MeshPart::CurveProjectorSimple Member List
This is the complete list of members for MeshPart::CurveProjectorSimple, including all inherited members.
CurveProjector(const TopoDS_Shape &aShape, const MeshKernel &pMesh) | MeshPart::CurveProjector | |
CurveProjectorSimple(const TopoDS_Shape &aShape, const MeshKernel &pMesh) | MeshPart::CurveProjectorSimple | |
Do() | MeshPart::CurveProjectorSimple | protectedvirtual |
findStartPoint(const MeshKernel &MeshK, const Base::Vector3f &Pnt, Base::Vector3f &Rslt, unsigned long &FaceIndex) | MeshPart::CurveProjectorSimple | |
GetSampledCurves(const TopoDS_Edge &aEdge, std::vector< Base::Vector3f > &rclPoints, unsigned long ulNbOfPoints=30) | MeshPart::CurveProjectorSimple | |
mvEdgeSplitPoints | MeshPart::CurveProjector | protected |
projectCurve(const TopoDS_Edge &aEdge, const std::vector< Base::Vector3f > &rclPoints, std::vector< FaceSplitEdge > &vSplitEdges) | MeshPart::CurveProjectorSimple | |
result(void) | MeshPart::CurveProjector | |
result_type typedef | MeshPart::CurveProjector | |
writeIntersectionPointsToFile(const char *name="export_pts.asc") | MeshPart::CurveProjector | |
~CurveProjector() | MeshPart::CurveProjector | virtual |
~CurveProjectorSimple() | MeshPart::CurveProjectorSimple | virtual |