Part::TopoShape Member List
This is the complete list of members for Part::TopoShape, including all inherited members.
analyze(bool runBopCheck, std::ostream &) const | Part::TopoShape | |
applyRotation(const Base::Rotation &) | Data::ComplexGeoData | |
applyTransform(const Base::Matrix4D &rclTrf) | Data::ComplexGeoData | |
applyTranslation(const Base::Vector3d &) | Data::ComplexGeoData | |
BaseClass() | Base::BaseClass | |
common(TopoDS_Shape) const | Part::TopoShape | |
common(const std::vector< TopoDS_Shape > &, Standard_Real tolerance=0.0) const | Part::TopoShape | |
ComplexGeoData(void) | Data::ComplexGeoData | |
convert(const gp_Trsf &trsf) | Part::TopoShape | static |
convert(const Base::Matrix4D &mtrx) | Part::TopoShape | static |
convertTogpTrsf(const Base::Matrix4D &mtrx, gp_Trsf &trsf) | Part::TopoShape | static |
convertToMatrix(const gp_Trsf &trsf, Base::Matrix4D &mtrx) | Part::TopoShape | static |
countSubElements(const char *Type) const | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
countSubShapes(const char *Type) const | Part::TopoShape | |
countSubShapes(TopAbs_ShapeEnum type) const | Part::TopoShape | |
create(void) | Base::Persistence | static |
cut(TopoDS_Shape) const | Part::TopoShape | |
cut(const std::vector< TopoDS_Shape > &, Standard_Real tolerance=0.0) const | Part::TopoShape | |
defeaturing(const std::vector< TopoDS_Shape > &s) const | Part::TopoShape | |
dump(std::ostream &out) const | Part::TopoShape | |
dumpToStream(std::ostream &stream, int compression) | Base::Persistence | |
elementMapPrefix() | Data::ComplexGeoData | static |
encodeAttribute(const std::string &) | Base::Persistence | static |
exportBinary(std::ostream &) | Part::TopoShape | |
exportBrep(const char *FileName) const | Part::TopoShape | |
exportBrep(std::ostream &) const | Part::TopoShape | |
exportFaceSet(double, double, const std::vector< App::Color > &, std::ostream &) const | Part::TopoShape | |
exportIges(const char *FileName) const | Part::TopoShape | |
exportLineSet(std::ostream &) const | Part::TopoShape | |
exportStep(const char *FileName) const | Part::TopoShape | |
exportStl(const char *FileName, double deflection) const | Part::TopoShape | |
findElementName(const char *subname) | Data::ComplexGeoData | static |
findPlane(gp_Pln &pln, double tol=-1) const | Part::TopoShape | |
fix(double, double, double) | Part::TopoShape | |
fuse(TopoDS_Shape) const | Part::TopoShape | |
fuse(const std::vector< TopoDS_Shape > &, Standard_Real tolerance=0.0) const | Part::TopoShape | |
generalFuse(const std::vector< TopoDS_Shape > &sOthers, Standard_Real tolerance, std::vector< TopTools_ListOfShape > *mapInOut=nullptr) const | Part::TopoShape | |
getBoundBox(void) const | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
getCenterOfGravity(Base::Vector3d ¢er) const | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
getClassTypeId(void) | Base::Persistence | static |
getDomains(std::vector< Domain > &) const | Part::TopoShape | |
getElementTypes(void) const | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
getFaces(std::vector< Base::Vector3d > &Points, std::vector< Facet > &faces, float Accuracy, uint16_t flags=0) const | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
getFacesFromSubelement(const Data::Segment *, std::vector< Base::Vector3d > &Points, std::vector< Base::Vector3d > &PointNormals, std::vector< Facet > &faces) const | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
getLines(std::vector< Base::Vector3d > &Points, std::vector< Line > &lines, float Accuracy, uint16_t flags=0) const | Data::ComplexGeoData | virtual |
getLinesFromSubelement(const Data::Segment *, std::vector< Base::Vector3d > &Points, std::vector< Line > &lines) const | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
getMemSize(void) const | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
getPlacement() const | Data::ComplexGeoData | |
getPlacemet(void) const | Part::TopoShape | |
getPointFromLineIntersection(const Base::Vector3f &base, const Base::Vector3f &dir) const | Data::ComplexGeoData | virtual |
getPoints(std::vector< Base::Vector3d > &Points, std::vector< Base::Vector3d > &Normals, float Accuracy, uint16_t flags=0) const | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
getPyObject(void) | Base::BaseClass | virtual |
getPySubShape(const char *Type, bool silent=false) const | Part::TopoShape | |
getRefCount(void) const | Base::Handled | |
getShape() const | Part::TopoShape | |
