PartDesign::SubShapeBinder Class Reference

#include <ShapeBinder.h>

Public Types

typedef Part::Feature inherited
enum  UpdateOption { UpdateNone = 0 , UpdateInit = 1 , UpdateForced = 2 }
- Public Types inherited from App::GeoFeature
enum  ElementNameType { Normal =0 , Import =1 , Export =2 }
 Specify the type of element name to return when calling getElementName() More...
- Public Types inherited from App::DocumentObject
enum  GSReason { GS_DEFAULT , GS_SELECT }
 reason of calling getSubObjects() More...
enum  OutListOption { OutListNoExpression = 1 , OutListNoHidden = 2 , OutListNoXLinked = 4 }
 DAG handling This part of the interface deals with viewing the document as a DAG (directed acyclic graph). More...
- Public Types inherited from App::ExtensionContainer
typedef std::map< Base::Type, App::Extension * >::iterator ExtensionIterator

Public Member Functions

virtual bool canLinkProperties () const override
virtual int canLoadPartial () const override
 allow partial loading of dependent objects More...
virtual App::DocumentObjectgetSubObject (const char *subname, PyObject **pyObj=nullptr, Base::Matrix4D *mat=nullptr, bool transform=true, int depth=0) const override
 Get the sub element/object by name. More...
const char * getViewProviderName (void) const override
 returns the type name of the ViewProvider More...
void setLinks (std::map< App::DocumentObject *, std::vector< std::string > > &&values, bool reset=false)
 SubShapeBinder ()
void update (UpdateOption options=UpdateNone)
 ~SubShapeBinder ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Part::Feature
 Feature (void)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~Feature ()
virtual short mustExecute () const override
 mustExecute We call this method to check if the object was modified to be invoked. More...
virtual const App::PropertyComplexGeoDatagetPropertyOfGeometry () const override
 This method returns the main property of a geometric object that holds the actual geometry. More...
virtual PyObjectgetPyObject () override
 getPyObject returns the Python binding object More...
TopLoc_Location getLocation () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from App::GeoFeature
 GeoFeature (void)
 Constructor. More...
virtual std::pair< std::string, std::string > getElementName (const char *name, ElementNameType type=Normal) const
 Return the new and old style sub-element name. More...
virtual const PropertyComplexGeoDatagetPropertyOfGeometry () const
 This method returns the main property of a geometric object that holds the actual geometry. More...
virtual PyObjectgetPyObject (void)
 getPyObject returns the Python binding object More...
Base::Placement globalPlacement () const
 Calculates the placement in the global reference coordinate system. More...
virtual void transformPlacement (const Base::Placement &transform)
 transformPlacement applies transform to placement of this shape. More...
virtual ~GeoFeature ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from App::DocumentObject
virtual App::PropertyaddDynamicProperty (const char *type, const char *name=nullptr, const char *group=nullptr, const char *doc=nullptr, short attr=0, bool ro=false, bool hidden=false) override
virtual bool adjustRelativeLinks (const std::set< App::DocumentObject * > &inList, std::set< App::DocumentObject * > *visited=nullptr)
 Called to adjust link properties to avoid cyclic links. More...
virtual bool allowDuplicateLabel () const
virtual bool canLinkProperties () const
virtual int canLoadPartial () const
 allow partial loading of dependent objects More...
void clearExpression (const ObjectIdentifier &path)
void clearOutListCache () const
 clear internal out list cache More...
virtual const char * detachFromDocument () override
 DocumentObject (void)
 Constructor. More...
void enforceRecompute ()
 Enforce this document object to be recomputed. More...
App::DocumentgetDocument (void) const
 gets the document in which this Object is handled More...
std::string getExportName (bool forced=false) const
 returns the name that is safe to be exported to other document More...
virtual const PropertyExpressionEngine::ExpressionInfo getExpression (const ObjectIdentifier &path) const
virtual std::string getFullName () const override
 Return the object full name of the form DocName::ObjName. More...
DocumentObjectGroupgetGroup () const
 get group if object is part of a group, otherwise 0 is returned More...
long getID () const
 Return the object ID that is unique within its owner document. More...
const std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > & getInList (void) const
