Selection observer used throughout the Arch module.
When a nextCommand is specified, the observer fires a Gui command when
anything is selected.
When a watched object is specified, the observer will only fire when this
watched object is selected.
TODO: This could probably use a rework. Most of the functionality isn't
used. It does not work correctly to reset the appearance of parent object
in ComponentTaskPanel.editObject(), for example.
watched: <App::DocumentObject>, optional
If no watched value is provided, functionality relating to origin
and hide parameters will not occur. Only the nextCommand will fire.
When a watched value is provided, the selection observer will only
fire when the watched object has been selected.
hide: bool
Sets if the watched object should be hidden.
origin: <App::DocumentObject, optional
If provided, and hide is True, will make the origin object
selectable, and opaque (set transparency to 0).
nextCommand: str
Name of Gui command to run when the watched object is selected, (if
one is specified), or when anything is selected (if no watched
object is specified).
def ArchComponent.ArchSelectionObserver.addSelection |
( |
self, |
document, |
object, |
element, |
position |
) |
| |
Method called when a selection is made on the Gui.
When a nextCommand is specified, fire a Gui command when anything is
When a watched object is specified, only fire when this watched object
is selected.
document: str
The document's Name.
object: str
The selected object's Name.
element: str
The element on the object that was selected, such as an edge or
The location in XYZ space the selection was made.
References MeshGui::ViewProviderMeshCurvature.hide(), ArchSite.Compass.hide(), DraftGui.DraftToolBar.hide(), draftguitools.gui_snapper.Snapper.hide(), PathScripts.PathFeatureExtensionsGui._Extension.hide(), DocumentObject.ViewProvider.hide(), Mod.Show.mTempoVis.TempoVis.hide(), Gui::ViewProvider.hide(), DrawingGui::ViewProviderDrawingPage.hide(), DrawingGui::ViewProviderDrawingView.hide(), DrawingGui::ViewProviderDrawingClip.hide(), FemGui::ViewProviderFemAnalysis.hide(), FemGui::ViewProviderFemPostObject.hide(), InspectionGui::ViewProviderInspection.hide(), TechDrawGui::ViewProviderViewClip.hide(), Gui::ViewProviderDocumentObject.hide(), ArchComponent.ArchSelectionObserver.hide, FemFace.hide, PathScripts.PathToolEdit.ToolEditorImage.hide, TechDrawGui::ViewProviderDrawingView.hide(), TechDrawGui::ViewProviderPage.hide(), TechDrawGui::ViewProviderTemplate.hide(), ArchComponent.ArchSelectionObserver.nextCommand, ArchComponent.ArchSelectionObserver.origin, draftguitools.gui_trackers.rectangleTracker.origin, PartGui::DimensionLinear.origin, PartGui::VectorAdapter.origin, PathScripts.PathStock.StockFromBase.origin, KDL::Joint.origin, TechDraw::DrawViewBalloon.origin, and ArchComponent.ArchSelectionObserver.watched.