PartDesignGui Namespace Reference


class  CombineSelectionFilterGates
class  ComboLinks
 The ComboLinks class is a helper class that binds to a combo box and provides an interface to add links, retrieve links and select items by link value. More...
class  Module
class  NoDependentsSelection
class  ReferenceSelection
class  TaskBooleanParameters
class  TaskBoxPrimitives
class  TaskChamferParameters
class  TaskDatumParameters
class  TaskDlgBooleanParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgChamferParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgDatumParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgDraftParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgDressUpParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgFeatureParameters
 A common base for sketch based, dressup and other solid parameters dialogs. More...
class  TaskDlgFeaturePick
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgFilletParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgHoleParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgLinearPatternParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgLoftParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgMirroredParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgMultiTransformParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgPadParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgPipeParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgPocketParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgPolarPatternParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgRevolutionParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgScaledParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgShapeBinder
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgSketchBasedParameters
class  TaskDlgThicknessParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDlgTransformedParameters
 simulation dialog for the TaskView More...
class  TaskDraftParameters
class  TaskDressUpParameters
class  TaskFeatureParameters
 Convenience class to collect common methods for all SketchBased features. More...
class  TaskFeaturePick
class  TaskFilletParameters
class  TaskHoleParameters
class  TaskLinearPatternParameters
class  TaskLoftParameters
class  TaskMirroredParameters
class  TaskMultiTransformParameters
class  TaskPadParameters
class  TaskPipeOrientation
class  TaskPipeParameters
class  TaskPipeScaling
class  TaskPocketParameters
class  TaskPolarPatternParameters
class  TaskPrimitiveParameters
class  TaskRevolutionParameters
class  TaskScaledParameters
class  TaskShapeBinder
class  TaskSketchBasedParameters
 Convenience class to collect common methods for all SketchBased features. More...
class  TaskThicknessParameters
class  TaskTransformedMessages
class  TaskTransformedParameters
 The transformed subclasses will be used in two different modes: More...
class  ViewProvider
 A common base class for all part design features view providers. More...
class  ViewProviderAddSub
class  ViewProviderBase
class  ViewProviderBody
 ViewProvider of the Body feature This class manages the visual appearance of the features in the Body feature. More...
class  ViewProviderBoolean
class  ViewProviderChamfer
class  ViewProviderDatum
class  ViewProviderDatumCoordinateSystem
class  ViewProviderDatumLine
class  ViewProviderDatumPlane
class  ViewProviderDatumPoint
class  ViewProviderDraft
class  ViewProviderDressUp
class  ViewProviderFillet
class  ViewProviderGroove
class  ViewProviderHole
class  ViewProviderLinearPattern
class  ViewProviderLoft
class  ViewProviderMainPart
class  ViewProviderMirrored
class  ViewProviderMultiTransform
class  ViewProviderPad
class  ViewProviderPipe
class  ViewProviderPocket
class  ViewProviderPolarPattern
class  ViewProviderPrimitive
class  ViewProviderPy
 The python export class for ViewProvider. More...
class  ViewProviderRevolution
class  ViewProviderScaled
class  ViewProviderShapeBinder
class  ViewProviderSketchBased
 A common base class for Sketch based view providers. More...
class  ViewProviderSubShapeBinder
class  ViewProviderThickness
class  ViewProviderTransformed
class  Workbench
class  WorkflowManager
 This class controls the workflow of each file. More...


typedef Gui::ViewProviderPythonFeatureT< ViewProviderViewProviderPython


enum  Workflow { Workflow::Undetermined = 0, Workflow::Legacy = 1<<0, Workflow::Modern = 1<<1 }
 Defines allowded tool set provided by the workbench Legacy mode provides a free PartDesign features but forbids bodies and parts. More...