std::set< App::DocumentObject * > getInListEx (bool recursive) const
 Return a set of all objects linking to this object, including possible external parent objects. More...
void getInListEx (std::set< App::DocumentObject * > &inSet, bool recursive, std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > *inList=nullptr) const
 Get a set of all objects linking to this object, including possible external parent objects. More...
std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > getInListRecursive (void) const
 get all objects link directly or indirectly to this object More...
virtual DocumentObjectgetLinkedObject (bool recurse=true, Base::Matrix4D *mat=nullptr, bool transform=false, int depth=0) const
 Return the linked object with optional transformation. More...
const char * getNameInDocument (void) const
 returns the name which is set in the document for this object (not the name property!) More...
const std::string & getOldLabel () const
const std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > & getOutList () const
 returns a list of objects this object is pointing to by Links More...
std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > getOutList (int option) const
void getOutList (int option, std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > &res) const
std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > getOutListOfProperty (App::Property *) const
 returns a list of objects linked by the property More...
std::vector< App::DocumentObject * > getOutListRecursive (void) const
 returns a list of objects this object is pointing to by Links and all further descended More...
std::vector< std::pair< App::DocumentObject *, std::string > > getParents (int depth=0) const
 Obtain top parents and subnames of this object using its InList. More...
std::vector< std::list< App::DocumentObject * > > getPathsByOutList (App::DocumentObject *to) const
 get all possible paths from this to another object following the OutList More...
virtual PyObjectgetPyObject (void) override
 This method returns the Python wrapper for a C++ object. More...
unsigned long getStatus () const
 return the status bits More...
const char * getStatusString (void) const
 get the status Message More...
virtual DocumentObjectgetSubObject (const char *subname, PyObject **pyObj=nullptr, Base::Matrix4D *mat=nullptr, bool transform=true, int depth=0) const
 Get the sub element/object by name. More...
std::vector< DocumentObject * > getSubObjectList (const char *subname) const
 Return a list of objects referenced by a given subname including this object. More...
virtual std::vector< std::string > getSubObjects (int reason=0) const
 Return name reference of all sub-objects. More...
virtual const char * getViewProviderName (void) const
 returns the type name of the ViewProvider More...
virtual const char * getViewProviderNameOverride () const
 This function is introduced to allow Python feature override its view provider. More...
const char * getViewProviderNameStored () const
virtual bool hasChildElement () const
 return true to activate tree view group object handling and element visibility More...
virtual bool isAttachedToDocument () const override
virtual int isElementVisible (const char *element) const
 Get sub-element visibility. More...
bool isError (void) const
 set this feature to error More...
int isExporting () const
bool isInInList (DocumentObject *objToTest) const
 test if this object is directly (non recursive) in the InList More...
bool isInInListRecursive (DocumentObject *objToTest) const
 test if this object is in the InList and recursive further down More...
bool isInOutList (DocumentObject *objToTest) const
 test if this object is directly (non recursive) in the OutList More...
bool isInOutListRecursive (DocumentObject *objToTest) const
 test if the given object is in the OutList and recursive further down More...
bool isRecomputing () const
 returns true if this objects is currently recomputing More...
bool isRemoving () const
 returns true if this objects is currently removed from the document More...
bool isRestoring () const
 returns true if this objects is currently restoring from file More...
bool isTouched (void) const
 test if this document object is touched More...
bool isValid (void) const
virtual short mustExecute (void) const
 mustExecute We call this method to check if the object was modified to be invoked. More...
bool mustRecompute (void) const
 Test if this document object must be recomputed. More...
virtual void onBeforeChangeLabel (std::string &newLabel)
virtual void onLostLinkToObject (DocumentObject *)
