This is the complete list of members for e57::ImageFileImpl, including all inherited members.
allocateSpace(uint64_t byteCount, bool doExtendNow) | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
bitsNeeded(int64_t minimum, int64_t maximum) | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
BlobNodeImpl | e57::ImageFileImpl | friend |
cancel() | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
checkElementNameLegal(const ustring &elementName, bool allowNumber=true) | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
close() | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
CompressedVectorReaderImpl | e57::ImageFileImpl | friend |
CompressedVectorWriterImpl | e57::ImageFileImpl | friend |
construct2(const ustring &fileName, const ustring &mode) | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
construct2(const char *input, const uint64_t size) | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
decrReaderCount() | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
decrWriterCount() | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
E57XmlParser | e57::ImageFileImpl | friend |
elementNameParse(const ustring &elementName, ustring &prefix, ustring &localPart, bool allowNumber=true) | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
extensionsAdd(const ustring &prefix, const ustring &uri) | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
extensionsCount() const | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
extensionsLookupPrefix(const ustring &prefix, ustring &uri) const | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
extensionsLookupUri(const ustring &uri, ustring &prefix) const | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
extensionsPrefix(const size_t index) const | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
extensionsUri(const size_t index) const | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
file() const | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
fileName() const | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
ImageFileImpl(ReadChecksumPolicy policy) | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
incrReaderCount() | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
incrWriterCount() | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
isElementNameExtended(const ustring &elementName) | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
isElementNameLegal(const ustring &elementName, bool allowNumber=true) | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
isOpen() const | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
isPathNameLegal(const ustring &pathName) | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
isWriter() const | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
pathNameCheckWellFormed(const ustring &pathName) | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
pathNameParse(const ustring &pathName, bool &isRelative, StringList &fields) | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
pathNameUnparse(bool isRelative, const StringList &fields) | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
readerCount() const | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
root() | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
writerCount() const | e57::ImageFileImpl | |
~ImageFileImpl() | e57::ImageFileImpl | |