App::PartassertActivePart ()
 Returns active part, if there is no such, creates a new part, if it fails, shows a message. More...
bool assureLegacyWorkflow (App::Document *doc)
 Assures that workflow of the given document is determined and returns true if it is Workflow::Legacy. More...
bool assureModernWorkflow (App::Document *doc)
 Assures that workflow of the given document is determined and returns true if it is Workflow::Modern. More...
std::string buildLinkListPythonStr (const std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > &objs)
 Return reference as string for python in the format [obj1, obj2, ...,]. More...
std::string buildLinkSingleSubPythonStr (const App::DocumentObject *obj, const std::vector< std::string > &subs)
 Return reference as string for python in the format (<obj> ["sub"?]) More...
std::string buildLinkSubListPythonStr (const std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > &objs, const std::vector< std::string > &subs)
 Returns sub reference list as a python string in the format [(obj1,"sub1"),(obj2,"sub2"),...]. More...
std::string buildLinkSubPythonStr (const App::DocumentObject *obj, const std::vector< std::string > &subs)
 Return reference as string for python in the format (<obj> ["sub1", "sub2", ...]) More...
std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > collectMovableDependencies (std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > &features)
 Collect dependencies of the features during the move. Dependencies should only be dependent on origin. More...
void fixSketchSupport (Sketcher::SketchObject *sketch)
 Fix sketch support after moving a free sketch into a body. More...
App::PartgetActivePart ()
PartDesign::BodygetBody (bool messageIfNot, bool autoActivate, bool assertModern, App::DocumentObject **topParent, std::string *subname)
 Return active body or show a warning message. If autoActivate is true (the default) then if there is only single body in the document it will be activated. More...
PartDesign::BodygetBodyFor (const App::DocumentObject *, bool messageIfNot, bool autoActivate=true, bool assertModern=true, App::DocumentObject **topParent=0, std::string *subname=0)
 Finds a body for the given feature. More...
App::PartgetPartFor (const App::DocumentObject *obj, bool messageIfNot)
void getReferencedSelection (const App::DocumentObject *thisObj, const Gui::SelectionChanges &msg, App::DocumentObject *&selObj, std::vector< std::string > &selSub)
 Extract reference from Selection. More...
QString getRefStr (const App::DocumentObject *obj, const std::vector< std::string > &sub)
 Return reference as string for UI elements (format <obj>:<subelement> More...
PyObjectinitModule ()
bool isAnyNonPartDesignLinksTo (PartDesign::Feature *feature, bool respectGroups=false)
 Returns true if document has any non-PartDesign objects that links to the given object. More...
bool isFeatureMovable (App::DocumentObject *feature)
 Check if feature is dependent on anything except movable sketches and datums. More...
bool isLegacyWorkflow (App::Document *doc)
 Returns true if the workflow of the given document is Workflow::Legacy. More...
bool isModernWorkflow (App::Document *doc)
 Returns true if the workflow of the given document is Workflow::Modern. More...
bool isPartDesignAwareObjecta (App::DocumentObject *obj, bool respectGroups=false)
PartDesign::BodymakeBody (App::Document *doc)
 Create a Body object in doc, set it active, and return pointer to it. More...
void needActiveBodyError (void)
 Display error when there are existing Body objects, but none are active. More...
void relinkToBody (PartDesign::Feature *feature)
 Relink all nonPartDesign features to the body instead of the given partDesign Feature. More...
void relinkToOrigin (App::DocumentObject *feature, PartDesign::Body *body)
 Relink sketches and datums to target body's origin. More...
bool setEdit (App::DocumentObject *obj, PartDesign::Body *body=0)
 Activate edit mode of the given object. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ ViewProviderPython

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Workflow

Defines allowded tool set provided by the workbench Legacy mode provides a free PartDesign features but forbids bodies and parts.


No workflow was chosen yet.


Old-style workflow with free features and no bodies.


New-style workflow with bodies, parts etc.

Function Documentation

◆ assertActivePart()

App::Part* PartDesignGui::assertActivePart ( )

Returns active part, if there is no such, creates a new part, if it fails, shows a message.

◆ assureLegacyWorkflow()

bool PartDesignGui::assureLegacyWorkflow ( App::Document doc)

Assures that workflow of the given document is determined and returns true if it is Workflow::Legacy.

References PartDesignGui::WorkflowManager::determineWorkflow(), PartDesignGui::WorkflowManager::instance(), and Legacy.

◆ assureModernWorkflow()

bool PartDesignGui::assureModernWorkflow ( App::Document doc)

Assures that workflow of the given document is determined and returns true if it is Workflow::Modern.

References PartDesignGui::WorkflowManager::determineWorkflow(), PartDesignGui::WorkflowManager::instance(), and Modern.

Referenced by getBody().

◆ buildLinkListPythonStr()

std::string PartDesignGui::buildLinkListPythonStr ( const std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > &  objs)

Return reference as string for python in the format [obj1, obj2, ...,].

References Gui::Command::getObjectCmd().

Referenced by relinkToBody().