 Called in case of losing a link Get called by the document when a object got deleted a link property of this object ist pointing to. More...
virtual void onUpdateElementReference (const Property *)
void purgeError (void)
 remove the error from the object More...
void purgeTouched (void)
 reset this document object touched More...
bool recomputeFeature (bool recursive=false)
 Recompute only this feature. More...
virtual bool redirectSubName (std::ostringstream &ss, DocumentObject *topParent, DocumentObject *child) const
 Allow object to redirect a subname path. More...
virtual bool removeDynamicProperty (const char *prop) override
virtual void renameObjectIdentifiers (const std::map< App::ObjectIdentifier, App::ObjectIdentifier > &paths)
App::DocumentObjectresolve (const char *subname, App::DocumentObject **parent=nullptr, std::string *childName=nullptr, const char **subElement=nullptr, PyObject **pyObj=nullptr, Base::Matrix4D *mat=nullptr, bool transform=true, int depth=0) const
 Resolve the last document object referenced in the subname. More...
App::DocumentObjectresolveRelativeLink (std::string &subname, App::DocumentObject *&link, std::string &linkSub) const
 Resolve a link reference that is relative to this object reference. More...
virtual void Save (Base::Writer &writer) const override
 This method is used to save properties to an XML document. More...
virtual int setElementVisible (const char *element, bool visible)
 Child element handling. More...
virtual void setExpression (const ObjectIdentifier &path, std::shared_ptr< App::Expression > expr)
void setStatus (ObjectStatus pos, bool on)
bool testIfLinkDAGCompatible (App::PropertyLinkSub &linkTo) const
bool testIfLinkDAGCompatible (App::PropertyLinkSubList &linksTo) const
bool testIfLinkDAGCompatible (const std::vector< DocumentObject * > &linksTo) const
bool testIfLinkDAGCompatible (DocumentObject *linkTo) const
 testIfLinkIsDAG tests a link that is about to be created for circular references. More...
bool testStatus (ObjectStatus pos) const
void touch (bool noRecompute=false)
 Set the property touched -> changed, cause recomputation in Update() More...
virtual ~DocumentObject ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from App::TransactionalObject
virtual const char * detachFromDocument ()
virtual bool isAttachedToDocument () const
 TransactionalObject (void)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~TransactionalObject ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from App::ExtensionContainer
ExtensionIterator extensionBegin ()
 ExtensionContainer ()
ExtensionIterator extensionEnd ()
App::ExtensiongetExtension (Base::Type, bool derived=true, bool no_except=false) const
App::ExtensiongetExtension (const std::string &name) const
template<typename ExtensionT >
ExtensionTgetExtensionByType (bool no_except=false, bool derived=true) const
std::vector< Extension * > getExtensionsDerivedFrom (Base::Type type) const
template<typename ExtensionT >
std::vector< ExtensionT * > getExtensionsDerivedFromType () const
bool hasExtension (Base::Type, bool derived=true) const
bool hasExtension (const std::string &name) const
bool hasExtensions () const
void registerExtension (Base::Type extension, App::Extension *ext)
virtual ~ExtensionContainer ()
virtual PropertygetPropertyByName (const char *name) const override
 find a property by its name More...
virtual const char * getPropertyName (const Property *prop) const override
 get the name of a property More...
virtual void getPropertyMap (std::map< std::string, Property * > &Map) const override
 get all properties of the class (including properties of the parent) More...
virtual void getPropertyList (std::vector< Property * > &List) const override
 get all properties of the class (including properties of the parent) More...
virtual short getPropertyType (const Property *prop) const override
 get the Type of a Property More...
virtual short getPropertyType (const char *name) const override
 get the Type of a named Property More...
virtual const char * getPropertyGroup (const Property *prop) const override
 get the Group of a Property More...
virtual const char * getPropertyGroup (const char *name) const override
 get the Group of a named Property More...
virtual const char * getPropertyDocumentation (const Property *prop) const override
 get the Group of a Property More...
virtual const char * getPropertyDocumentation (const char *name) const override
 get the Group of a named Property More...
virtual void Restore (Base::XMLReader &reader) override
 This method is used to restore properties from an XML document. More...
