draftmake.make_arc_3points Namespace Reference


def make_arc_3points (points, placement=None, face=False, support=None, map_mode="Deactivated", primitive=False)

Function Documentation

◆ make_arc_3points()

def draftmake.make_arc_3points.make_arc_3points (   points,
  placement = None,
  face = False,
  support = None,
  map_mode = "Deactivated",
  primitive = False 
Draw a circular arc defined by three points in the circumference.

points: list of Base::Vector3
    A list that must be three points.

placement: Base::Placement, optional
    It defaults to `None`.
    It is a placement, comprised of a `Base` (`Base::Vector3`),
    and a `Rotation` (`Base::Rotation`).
    If it exists it moves the center of the new object to the point
    indicated by `placement.Base`, while `placement.Rotation`
    is ignored so that the arc keeps the same orientation
    with which it was created.

    If both `support` and `placement` are given,
    `placement.Base` is used for the `AttachmentOffset.Base`,
    and again `placement.Rotation` is ignored.

face: bool, optional
    It defaults to `False`.
    If it is `True` it will create a face in the closed arc.
    Otherwise only the circumference edge will be shown.

support: App::PropertyLinkSubList, optional
    It defaults to `None`.
    It is a list containing tuples to define the attachment
    of the new object.

    A tuple in the list needs two elements;
    the first is an external object, and the second is another tuple
    with the names of sub-elements on that external object
    likes vertices or faces.
        support = [(obj, ("Face1"))]
        support = [(obj, ("Vertex1", "Vertex5", "Vertex8"))]

    This parameter sets the `Support` property but it only really affects
    the position of the new object when the `map_mode`
    is set to other than `'Deactivated'`.

map_mode: str, optional
    It defaults to `'Deactivated'`.
    It defines the type of `'MapMode'` of the new object.
    This parameter only works when a `support` is also provided.

    Example: place the new object on a face or another object.
        support = [(obj, ("Face1"))]
        map_mode = 'FlatFace'

    Example: place the new object on a plane created by three vertices
    of an object.
        support = [(obj, ("Vertex1", "Vertex5", "Vertex8"))]
        map_mode = 'ThreePointsPlane'

primitive: bool, optional
    It defaults to `False`. If it is `True`, it will create a Part
    primitive instead of a Draft object.
    In this case, `placement`, `face`, `support`, and `map_mode`
    are ignored.

Part::Part2DObject or Part::Feature
    The new arc object.
    Normally it returns a parametric Draft object (`Part::Part2DObject`).
    If `primitive` is `True`, it returns a basic `Part::Feature`.

    Returns `None` if there is a problem and the object cannot be created.