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This is the complete list of members for Mesh::Facet, including all inherited members.
AdjustCirculationDirection() | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
Area() const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
ArrangeNormal(const Base::Vector3f &rclN) | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
AspectRatio() const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
AspectRatio2() const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
CalcNormal() const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
CenterOfCircumCircle(Base::Vector3f &rclCenter) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
CenterOfInscribedCircle(Base::Vector3f &rclCenter) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
ContainedByOrIntersectBoundingBox(const Base::BoundBox3f &rcBB) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
DistancePlaneToPoint(const Base::Vector3f &rclPoint) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
DistanceToLineSegment(const Base::Vector3f &rcP1, const Base::Vector3f &rcP2) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
DistanceToPoint(const Base::Vector3f &rcPt) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
DistanceToPoint(const Base::Vector3f &rclPt, Base::Vector3f &rclNt) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
Enlarge(float fDist) | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
Facet(const MeshCore::MeshFacet &face=MeshCore::MeshFacet(), const MeshObject *obj=nullptr, MeshCore::FacetIndex index=MeshCore::FACET_INDEX_MAX) | Mesh::Facet | |
Facet(const Facet &f) | Mesh::Facet | |
Foraminate(const Base::Vector3f &rclPt, const Base::Vector3f &rclDir, Base::Vector3f &rclRes, float fMaxAngle=Mathf::PI) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
GetBoundBox() const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
getEdge(int) const | Mesh::Facet | |
GetEdge(short side) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
GetGravityPoint() const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
GetNormal() const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
Index | Mesh::Facet | |
IntersectBoundingBox(const Base::BoundBox3f &rclBB) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
IntersectPlaneWithLine(const Base::Vector3f &rclBase, const Base::Vector3f &rclNormal, Base::Vector3f &rclRes) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
IntersectWithFacet(const MeshGeomFacet &rclFacet) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
IntersectWithFacet(const MeshGeomFacet &facet, Base::Vector3f &rclPt0, Base::Vector3f &rclPt1) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
IntersectWithLine(const Base::Vector3f &rclPt, const Base::Vector3f &rclDir, Base::Vector3f &rclRes) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
IntersectWithPlane(const Base::Vector3f &rclBase, const Base::Vector3f &rclNormal, Base::Vector3f &rclP1, Base::Vector3f &rclP2) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
IntersectWithPlane(const Base::Vector3f &rclBase, const Base::Vector3f &rclNormal) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
isBound() const | Mesh::Facet | |
IsCoplanar(const MeshGeomFacet &facet) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
IsDeformed(float fCosOfMinAngle, float fCosOfMaxAngle) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
IsDegenerated(float epsilon) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
IsFlag(MeshFacet::TFlagType tF) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
IsPointOf(const Base::Vector3f &rclPoint, float fDistance) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
IsPointOf(const Base::Vector3f &rclPoint) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
IsPointOfFace(const Base::Vector3f &rclP, float fDistance) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
IsPointOfSphere(const Base::Vector3f &rP) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
IsPointOfSphere(const MeshGeomFacet &rFacet) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
MaximumAngle() const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
Mesh | Mesh::Facet | |
MeshGeomFacet() | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
MeshGeomFacet(const Base::Vector3f &v1, const Base::Vector3f &v2, const Base::Vector3f &v3) | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
MinimumAngle() const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
NearestEdgeToPoint(const Base::Vector3f &rclPt) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
NearestEdgeToPoint(const Base::Vector3f &rclPt, float &fDistance, unsigned short &side) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
NIndex | Mesh::Facet | |
NormalInvalid() | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
operator=(const Facet &f) | Mesh::Facet | |
Perimeter() const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
PIndex | Mesh::Facet | |
ProjectFacetToPlane(MeshGeomFacet &rclFacet) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
ProjectPointToPlane(const Base::Vector3f &rclPoint, Base::Vector3f &rclProj) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
ResetFlag(MeshFacet::TFlagType tF) | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
Roundness() const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
SetFlag(MeshFacet::TFlagType tF) | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
SetNormal(const Base::Vector3f &rclNormal) | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
SubSample(float fStep, std::vector< Base::Vector3f > &rclPoints) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
Transform(const Base::Matrix4D &) | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
VolumeOfPrism(const MeshGeomFacet &rclF) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
Weights(const Base::Vector3f &rclP, float &w0, float &w1, float &w2) const | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet | |
~Facet() | Mesh::Facet | |
~MeshGeomFacet() | MeshCore::MeshGeomFacet |