void saveExtensions (Base::Writer &writer) const
void restoreExtensions (Base::XMLReader &reader)
- Public Member Functions inherited from App::PropertyContainer
virtual App::PropertyaddDynamicProperty (const char *type, const char *name=nullptr, const char *group=nullptr, const char *doc=nullptr, short attr=0, bool ro=false, bool hidden=false)
bool changeDynamicProperty (const Property *prop, const char *group, const char *doc)
virtual void editProperty (const char *)
virtual App::PropertygetDynamicPropertyByName (const char *name) const
DynamicProperty::PropData getDynamicPropertyData (const Property *prop) const
virtual std::vector< std::string > getDynamicPropertyNames () const
virtual std::string getFullName () const
virtual unsigned int getMemSize (void) const
 This method is used to get the size of objects It is not meant to have the exact size, it is more or less an estimation which runs fast! Is it two bytes or a GB? More...
virtual PropertygetPropertyByName (const char *name) const
 find a property by its name More...
virtual const char * getPropertyDocumentation (const char *name) const
 get the Group of a named Property More...
virtual const char * getPropertyDocumentation (const Property *prop) const
 get the Group of a Property More...
virtual const char * getPropertyGroup (const char *name) const
 get the Group of a named Property More...
virtual const char * getPropertyGroup (const Property *prop) const
 get the Group of a Property More...
virtual void getPropertyList (std::vector< Property * > &List) const
 get all properties of the class (including properties of the parent) More...
virtual void getPropertyMap (std::map< std::string, Property * > &Map) const
 get all properties of the class (including properties of the parent) More...
virtual const char * getPropertyName (const Property *prop) const
 get the name of a property More...
virtual void getPropertyNamedList (std::vector< std::pair< const char *, Property * > > &List) const
 get all properties with their names, may contain duplicates and aliases More...
const char * getPropertyPrefix () const
virtual short getPropertyType (const char *name) const
 get the Type of a named Property More...
virtual short getPropertyType (const Property *prop) const
 get the Type of a Property More...
bool isHidden (const char *name) const
 check if the named property is hidden More...
bool isHidden (const Property *prop) const
 check if the property is hidden More...
bool isReadOnly (const char *name) const
 check if the named property is read-only More...
bool isReadOnly (const Property *prop) const
 check if the property is read-only More...
virtual void onPropertyStatusChanged (const Property &prop, unsigned long oldStatus)
 PropertyContainer ()
 A constructor. More...
virtual bool removeDynamicProperty (const char *name)
virtual void Restore (Base::XMLReader &reader)
 This method is used to restore properties from an XML document. More...
virtual void Save (Base::Writer &writer) const
 This method is used to save properties to an XML document. More...
void setPropertyPrefix (const char *prefix)
void setPropertyStatus (unsigned char bit, bool value)
 set the Status bit of all properties at once More...
virtual ~PropertyContainer ()
 A destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Base::Persistence
void dumpToStream (std::ostream &stream, int compression)
virtual unsigned int getMemSize () const =0
 This method is used to get the size of objects It is not meant to have the exact size, it is more or less an estimation which runs fast! Is it two bytes or a GB? More...
virtual Base::Type getTypeId (void) const
virtual void Restore (XMLReader &)=0
 This method is used to restore properties from an XML document. More...
virtual void RestoreDocFile (Reader &)
 This method is used to restore large amounts of data from a file In this method you simply stream in your SaveDocFile() saved data. More...
void restoreFromStream (std::istream &stream)
virtual void Save (Writer &) const =0
 This method is used to save properties to an XML document. More...
virtual void SaveDocFile (Writer &) const
 This method is used to save large amounts of data to a binary file. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Base::BaseClass
 BaseClass ()
 Construction. More...
 BaseClass (const BaseClass &)=default
virtual PyObjectgetPyObject ()
 This method returns the Python wrapper for a C++ object. More...
virtual Type getTypeId () const
bool isDerivedFrom (const Type type) const
BaseClassoperator= (const BaseClass &)=default
virtual void setPyObject (PyObject *)
virtual ~BaseClass ()
 Destruction. More...

