MeshCore::MeshKernel Member List
This is the complete list of members for MeshCore::MeshKernel, including all inherited members.
AddFacet(const MeshGeomFacet &rclSFacet) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
AddFacets(const std::vector< MeshGeomFacet > &rclFAry) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
AddFacets(const std::vector< MeshFacet > &rclFAry, bool checkManifolds) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
AddFacets(const std::vector< MeshFacet > &rclFAry, const std::vector< Base::Vector3f > &rclPAry, bool checkManifolds) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
AdjustNormal(MeshFacet &rclFacet, const Base::Vector3f &rclNormal) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | protected |
Adopt(MeshPointArray &rPoints, MeshFacetArray &rFaces, bool checkNeighbourHood=false) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
Assign(const MeshPointArray &rPoints, const MeshFacetArray &rFaces, bool checkNeighbourHood=false) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
CalcVertexNormals() const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
Cleanup() | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
Clear(void) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
CountEdges(void) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
CountFacets(void) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
CountPoints(void) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
CutFacets(const MeshFacetGrid &rclGrid, const Base::ViewProjMethod *pclP, const Base::Polygon2d &rclPoly, bool bCutInner, std::vector< MeshGeomFacet > &raclFacets) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
CutFacets(const MeshFacetGrid &rclGrid, const Base::ViewProjMethod *pclP, const Base::Polygon2d &rclPoly, bool bCutInner, std::vector< unsigned long > &raclCutted) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
DeleteFacet(const MeshFacetIterator &rclIter) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
DeleteFacet(unsigned long ulInd) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
DeleteFacets(const std::vector< unsigned long > &raulFacets) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
DeletePoint(const MeshPointIterator &rclIter) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
DeletePoint(unsigned long ulInd) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
DeletePoints(const std::vector< unsigned long > &raulPoints) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
ErasePoint(unsigned long ulIndex, unsigned long ulFacetIndex, bool bOnlySetInvalid=false) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | protected |
FacetIterator() const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetBoundBox(void) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetEdges(std::vector< MeshGeomEdge > &) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetFacet(unsigned long ulIndex) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetFacet(const MeshFacet &rclFacet) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetFacetNeighbours(unsigned long ulIndex, unsigned long &rulNIdx0, unsigned long &rulNIdx1, unsigned long &rulNIdx2) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetFacetNormals(const std::vector< unsigned long > &) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetFacetPoints(unsigned long ulFaIndex, unsigned long &rclP0, unsigned long &rclP1, unsigned long &rclP2) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetFacetPoints(const std::vector< unsigned long > &) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetFacets(void) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetFacets(const std::vector< unsigned long > &) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetGravityPoint(const MeshFacet &rclFacet) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | protected |
GetMemSize(void) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetNormal(const MeshFacet &rclFacet) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | protected |
GetPoint(unsigned long ulIndex) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetPointFacets(const std::vector< unsigned long > &) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetPoints(void) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetPoints(const std::vector< unsigned long > &) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetSurface() const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetSurface(const std::vector< unsigned long > &aSegment) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
GetVolume() const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
HasFacets(const MeshPointIterator &rclIter) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
HasNonManifolds() const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
HasOpenEdges() const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
HasSelfIntersections() const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
IsValid(void) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
Merge(const MeshKernel &rKernel) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
Merge(const MeshPointArray &rPoints, const MeshFacetArray &rFaces) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
MeshAlgorithm class | MeshCore::MeshKernel | friend |
MeshBuilder class | MeshCore::MeshKernel | friend |
MeshFacetIterator class | MeshCore::MeshKernel | friend |
MeshFastFacetIterator class | MeshCore::MeshKernel | friend |
MeshFixDuplicatePoints class | MeshCore::MeshKernel | friend |
MeshKernel(void) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
MeshKernel(const MeshKernel &rclMesh) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
MeshPointIterator class | MeshCore::MeshKernel | friend |
MeshTopoAlgorithm class | MeshCore::MeshKernel | friend |
MeshTrimming class | MeshCore::MeshKernel | friend |
ModifyFacets() | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
ModifyPoints() | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
MovePoint(unsigned long ulPtIndex, const Base::Vector3f &rclTrans) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
operator*=(const Base::Matrix4D &rclMat) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
operator+=(const MeshGeomFacet &rclSFacet) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
operator+=(const std::vector< MeshGeomFacet > &rclFAry) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
operator=(const std::vector< MeshGeomFacet > &rclFAry) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
operator=(const MeshKernel &rclMesh) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
PointIterator() const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
Read(std::istream &rclIn) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
RebuildNeighbours(void) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
RebuildNeighbours(unsigned long) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | protected |
RecalcBoundBox(void) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
RemoveInvalids() | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
SetPoint(unsigned long ulPtIndex, const Base::Vector3f &rPoint) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
SetPoint(unsigned long ulPtIndex, float x, float y, float z) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
Smooth(int iterations, float d_max) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
Swap(MeshKernel &mesh) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
Transform(const Base::Matrix4D &rclMat) | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
VisitNeighbourFacets(MeshFacetVisitor &rclFVisitor, unsigned long ulStartFacet) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
VisitNeighbourFacetsOverCorners(MeshFacetVisitor &rclFVisitor, unsigned long ulStartFacet) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
VisitNeighbourPoints(MeshPointVisitor &rclPVisitor, unsigned long ulStartPoint) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
Write(std::ostream &rclOut) const | MeshCore::MeshKernel | |
~MeshKernel(void) | MeshCore::MeshKernel |