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FreeCAD Developers Handbook

A handbook about FreeCAD development

Primary Elements #

Toolbars #

Toolbar management in complex technical software such as CAD poses unique challenges as there are often hundreds of potential tools, functions, or features which may require ready access within the GUI. The Pareto-Principle (80/20 rule) should be the basis for how toolbars are populated. The 80/20 rule states that 20% of the input results in 80% of the output. This would imply that 20% of a set of tools get 80% of the use. While this may not be a perfect correlating principle, it should help guide a critical thought process about which tools go onto a toolbar and also how they are organized.

Toolbar Organization Guidelines:

Toolbar Buttons:

Dock Windows #

These are the dockable panels that typically reside docked to the left, right or bottom edges of the FreeCAD UI.

Task Panels: #

These panels are a quintessential component of FreeCAD’s interface. A task panel is the means by which a user interacts with the current task being performed. Ranging from controlling sketch elements, defining parameters for a feature such as a Chamfer or set up parameters for CNC machining. These critical components must be uniform in both layout and sizing. A default width, in accordance with the UI zones and layout definitions is established at 360 pixels.

Here are general guidelines to be followed for a task panel:

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