Public Attributes

App::PropertyEnumeration BindCopyOnChange
App::PropertyEnumeration BindMode
App::PropertyBool ClaimChildren
App::PropertyXLink Context
App::PropertyBool Fuse
App::PropertyBool MakeFace
App::PropertyFloat Offset
App::PropertyBool OffsetFill
App::PropertyBool OffsetIntersection
App::PropertyEnumeration OffsetJoinType
App::PropertyBool OffsetOpenResult
App::PropertyBool PartialLoad
App::PropertyBool Refine
App::PropertyBool Relative
App::PropertyXLinkSubList Support
- Public Attributes inherited from Part::Feature
PropertyPartShape Shape
- Public Attributes inherited from App::GeoFeature
PropertyPlacement Placement
- Public Attributes inherited from App::DocumentObject
PropertyExpressionEngine ExpressionEngine
PropertyString Label
PropertyString Label2
boost::signals2::signal< void(const App::DocumentObject &, const App::Property &)> signalBeforeChange
 signal before changing a property of this object More...
boost::signals2::signal< void(const App::DocumentObject &, const App::Property &)> signalChanged
 signal on changed property of this object More...
PropertyBool Visibility
 Allow control visibility status in App name space. More...

Protected Types

typedef boost::signals2::scoped_connection Connection

Protected Member Functions

void checkCopyOnChange (const App::Property &prop)
void checkPropertyStatus ()
void clearCopiedObjects ()
virtual App::DocumentObjectExecReturnexecute (void) override
 recalculate the feature More...
virtual void handleChangedPropertyType (Base::XMLReader &reader, const char *TypeName, App::Property *prop) override
 PropertyContainer::handleChangedPropertyType is called during restore to possibly fix reading of older versions of the property container. More...
virtual void onChanged (const App::Property *prop) override
 get called by the container when a property was changed More...
virtual void onDocumentRestored () override
 get called after a document has been fully restored More...
void setupCopyOnChange ()
virtual void setupObject () override
 get called after a brand new object was created More...
void slotRecomputedObject (const App::DocumentObject &Obj)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Part::Feature
virtual App::DocumentObjectExecReturnrecompute () override
 recompute only this object More...
ShapeHistory buildHistory (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShape &, TopAbs_ShapeEnum type, const TopoDS_Shape &newS, const TopoDS_Shape &oldS)
 Build a history of changes MakeShape: The operation that created the changes, e.g. More...
ShapeHistory joinHistory (const ShapeHistory &, const ShapeHistory &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from App::DocumentObject
virtual App::DocumentObjectExecReturnexecute (void)
 get called by the document to recompute this feature Normally this method get called in the processing of Document::recompute(). More...
App::DocumentObjectExecReturnexecuteExtensions ()
 Executes the extensions of a document object. More...
virtual void onBeforeChange (const Property *prop) override
 get called before the value is changed More...
virtual void onChanged (const Property *prop) override
 get called by the container when a property was changed More...
virtual void onDocumentRestored ()
 get called after a document has been fully restored More...
virtual void onPropertyStatusChanged (const Property &prop, unsigned long oldStatus) override
 get called when a property status has changed More...
virtual void onSettingDocument ()
 get called after setting the document More...
virtual void onUndoRedoFinished ()
 get called after an undo/redo transaction is finished More...
virtual App::DocumentObjectExecReturnrecompute (void)
 recompute only this object More...
void resetError (void)
void setDocument (App::Document *doc)
void setError (void)
virtual void setupObject ()
 get called after a brand new object was created More...
virtual void unsetupObject ()
 get called when object is going to be removed from the document More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from App::TransactionalObject
void onBeforeChangeProperty (Document *doc, const Property *prop)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from App::PropertyContainer
virtual const PropertyDatagetPropertyData (void) const
virtual void handleChangedPropertyName (Base::XMLReader &reader, const char *TypeName, const char *PropName)
 PropertyContainer::handleChangedPropertyName is called during restore to possibly fix reading of older versions of this property container. More...
virtual void handleChangedPropertyType (Base::XMLReader &reader, const char *TypeName, Property *prop)
 PropertyContainer::handleChangedPropertyType is called during restore to possibly fix reading of older versions of the property container. More...
virtual void onBeforeChange (const Property *)
 get called before the value is changed More...
virtual void onChanged (const Property *)
 get called by the container when a property has changed More...