◆ buildLinkSingleSubPythonStr()

std::string PartDesignGui::buildLinkSingleSubPythonStr ( const App::DocumentObject obj,
const std::vector< std::string > &  subs 

◆ buildLinkSubListPythonStr()

std::string PartDesignGui::buildLinkSubListPythonStr ( const std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > &  objs,
const std::vector< std::string > &  subs 

Returns sub reference list as a python string in the format [(obj1,"sub1"),(obj2,"sub2"),...].

References Gui::Command::getObjectCmd().

Referenced by relinkToBody().

◆ buildLinkSubPythonStr()

std::string PartDesignGui::buildLinkSubPythonStr ( const App::DocumentObject obj,
const std::vector< std::string > &  subs 

Return reference as string for python in the format (<obj> ["sub1", "sub2", ...])

Referenced by relinkToBody().

◆ collectMovableDependencies()

std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > PartDesignGui::collectMovableDependencies ( std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > &  features)

Collect dependencies of the features during the move. Dependencies should only be dependent on origin.

References collectMovableDependencies(), Base::Persistence::getClassTypeId(), Base::Persistence::getTypeId(), and Base::Type::isDerivedFrom().

Referenced by collectMovableDependencies(), and PartDesignGui::ViewProviderBody::dropObject().

◆ fixSketchSupport()

◆ getActivePart()

◆ getBody()

PartDesign::Body * PartDesignGui::getBody ( bool  messageIfNot,
bool  autoActivate,
bool  assertModern,
App::DocumentObject **  topParent,
std::string *  subname 

Return active body or show a warning message. If autoActivate is true (the default) then if there is only single body in the document it will be activated.

Return active body or show a warning message.


References Gui::Application::activeView(), assureModernWorkflow(), Gui::MDIView::getActiveObject(), Gui::BaseView::getAppDocument(), getBody(), Base::Persistence::getClassTypeId(), App::DocumentObject::getDocument(), Gui::getMainWindow(), Gui::Command::getObjectCmd(), App::DocumentObject::getParents(), and Gui::Application::Instance.

Referenced by PartDesignGui::ReferenceSelection::allow(), PartDesignGui::TaskFeaturePick::buildFeatures(), getBody(), and getBodyFor().

◆ getBodyFor()

PartDesign::Body * PartDesignGui::getBodyFor ( const App::DocumentObject ,
bool  messageIfNot,
bool  autoActivate = true,
bool  assertModern = true,
App::DocumentObject **  topParent = 0,
std::string *  subname = 0 

◆ getPartFor()

◆ getReferencedSelection()

◆ getRefStr()

QString PartDesignGui::getRefStr ( const App::DocumentObject obj,
const std::vector< std::string > &  sub 

◆ initModule()

PyObject* PartDesignGui::initModule ( )

◆ isAnyNonPartDesignLinksTo()

bool PartDesignGui::isAnyNonPartDesignLinksTo ( PartDesign::Feature feature,
bool  respectGroups = false 

Returns true if document has any non-PartDesign objects that links to the given object.

If respectGroups is true don't count links from App::GeoFeatureGroup-derived objects (default is false)

References DraftVecUtils::find(), Base::Persistence::getClassTypeId(), App::DocumentObject::getDocument(), App::PropertyContainer::getPropertyList(), isAnyNonPartDesignLinksTo(), and isPartDesignAwareObjecta().

Referenced by isAnyNonPartDesignLinksTo().

◆ isFeatureMovable()

◆ isLegacyWorkflow()

bool PartDesignGui::isLegacyWorkflow ( App::Document doc)

◆ isModernWorkflow()

bool PartDesignGui::isModernWorkflow ( App::Document doc)

◆ isPartDesignAwareObjecta()

bool PartDesignGui::isPartDesignAwareObjecta ( App::DocumentObject obj,
bool  respectGroups = false 

◆ makeBody()

PartDesign::Body * PartDesignGui::makeBody ( App::Document doc)

Create a Body object in doc, set it active, and return pointer to it.

References Gui::Command::Doc, Gui::ViewProvider::doubleClicked(), Gui::Application::getViewProvider(), Gui::Application::Instance, and makeBody().

Referenced by makeBody().

◆ needActiveBodyError()

void PartDesignGui::needActiveBodyError ( void  )

Display error when there are existing Body objects, but none are active.

References Gui::getMainWindow(), and needActiveBodyError().

Referenced by needActiveBodyError().

◆ relinkToBody()

◆ relinkToOrigin()

◆ setEdit()