SMESH_Block Member List
This is the complete list of members for SMESH_Block, including all inherited members.
ComputeParameters(const gp_Pnt &thePoint, gp_XYZ &theParams, const int theShapeID=ID_Shell, const gp_XYZ &theParamsHint=gp_XYZ(-1,-1,-1)) | SMESH_Block | |
computeParameters(const gp_Pnt &thePoint, gp_XYZ &theParams, const gp_XYZ &theParamsHint, int) | SMESH_Block | protected |
Derivatives(const math_Vector &X, math_Matrix &D) | SMESH_Block | |
distance() const | SMESH_Block | protected |
DistanceReached() const | SMESH_Block | |
DRV_1 enum value | SMESH_Block | protected |
DRV_2 enum value | SMESH_Block | protected |
DRV_3 enum value | SMESH_Block | protected |
DumpShapeID(const int theBlockShapeID, std::ostream &stream) | SMESH_Block | static |
EdgeParameters(const int theEdgeID, const double theU, gp_XYZ &theParams) | SMESH_Block | |
EdgePoint(const int theEdgeID, const gp_XYZ &theParams, gp_XYZ &thePoint) const | SMESH_Block | |
EdgeU(const int theEdgeID, const gp_XYZ &theParams, double &theU) const | SMESH_Block | |
FacePoint(const int theFaceID, const gp_XYZ &theParams, gp_XYZ &thePoint) const | SMESH_Block | |
FaceUV(const int theFaceID, const gp_XYZ &theParams, gp_XY &theUV) const | SMESH_Block | |
FindBlockShapes(const TopoDS_Shell &theShell, const TopoDS_Vertex &theVertex000, const TopoDS_Vertex &theVertex001, TopTools_IndexedMapOfOrientedShape &theShapeIDMap) | SMESH_Block | static |
findUVAround(const gp_Pnt &thePoint, const gp_XY &theUV, const TFace &tface, gp_XYZ &theParams, int nbGetWorstLimit) | SMESH_Block | protected |
findUVByHalfDivision(const gp_Pnt &thePoint, const gp_XY &theUV, const TFace &tface, gp_XYZ &theParams) | SMESH_Block | protected |
funcValue(double sqDist) const | SMESH_Block | protected |
GetCoordIndOnEdge(const int theEdgeID) | SMESH_Block | static |
GetEdgeVertexIDs(const int edgeID, std::vector< int > &vertexVec) | SMESH_Block | static |
GetFaceEdgesIDs(const int faceID, std::vector< int > &edgeVec) | SMESH_Block | static |
GetOrderedEdges(const TopoDS_Face &theFace, std::list< TopoDS_Edge > &theEdges, std::list< int > &theNbEdgesInWires, TopoDS_Vertex theFirstVertex=TopoDS_Vertex(), const bool theShapeAnalysisAlgo=false) | SMESH_Block | static |
GetShapeCoef(const int theShapeID) | SMESH_Block | static |
GetShapeIDByParams(const gp_XYZ &theParams) | SMESH_Block | static |
GetStateNumber() | SMESH_Block | |
GetTolerance() const | SMESH_Block | |
ID_E00z enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_E01z enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_E0y0 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_E0y1 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_E10z enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_E11z enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_E1y0 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_E1y1 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_Ex00 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_Ex01 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_Ex10 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_Ex11 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_F0yz enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_F1yz enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_FirstE enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_FirstF enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_FirstV enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_Fx0z enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_Fx1z enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_Fxy0 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_Fxy1 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_NONE enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_Shell enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_V000 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_V001 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_V010 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_V011 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_V100 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_V101 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_V110 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
ID_V111 enum value | SMESH_Block | |
init() | SMESH_Block | protected |
Insert(const TopoDS_Shape &theShape, const int theShapeID, TopTools_IndexedMapOfOrientedShape &theShapeIDMap) | SMESH_Block | static |
IsEdgeID(int theShapeID) | SMESH_Block | static |
IsFaceID(int theShapeID) | SMESH_Block | static |
IsForwardEdge(const TopoDS_Edge &theEdge, const TopTools_IndexedMapOfOrientedShape &theShapeIDMap) | SMESH_Block | static |
IsToleranceReached() const | SMESH_Block | |
IsVertexID(int theShapeID) | SMESH_Block | static |
LoadBlockShapes(const TopoDS_Shell &theShell, const TopoDS_Vertex &theVertex000, const TopoDS_Vertex &theVertex001, TopTools_IndexedMapOfOrientedShape &theShapeIDMap) | SMESH_Block | |
LoadBlockShapes(const TopTools_IndexedMapOfOrientedShape &theShapeIDMap) | SMESH_Block | |
LoadFace(const TopoDS_Face &theFace, const int theFaceID, const TopTools_IndexedMapOfOrientedShape &theShapeIDMap) | SMESH_Block | |
LoadMeshBlock(const SMDS_MeshVolume *theVolume, const int theNode000Index, const int theNode001Index, std::vector< const SMDS_MeshNode * > &theOrderedNodes) | SMESH_Block | |
my3x3x3GridNodes | SMESH_Block | protected |
myEdge | SMESH_Block | protected |
myFace | SMESH_Block | protected |
myFaceIndex | SMESH_Block | protected |
myFaceParam | SMESH_Block | protected |
myGridComputed | SMESH_Block | protected |
myNbIterations | SMESH_Block | protected |
myParam | SMESH_Block | protected |
myPnt | SMESH_Block | protected |
myPoint | SMESH_Block | protected |
mySquareFunc | SMESH_Block | protected |
mySumDist | SMESH_Block | protected |
myTolerance | SMESH_Block | protected |
myValues | SMESH_Block | protected |
NbEdges() | SMESH_Block | static |
NbEquations() const | SMESH_Block | |
NbFaces() | SMESH_Block | static |
NbSubShapes() | SMESH_Block | static |
NbVariables() const | SMESH_Block | |
NbVertices() | SMESH_Block | static |
refineParametersOnFace(const gp_Pnt &thePoint, gp_XYZ &theParams, int theFaceID) | SMESH_Block | protected |
saveBetterSolution(const gp_XYZ &theNewParams, gp_XYZ &theParams, double sqDistance) | SMESH_Block | protected |
SetTolerance(const double tol) | SMESH_Block | |
ShapeIndex(int theShapeID) | SMESH_Block | static |
ShellPoint(const gp_XYZ &theParams, gp_XYZ &thePoint) const | SMESH_Block | |
ShellPoint(const gp_XYZ &theParams, const std::vector< gp_XYZ > &thePointOnShape, gp_XYZ &thePoint) | SMESH_Block | static |
SMESH_Block() | SMESH_Block | |
SQUARE_DIST enum value | SMESH_Block | protected |
TShapeID enum name | SMESH_Block | |
TxyzPair typedef | SMESH_Block | protected |
Value(const math_Vector &X, math_Vector &F) | SMESH_Block | |
Values(const math_Vector &X, math_Vector &F, math_Matrix &D) | SMESH_Block | |
VertexParameters(const int theVertexID, gp_XYZ &theParams) | SMESH_Block | |
VertexPoint(const int theVertexID, gp_XYZ &thePoint) const | SMESH_Block |