Protected Attributes

Connection connRecomputedObj
App::DocumentcontextDoc = nullptr
std::vector< ConnectioncopyOnChangeConns
bool hasCopyOnChange = true
- Protected Attributes inherited from App::DocumentObject
std::string oldLabel
 Old label; used for renaming expressions. More...
const std::string * pcNameInDocument
Py::SmartPtr PythonObject
 python object of this class and all descendent More...
std::bitset< 32 > StatusBits
 Status bits of the document object The first 8 bits are used for the base system the rest can be used in descendent classes to mark special statuses on the objects. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from App::PropertyContainer
DynamicProperty dynamicProps

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Part::Feature
static TopoDS_Shape getShape (const App::DocumentObject *obj, const char *subname=nullptr, bool needSubElement=false, Base::Matrix4D *pmat=nullptr, App::DocumentObject **owner=nullptr, bool resolveLink=true, bool transform=true)
 Convenience function to extract shape from fully qualified subname. More...
static TopoShape getTopoShape (const App::DocumentObject *obj, const char *subname=nullptr, bool needSubElement=false, Base::Matrix4D *pmat=nullptr, App::DocumentObject **owner=nullptr, bool resolveLink=true, bool transform=true, bool noElementMap=false)
static void clearShapeCache ()
static App::DocumentObjectgetShapeOwner (const App::DocumentObject *obj, const char *subname=nullptr)
static bool hasShapeOwner (const App::DocumentObject *obj, const char *subname=nullptr)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from App::GeoFeature
static DocumentObjectresolveElement (App::DocumentObject *obj, const char *subname, std::pair< std::string, std::string > &elementName, bool append=false, ElementNameType type=Normal, const DocumentObject *filter=nullptr, const char **element=nullptr, GeoFeature **geo=nullptr)
 Resolve both the new and old style element name. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from App::DocumentObject
static const char * hasHiddenMarker (const char *subname)
 Check if the subname reference ends with hidden marker. More...
static const std::string & hiddenMarker ()
 Special marker to mark the object as hidden. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Base::Persistence
static void * create (void)
static std::string encodeAttribute (const std::string &)
 Encodes an attribute upon saving. More...
static Base::Type getClassTypeId (void)
static void init (void)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Base::BaseClass
static void * create ()
static Type getClassTypeId ()
static void init ()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from App::DocumentObject
static DocumentObjectExecReturnStdReturn
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from App::PropertyContainer
static const PropertyDatagetPropertyDataPtr (void)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Base::BaseClass
static void initSubclass (Base::Type &toInit, const char *ClassName, const char *ParentName, Type::instantiationMethod method=nullptr)

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Connection

typedef boost::signals2::scoped_connection PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::Connection

◆ inherited

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ UpdateOption


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SubShapeBinder()

◆ ~SubShapeBinder()

SubShapeBinder::~SubShapeBinder ( )

References clearCopiedObjects().

Member Function Documentation

◆ canLinkProperties()

virtual bool PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::canLinkProperties ( ) const

Reimplemented from App::DocumentObject.

