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This is the complete list of members for TechDraw::DrawUtil, including all inherited members.
angleComposition(double fi, double delta) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
angleDifference(double fi1, double fi2, bool reflex=false) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
angleNormalize(double &fi) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
angleWithX(TopoDS_Edge e, bool reverse) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
angleWithX(TopoDS_Edge e, TopoDS_Vertex v, double tolerance=VERTEXTOLERANCE) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
boxIntersect2d(Base::Vector3d point, Base::Vector3d dir, double xRange, double yRange) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
checkParallel(const Base::Vector3d v1, const Base::Vector3d v2, double tolerance=FLT_EPSILON) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
circulation(Base::Vector3d A, Base::Vector3d B, Base::Vector3d C) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
closestBasis(Base::Vector3d v) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
colorToPyTuple(App::Color color) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
copyFile(std::string inSpec, std::string outSpec) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
countEdges(const char *label, const TopoDS_Shape &s) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
countFaces(const char *label, const TopoDS_Shape &s) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
countSubShapes(TopoDS_Shape shape, TopAbs_ShapeEnum subShape) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
countWires(const char *label, const TopoDS_Shape &s) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
dump1Vertex(const char *label, const TopoDS_Vertex &v) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
dumpCS(const char *text, const gp_Ax2 &CS) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
dumpCS3(const char *text, const gp_Ax3 &CS) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
dumpEdge(const char *label, int i, TopoDS_Edge e) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
dumpEdges(const char *text, const TopoDS_Shape &s) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
dumpVertexes(const char *text, const TopoDS_Shape &s) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
findCircleRectangleIntersections(const Base::Vector2d &circleCenter, double circleRadius, const Base::BoundBox2d &rectangle, std::vector< Base::Vector2d > &intersections) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
findCircularArcRectangleIntersections(const Base::Vector2d &circleCenter, double circleRadius, double arcBaseAngle, double arcRotation, const Base::BoundBox2d &rectangle, std::vector< Base::Vector2d > &intersections) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
findConicRectangleIntersections(double conicAx2, double conicBxy, double conicCy2, double conicDx, double conicEy, double conicF, const Base::BoundBox2d &rectangle, std::vector< Base::Vector2d > &intersections) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
findLineRectangleIntersections(const Base::Vector2d &linePoint, double lineAngle, const Base::BoundBox2d &rectangle, std::vector< Base::Vector2d > &intersections) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
findLineSegmentRectangleIntersections(const Base::Vector2d &linePoint, double lineAngle, double segmentBasePosition, double segmentLength, const Base::BoundBox2d &rectangle, std::vector< Base::Vector2d > &intersections) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
findRootForValue(double Ax2, double Bxy, double Cy2, double Dx, double Ey, double F, double value, bool findX, double roots[]) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
formatVector(const Base::Vector3d &v) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
formatVector(const gp_Dir &v) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
formatVector(const gp_Dir2d &v) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
formatVector(const gp_Vec &v) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
formatVector(const gp_Pnt &v) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
formatVector(const gp_Pnt2d &v) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
formatVector(const QPointF &v) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
fpCompare(const double &d1, const double &d2, double tolerance=FLT_EPSILON) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
getDefaultLineWeight(std::string s) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
getFaceCenter(TopoDS_Face f) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
getGeomTypeFromName(std::string geomName) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
getIndexFromName(std::string geomName) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
gpPnt2V3(const gp_Pnt gp) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
Intersect2d(Base::Vector3d p1, Base::Vector3d d1, Base::Vector3d p2, Base::Vector3d d2) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
Intersect2d(Base::Vector2d p1, Base::Vector2d d1, Base::Vector2d p2, Base::Vector2d d2) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
intervalMarkCircular(std::vector< std::pair< double, bool > > &marking, double start, double length, bool value) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
intervalMarkLinear(std::vector< std::pair< double, bool > > &marking, double start, double length, bool value) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
intervalMerge(std::vector< std::pair< double, bool > > &marking, double boundary, bool wraps) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
invertY(Base::Vector3d v) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
invertY(QPointF p) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
isBetween(const Base::Vector3d pt, const Base::Vector3d end1, const Base::Vector3d end2) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
isCrazy(TopoDS_Edge e) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
isFirstVert(TopoDS_Edge e, TopoDS_Vertex v, double tolerance=VERTEXTOLERANCE) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
isLastVert(TopoDS_Edge e, TopoDS_Vertex v, double tolerance=VERTEXTOLERANCE) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
isSamePoint(TopoDS_Vertex v1, TopoDS_Vertex v2, double tolerance=VERTEXTOLERANCE) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
isZeroEdge(TopoDS_Edge e, double tolerance=VERTEXTOLERANCE) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
makeGeomName(std::string geomType, int index) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
mergeBoundedPoint(const Base::Vector2d &point, const Base::BoundBox2d &boundary, std::vector< Base::Vector2d > &storage) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
printBool(bool b) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
pyTupleToColor(PyObject *pColor) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
qbaToDebug(const QByteArray &line) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
sensibleScale(double working_scale) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
sgn(double x) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
shapeFromString(std::string s) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
shapeToString(TopoDS_Shape s) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
simpleMinDist(TopoDS_Shape s1, TopoDS_Shape s2) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
split(std::string csvLine) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
sqr(double x) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
tokenize(std::string csvLine, std::string delimiter=",$$$,") | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
toR3(const gp_Ax2 &fromSystem, const Base::Vector3d &fromPoint) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
V32gpPnt(const Base::Vector3d v) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
vecRotate(Base::Vector3d vec, double angle, Base::Vector3d axis, Base::Vector3d org=Base::Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
vectorLess(const Base::Vector3d &v1, const Base::Vector3d &v2) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
vectorToCompound(std::vector< TopoDS_Edge > vecIn) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |
vertex2Vector(const TopoDS_Vertex &v) | TechDraw::DrawUtil | static |