnSize,
EConnectivite  theConnMode = eNOD,
EBooleen  theIsElemNum = eVRAI,
EBooleen  theIsElemNames = eVRAI 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED Polygones representation.

This feature is supported only for version of 2.2 and higher

Reimplemented from MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrProfileInfo()

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PProfileInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrProfileInfo ( const TProfileInfo::TInfo theInfo,
EModeProfil  theMode = eCOMPACT 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED PROFILE representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrTimeStampInfo() [1/2]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PTimeStampInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrTimeStampInfo ( const PFieldInfo theFieldInfo,
const PTimeStampInfo theInfo 

A copy-constructor for the MEDWrapper MED TIMESTAMP representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrTimeStampInfo() [2/2]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PTimeStampInfo MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrTimeStampInfo ( const PFieldInfo theFieldInfo,
EEntiteMaillage  theEntity,
const TGeom2Size theGeom2Size,
const TGeom2NbGauss theGeom2NbGauss = TGeom2NbGauss(),
TInt  theNumDt = 0,
TInt  theNumOrd = 0,
TFloat  theDt = 0,
const std::string &  theUnitDt = "",
const TGeom2Gauss theGeom2Gauss = TGeom2Gauss() 

Creates a MEDWrapper MED TIMESTAMP representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrTimeStampValue() [1/2]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PTimeStampValueBase MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrTimeStampValue ( const PTimeStampInfo theTimeStampInfo,
const PTimeStampValueBase theInfo,
ETypeChamp  theTypeChamp 

A copy-constructor for the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ CrTimeStampValue() [2/2]

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual PTimeStampValueBase MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::CrTimeStampValue ( const PTimeStampInfo theTimeStampInfo,
ETypeChamp  theTypeChamp,
const TGeom2Profile theGeom2Profile = TGeom2Profile(),
EModeSwitch  theMode = eFULL_INTERLACE 

Creates the values for MEDWrapper MED TIEMSTAMP representation.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

◆ GetVersion()

template<EVersion eVersion>
virtual EVersion MED::TTWrapper< eVersion >::GetVersion ( )

Gets version of the MED library used for the MED file.

Implements MED::TWrapper.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/MED_TWrapper.hxx