◆ canLoadPartial()

virtual int PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::canLoadPartial ( ) const

allow partial loading of dependent objects

Returns 0 means do not support partial loading. 1 means allow dependent objects to be partially loaded, i.e. only create, but not restored. 2 means this object itself can be partially loaded.

Reimplemented from App::DocumentObject.

References App::PropertyBool::getValue().

◆ checkCopyOnChange()

◆ checkPropertyStatus()

void SubShapeBinder::checkPropertyStatus ( )

◆ clearCopiedObjects()

void SubShapeBinder::clearCopiedObjects ( )

Referenced by onChanged(), update(), and ~SubShapeBinder().

◆ execute()

◆ getSubObject()

App::DocumentObject * SubShapeBinder::getSubObject ( const char *  subname,
PyObject **  pyObj = nullptr,
Base::Matrix4D mat = nullptr,
bool  transform = true,
int  depth = 0 
) const

Get the sub element/object by name.

subnamea string which is dot separated name to refer to a sub element or object. An empty string can be used to refer to the object itself
pyObjif non zero, returns the python object corresponding to this sub object. The actual type of this python object is implementation dependent. For example, The current implementation of Part::Feature will return the TopoShapePy, event if there is no sub-element reference, in which case it returns the whole shape.
matIf non zero, it is used as the current transformation matrix on input. And output as the accumulated transformation up until and include the transformation applied by the final object reference in subname. For Part::Feature, the transformation is applied to the TopoShape inside pyObj before returning.
transformif false, then it will not apply the object's own transformation to mat, which lets you override the object's placement (and possibly scale).
depthdepth limitation as hint for cyclic link detection
The last document object referred in subname. If subname is empty, then it shall return itself. If subname is invalid, then it shall return zero.

Reimplemented from Part::Feature.

References App::Application::checkLinkDepth(), DraftVecUtils::equals(), Data::ComplexGeoData::findElementName(), App::GetApplication(), App::PropertyXLinkSubList::getSubListValues(), Part::Feature::getSubObject(), App::PropertyPlacement::getValue(), Data::ComplexGeoData::noElementName(), App::GeoFeature::Placement, Support, and Base::Placement::toMatrix().

◆ getViewProviderName()

const char * PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::getViewProviderName ( void  ) const

returns the type name of the ViewProvider

Reimplemented from Part::Feature.

◆ handleChangedPropertyType()

void SubShapeBinder::handleChangedPropertyType ( Base::XMLReader reader,
const char *  TypeName,
App::Property prop 

PropertyContainer::handleChangedPropertyType is called during restore to possibly fix reading of older versions of the property container.

This method is typically called if the property on file has changed its type in more recent versions.

The default implementation does nothing.

readerThe XML stream to read from.
TypeNameName of property type on file.
propPointer to property to restore. Its type differs from TypeName.

Reimplemented from App::PropertyContainer.

References App::PropertyContainer::handleChangedPropertyType(), Support, and App::PropertyXLinkSubList::upgrade().

◆ onChanged()

◆ onDocumentRestored()

void SubShapeBinder::onDocumentRestored ( )

get called after a document has been fully restored

Reimplemented from App::DocumentObject.

References App::DocumentObject::onDocumentRestored(), update(), and UpdateInit.

◆ setLinks()

◆ setupCopyOnChange()

◆ setupObject()

void SubShapeBinder::setupObject ( )

◆ slotRecomputedObject()

void SubShapeBinder::slotRecomputedObject ( const App::DocumentObject Obj)

References App::DocumentObject::testStatus(), and update().

Referenced by onChanged().