getSubElement(const char *Type, unsigned long) const | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
getSubElementByName(const char *Name) const | Data::ComplexGeoData | virtual |
getSubShape(const char *Type, bool silent=false) const | Part::TopoShape | |
getSubShape(TopAbs_ShapeEnum type, int idx, bool silent=false) const | Part::TopoShape | |
getSubShapes(TopAbs_ShapeEnum type=TopAbs_SHAPE) const | Part::TopoShape | |
getSubTopoShapes(TopAbs_ShapeEnum type=TopAbs_SHAPE) const | Part::TopoShape | |
getTransform(void) const | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
getTypeId(void) const | Base::Persistence | virtual |
Handled() | Base::Handled | |
hasMappedElementName(const char *subname) | Data::ComplexGeoData | static |
hasMissingElement(const char *subname) | Data::ComplexGeoData | static |
hasSubShape(const char *Type) const | Part::TopoShape | |
hasSubShape(TopAbs_ShapeEnum type) const | Part::TopoShape | |
importBinary(std::istream &) | Part::TopoShape | |
importBrep(const char *FileName) | Part::TopoShape | |
importBrep(std::istream &, int indicator=1) | Part::TopoShape | |
importIges(const char *FileName) | Part::TopoShape | |
importStep(const char *FileName) | Part::TopoShape | |
indexPostfix() | Data::ComplexGeoData | static |
init(void) | Base::Persistence | static |
initSubclass(Base::Type &toInit, const char *ClassName, const char *ParentName, Type::instantiationMethod method=nullptr) | Base::BaseClass | protectedstatic |
isClosed() const | Part::TopoShape | |
isCoplanar(const TopoShape &other, double tol=-1) const | Part::TopoShape | |
isDerivedFrom(const Type type) const | Base::BaseClass | |
isMappedElement(const char *name) | Data::ComplexGeoData | static |
isNull() const | Part::TopoShape | |
isValid() const | Part::TopoShape | |
makECompound(const std::vector< TopoShape > &shapes, const char *op=0, bool force=true) | Part::TopoShape | |
makEFace(const std::vector< TopoShape > &shapes, const char *op=0, const char *maker=0) | Part::TopoShape | |
makEFace(const TopoShape &shape, const char *op=0, const char *maker=0) | Part::TopoShape | |
makEFace(const char *op=0, const char *maker=0) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makEGTransform(const TopoShape &shape, const Base::Matrix4D &mat, const char *op=0, bool copy=false) | Part::TopoShape | |
makEGTransform(const Base::Matrix4D &mat, const char *op=0, bool copy=false) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makeHelix(Standard_Real pitch, Standard_Real height, Standard_Real radius, Standard_Real angle=0, Standard_Boolean left=Standard_False, Standard_Boolean style=Standard_False) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makeLoft(const TopTools_ListOfShape &profiles, Standard_Boolean isSolid, Standard_Boolean isRuled, Standard_Boolean isClosed=Standard_False, Standard_Integer maxDegree=5) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makeLongHelix(Standard_Real pitch, Standard_Real height, Standard_Real radius, Standard_Real angle=0, Standard_Boolean left=Standard_False) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makeOffset2D(double offset, short joinType=0, bool fill=false, bool allowOpenResult=false, bool intersection=false) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makeOffsetShape(double offset, double tol, bool intersection=false, bool selfInter=false, short offsetMode=0, short join=0, bool fill=false) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makePipe(const TopoDS_Shape &profile) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makePipeShell(const TopTools_ListOfShape &profiles, const Standard_Boolean make_solid, const Standard_Boolean isFrenet=Standard_False, int transition=0) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makePrism(const gp_Vec &) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makERefine(const TopoShape &shape, const char *op=0, bool no_fail=true) | Part::TopoShape | |
makERefine(const char *op=0, bool no_fail=true) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makeShell(const TopoDS_Shape &) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makeSweep(const TopoDS_Shape &profile, double, int) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makeThickSolid(const TopTools_ListOfShape &remFace, double offset, double tol, bool intersection=false, bool selfInter=false, short offsetMode=0, short join=0) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makeThread(Standard_Real pitch, Standard_Real depth, Standard_Real height, Standard_Real radius) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makETransform(const TopoShape &shape, const Base::Matrix4D &mat, const char *op=0, bool checkScale=false, bool copy=false) | Part::TopoShape | |