◆ update()

void SubShapeBinder::update ( SubShapeBinder::UpdateOption  options = UpdateNone)

References BindCopyOnChange, clearCopiedObjects(), Fuse, App::GetApplication(), App::DocumentObject::getDocument(), App::PropertyContainer::getDynamicPropertyByName(), App::DocumentObject::getFullName(), App::DocumentObject::getParents(), App::ExtensionContainer::getPropertyByName(), App::ExtensionContainer::getPropertyList(), App::PropertyXLinkSubList::getSubListValues(), Part::Feature::getTopoShape(), Base::Persistence::getTypeId(), App::PropertyPlacement::getValue(), App::PropertyEnumeration::getValue(), App::PropertyBool::getValue(), Part::PropertyPartShape::getValue(), Base::Persistence::init(), Base::Placement::inverse(), Base::Matrix4D::inverseGauss(), App::LinkBaseExtension::isCopyOnChangeProperty(), App::DocumentObject::isValid(), App::Application::newDocument(), Data::ComplexGeoData::oldElementName(), App::GeoFeature::Placement, App::DocumentObject::recomputeFeature(), Relative, App::PropertyPlacement::setValue(), Part::Feature::Shape, Support, Base::Placement::toMatrix(), UpdateForced, and UpdateInit.

Referenced by ArchStructure.CommandStructuralSystem::Activated(), ArchAxisSystem.AxisSystemTaskPanel::addElement(), ArchComponent.ComponentTaskPanel::addElement(), ArchSectionPlane.SectionPlaneTaskPanel::addElement(), DraftGui.FacebinderTaskPanel::addElement(), femtaskpanels.task_result_mechanical._TaskPanel::calculate(), Spreadsheet_legacy.SpreadsheetView::changeCell(), draftguitools.gui_edit.Edit::endEditing(), execute(), draftguitools.gui_trackers.boxTracker::height(), onChanged(), onDocumentRestored(), draftguitools.gui_trackers.rectangleTracker::p3(), Plot.Plot::plot(), Spreadsheet_legacy.SpreadsheetView::recompute(), ArchAxisSystem.AxisSystemTaskPanel::removeElement(), ArchComponent.ComponentTaskPanel::removeElement(), ArchSectionPlane.SectionPlaneTaskPanel::removeElement(), DraftGui.FacebinderTaskPanel::removeElement(), draftguitools.gui_trackers.gridTracker::reset(), ArchNesting.Nester::run(), draftguitools.gui_trackers.gridTracker::setMainlines(), draftguitools.gui_trackers.gridTracker::setSize(), draftguitools.gui_trackers.gridTracker::setSpacing(), slotRecomputedObject(), and draftguitools.gui_edit_arch_objects.ArchWallGuiTools::update_object_from_edit_points().

Member Data Documentation

◆ BindCopyOnChange

App::PropertyEnumeration PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::BindCopyOnChange

◆ BindMode

App::PropertyEnumeration PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::BindMode

Referenced by execute(), and onChanged().

◆ ClaimChildren

App::PropertyBool PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::ClaimChildren

◆ connRecomputedObj

Connection PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::connRecomputedObj

Referenced by onChanged().

◆ Context

App::PropertyXLink PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::Context

◆ contextDoc

App::Document* PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::contextDoc = nullptr

Referenced by onChanged().

◆ copyOnChangeConns

std::vector<Connection> PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::copyOnChangeConns

Referenced by setupCopyOnChange().

◆ Fuse

App::PropertyBool PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::Fuse

Referenced by update().

◆ hasCopyOnChange

bool PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::hasCopyOnChange = true

Referenced by setupCopyOnChange().

◆ MakeFace

App::PropertyBool PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::MakeFace

◆ Offset

App::PropertyFloat PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::Offset

◆ OffsetFill

App::PropertyBool PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::OffsetFill

◆ OffsetIntersection

App::PropertyBool PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::OffsetIntersection

◆ OffsetJoinType

App::PropertyEnumeration PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::OffsetJoinType

◆ OffsetOpenResult

App::PropertyBool PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::OffsetOpenResult

◆ PartialLoad

App::PropertyBool PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::PartialLoad

Referenced by checkPropertyStatus(), and onChanged().

◆ Refine

App::PropertyBool PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::Refine

Referenced by setupObject().

◆ Relative

App::PropertyBool PartDesign::SubShapeBinder::Relative

Referenced by onChanged(), and update().

◆ Support

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