makETransform(const Base::Matrix4D &mat, const char *op=0, bool checkScale=false, bool copy=false) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makETransform(const TopoShape &shape, const gp_Trsf &trsf, const char *op=0, bool copy=false) | Part::TopoShape | |
makETransform(const gp_Trsf &trsf, const char *op=0, bool copy=false) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makeTube(double radius, double tol, int cont, int maxdeg, int maxsegm) const | Part::TopoShape | |
makEWires(const TopoShape &shape, const char *op=0, bool fix=false, double tol=0.0) | Part::TopoShape | |
makEWires(const char *op=0, bool fix=false, double tol=0.0) const | Part::TopoShape | |
mirror(const gp_Ax2 &) const | Part::TopoShape | |
missingPrefix() | Data::ComplexGeoData | static |
move(const TopLoc_Location &loc) | Part::TopoShape | |
moved(const TopLoc_Location &loc) const | Part::TopoShape | |
newElementName(const char *name) | Data::ComplexGeoData | static |
noElementName(const char *name) | Data::ComplexGeoData | static |
oldElementName(const char *name) | Data::ComplexGeoData | static |
oldFuse(TopoDS_Shape) const | Part::TopoShape | |
operator=(const TopoShape &) | Part::TopoShape | |
Data::ComplexGeoData::operator=(const Handled &) | Base::Handled | |
read(const char *FileName) | Part::TopoShape | |
ref() const | Base::Handled | |
removeInternalWires(double) | Part::TopoShape | |
removeShape(const std::vector< TopoDS_Shape > &s) const | Part::TopoShape | |
removeSplitter() const | Part::TopoShape | |
replaceShape(const std::vector< std::pair< TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Shape > > &s) const | Part::TopoShape | |
Restore(Base::XMLReader &reader) | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
RestoreDocFile(Base::Reader &reader) | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
restoreFromStream(std::istream &stream) | Base::Persistence | |
revolve(const gp_Ax1 &, double d, Standard_Boolean isSolid=Standard_False) const | Part::TopoShape | |
Save(Base::Writer &writer) const | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
SaveDocFile(Base::Writer &writer) const | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
section(TopoDS_Shape, Standard_Boolean approximate=Standard_False) const | Part::TopoShape | |
section(const std::vector< TopoDS_Shape > &, Standard_Real tolerance=0.0, Standard_Boolean approximate=Standard_False) const | Part::TopoShape | |
setFaces(const std::vector< Base::Vector3d > &Points, const std::vector< Facet > &faces, float Accuracy=1.0e-06) | Part::TopoShape | |
setPlacement(const Base::Placement &rclTrf) | Part::TopoShape | |
setPyObject(PyObject *) | Base::BaseClass | virtual |
setShape(const TopoDS_Shape &shape) | Part::TopoShape | |
setTransform(const Base::Matrix4D &rclTrf) | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
sewShape() | Part::TopoShape | |
shapeName(TopAbs_ShapeEnum type, bool silent=false) | Part::TopoShape | static |
shapeName(bool silent=false) const | Part::TopoShape | |
shapeType(const char *type, bool silent=false) | Part::TopoShape | static |
shapeType(char type, bool silent=false) | Part::TopoShape | static |
shapeType(bool silent=false) const | Part::TopoShape | |
shapeTypeAndIndex(const char *name) | Part::TopoShape | static |
slice(const Base::Vector3d &, double) const | Part::TopoShape | |
slices(const Base::Vector3d &, const std::vector< double > &) const | Part::TopoShape | |
Tag | Data::ComplexGeoData | mutable |
tagPostfix() | Data::ComplexGeoData | static |
toNurbs() const | Part::TopoShape | |
TopoShape() | Part::TopoShape | |
TopoShape(const TopoDS_Shape &) | Part::TopoShape | |
TopoShape(const TopoShape &) | Part::TopoShape | |
transformGeometry(const Base::Matrix4D &rclMat) | Part::TopoShape | virtual |
transformGShape(const Base::Matrix4D &) const | Part::TopoShape | |
transformShape(const Base::Matrix4D &, bool copy, bool checkScale=false) | Part::TopoShape | |
transformToInside(const Base::Vector3d &vec) const | Data::ComplexGeoData | protected |
transformToOutside(const Base::Vector3f &vec) const | Data::ComplexGeoData | protected |
unref() const | Base::Handled | |
write(const char *FileName) const | Part::TopoShape | |
~BaseClass() | Base::BaseClass | virtual |
~ComplexGeoData() | Data::ComplexGeoData | virtual |
~Handled() | Base::Handled | virtual |
~TopoShape() | Part::TopoShape |